Tuesday, November 30, 2010

--- China under the global financial turmoil, new thinking sea


in the global financial turmoil, the communications industry has entered an eventful year. If 2007 gave rise to large-scale mergers and acquisitions wave of communications equipment manufacturers is the industry's competitive situation dictates, then the current environment, with a trace of the communications industry, both from within the taste. Snow, fool to see herons, Cong who see the snow, the wise see the white. point of view of the ideological level and at different levels are arranged, to put it thorough, was fine on secluded. Zen Poetry

read this first, think of our Ocean business,UGG boots, customer demand is there, the market, technical, producers, corporate decision-making, we are also a member of China sea, doing the same work , and why sometimes the effect is very different understanding of things? In fact, in addition to the factors that can not be ignored, mainly because each person's world view, thought the angle of view and look at the issue differently and see the depth and level there are differences.

quality of the door: China sea, day and year

met a young painter Menzel famous French painter, and he immediately ask to Menzel: Sir, I can often make a day picture, you can sell it a year's time, and why?

Menzel smiled and said: young man, you can change a try. One day you draw the picture painted by one year to see if I can shorten the time to sell paintings a year for the day. Finished, Menzel left.

young back then, the beginning of a period of time, but also the speed is not always slow down the painting. Later, he forced his patience and ideas, try to figure out, and basic skills training hard in her spare time, and strive to each pen can be vivid, if there is a big mistake to destroy the re-painting.

few years later, he found his own style and painting techniques have significantly improved. He tried several years to draw the most satisfying pieces of work to sell out, an unexpected outcome: the people have praised his paintings, and was willing to pay a high price to buy it.

Soon, this young man became a famous local artist.

Obviously, this story is to seriously do something about the details determine success or failure, and success to the natural into the truth. For China Sea, this year sent to JL digital counter move caused a few As production processes do not pay attention to details (one day's time to paint), deformation of the cabinet door, turn off the loose, causing the company to be sent back and forth all the way after-sales service engineers to spend almost a week rectification, replacement of doors, the business staff to handle customer relations emotions (with one year sell paintings). Moreover, due to quality testing department ignored a DDF, making the company sent a group of the Council some of the test plug unreasonable number of aircraft, the failure rate of 5% as much of the engineering use of our complaints. Circuit in a timely manner to ensure the opening of the Council, the company had to spend a lot of manpower, material scattered in a dozen cities and counties on the number of aircraft to 100% of the re-testing and replacement, although the ultimate is to ensure that the Council's construction schedule requirements, But the company's brand image in the eyes of customers reduced.

itself, more or less give us a quality alarm companies, who put quality as a trifling matter, who will be eliminated.

third of the world: China sea, a great marketing ideas

lock, iron went to great lengths, or no way to pry open.

the key here, his thin body got into the keyhole, just gently turn, big lock

Irons surprised, and asked: is This is established by different companies with different marketing ideas. Recently, China Telecom CDMA tender, Huawei diving prices, the trade shock; the beginning of the tender selection MDF China Mobile, China Sea low, peer shocked. In fact, the early access network, UT sold 1,800 yuan per line, Huawei launched the first line of 600 yuan each, UT disappeared, and Huawei occupy over 70% of the access network market share. Cable industry is feeling the same this reason, China take the first ultra low-cost strategy of the sea, out of the wing together, share of China Mobile China Sea wiring operations in six provinces, nearly three thousand shares. Huawei loss of the right, proved to the entire product life cycle, made a big Huawei. Ocean loss of the right, the global financial turmoil has resulted in collapse of raw materials and to the Chinese telecom restructuring to further expand the market share the sea a very good market opportunities. 

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