Monday, December 20, 2010

South Korea's military service system

 Because it is a big guy like South Korea have recently been hearing the news of their military service to go, first Kim Jong Kook, recently I have also started the myth dearest military career, so to find some information about the South Korean military service system mm
South Korean Military Service Law stipulates that 20 to 30 years old male citizens must perform military service, arms different lengths of service are different, but the shortest period of military service branches of the military also needs 24 months. Korean boys, after graduating from high school if not admitted to university, will immediately drafted into the military. If you went to college, usually dropped out of the sophomore year, and then go when the two soldiers, and then come back to finish their studies. It was also selected students after graduation exam, but students must also be served after reading . Only those who have serious illnesses or make a significant contribution to the country may be relief for military personnel. service during the training and daily life are extremely difficult, and a monthly allowance equivalent to only about 180 yuan RMB.
South Korean Constitution, the tax , education, industry and four major military service obligations. If the
the military service itself is not only a legal obligation to do, most people choose to volunteer army.
Korean men over 19 years of military service that is subject to examination (not a physical fitness test.) distinguish between the spot levels (similar to Japan in the past three conscription examination were divided into B and C), notify the draftees.
sick, or service will make family living in trouble, unable to service, they will be classified as species level.
soldiers military service period is 26 months the Army, Navy 28 months, the Air Force is 30 months. Navy and Air Force service period is longer, because the technology and proficiency of these Bingke have higher requirements. Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps personnel to test the selection of volunteers.
majority of active duty soldiers as Army soldiers, volunteer officers who were also Yixia class army, it was to the soldiers as the army, and then step down to persons, officers of the road. It is said that the voluntary military service draftees served very welcome as non-commissioned officers, military officers and so on. Although it has aided students tuition fees, as officers after graduating from such a system designed to ensure that the personnel, but military service period to be 6 to 7 years, this system is not very popular.
the other hand, in the 1990s has created a kind of The system, currently around the so-called compiled by the reserve army officials of But living in the barracks, but it is and serving soldiers, the biggest difference. By 1998, regular handling of reserve soldiers in the service during the 12 months prior to the first line military camp the living, and the average soldier serving the same service, then 14 months into the Homeland Defense Division, live in camps outside. to 1999 it was 26 months in the camp outside the residence. As you can live in their own homes, so many active duty soldiers envy, but to be designated service often handling reserve people, the most important thing is to have good luck.
system of military service in Korea there is a unique, so-called . They duty service and daily life, and the U.S. together with the general Han Guobing treatment still prevail. duty service environment and welfare than the average Han Guobing well, the addition of free time, many people volunteered to KATUSA. currently English proficiency test results to select staff.
in addition to . because it takes a lot of manpower in the police work, so most soldiers will be deployed to Xianyi serving Police Service.
duty police traffic control and general patrol Danren task of fighting the police are armed police in wartime to maintain law and order as , the usual task is responsible for the alert when there are demonstrations, specifications and suppression of .1980 to 90 years, has repeatedly appeared on television news, is that such fighting the police Mobile Brigade. They are not Department of Defense, but by the National Police Agency jurisdiction of the military, became the reserve after the Army sergeant.
In addition to these various military or quasi-military service, there were to be the system's creation.
did not enter the army for military service of these people, will go to the local governments, public bodies, as a public service staff. In general, his door will be sent to municipalities, districts, the hole (comparable to the municipalities, district) government, as members of administrative grants, the forest supervisor, subway station personnel, military service personnel, etc. work. It belongs to the Ministry of Government Administration and most grass-roots public servants.
Army soldiers during duty service longer than the average for 28 months. In addition, some people have been sent to the lack of medical resources in remote rural villages as a public insurance, health care, or to the defense industry, national policies serving the cause of certain back- period.
expired veterans who served after the
that who was drafted as as employees of public service to. In addition to belonging to the , Battle of the following year rotation to be served from 8 years of reserve service, non-commissioned officers and officers according to class, service reserve for the period from 40 to 56 years old. The reserve army of the training is in turn served for 7 years after the implementation, regardless of class. reserve army of labor class and the transfer of class when the same sergeant served in turn became the a certain number of days of reserve training. Section 1 year to 4 years, subject to an annual 4 to 5 days of training, 5 to 7 years, compared with 3 days. students, graduate students and teachers can be reduced to 1 day per year, as police and Firemen are not subject to the reserve forces training.
so, after expiry of the reserve as cars are stopped, people escape to the nearest building. This is the past, every month of the active-duty soldiers Two students, or be postponed and so on. Other examples of delayed orders issued to recruits there, but it is not extended indefinitely. because of enrollment or other reasons to postpone the recruitment examination, reflecting the importance of education in Korean society.
under 20 years of age But the full 19 years of age, you can also apply for voluntary enlistment, although retired earlier and earlier to the army, since the economic crisis of 1997, including many college students find work, including life difficult for young people, a large number of voluntary enlistment in advance, ahead of the current military has suspended accepting applications for enlistment.
military service in addition to recruitment, but also can choose to act as non-commissioned officers or officers and other professional soldiers.
if it is non-commissioned officers, service lives of up to 4 to 5 years, volunteers who often inadequate. the actual number of non-commissioned officers, less than 80% of the required number. So very much welcome the voluntary military service were non-commissioned officers serving.
volunteer officers and noncommissioned officers and soldiers, as in the basic education followed by Bing Ke education, through training shall be appointed by the officer. gendarmes, special forces, Navy SEALs unit / underwater demolition teams (special operations forces), the Air Force technical sergeant, and so special, and another pipeline absorption volunteers.
professional soldiers of the elite line (elite course ) entering the Armed Forces of the Military Academy. volunteers through Also in the Air Force, fighter pilot, who shall be closed for the Air Force Academy. At present the Academy has the admission of girls.
way for officers there ), and the so-called second lieutenant after graduating from any officer,UGG boots, after the expiration of 30 months to transfer labor lieutenant rank, but also promoted to captain while voluntary leave camp.
Army sergeant is finished school 2-year junior college, or 4-year university the first 2 years into the voluntary single-Ren Junguan (also to the three officers to accept the officers to develop the school education). regardless of how the elite line of professional soldiers or officers who came from the school.
described above is the official version, the following is a collection of some of the interesting little article.

military service system in Korea and China's voluntary military service is different from South Korea is currently implementing a compulsory military. Specifically, the Korean men, in the provisions within the time period, the physical examination, conditions are not suitable for army, military forces are required to 2 years.
compulsory military service in Korea is the Korean peninsula by the national defense, and special strategies need to decide. North Korea, China attaches great importance to military construction from top to bottom In early 1950, the Korean War, no foreign troops involved in the case of North Korean forces occupied the Korean Peninsula once the majority of areas. when the South Korean defense forces as weak in the face Gongshiruchao North Korean army, can be described as vulnerable, losing ground. there is such a lesson, after the end of 1953, the Korean War, South Korea began to attach great importance to national defense and military investment, construction, compulsory military service has become the inevitable product of the particular age, has continued ever since.
Korea Military Service Act military means in the military, almost no chance of reading, studying, in addition to short-term vacation and communications, limited phone outside, basically isolated. South Korea has Today, the world every day, in the event of rapid changes, spent two years in the army closed life, not that tough military training, the delicate situation in the Korean Peninsula, and even brought the threat to life safety, just that species isolated from the outside world with a rapidly changing, it is no different to each enlisted men serving in Korea, bringing the loss to varying degrees.
a policy, there are countermeasures. ever since the date of the implementation of compulsory military service, Koreans trying to evade military service. the early stages, the use of South Korea's legal and administrative mechanism is not perfect, by all means deliberately delayed service time, and finally to take bribes of the matter. With the legal and administrative system gradually improved and specific, bribery has been entered dead end, the Koreans began to medical facilities are not well drilled loopholes, such as chest drink before doing a lot of soy sauce, or in your pocket metals, chest X-ray results to display symptoms of tuberculosis and so on. advanced medical equipment into the future, Korean immigrants began to replace the nationality of military service evasion. These are Koreans call themselves not rare.
Switzerland mm is a beautiful hill country in Western Europe, high mountains and clear water, quiet cottage Mi. Her only 41,293 square kilometers land area, population 7.25 million, is located in the Alpine mountains, is a ; of the small landlocked, its west and northwest of France, north Germany, eastern Austria and Liechtenstein, south Italy. Switzerland since the 1815 declaration of independence, the implementation of war after another, and fighting in close proximity, but not burned to the land. is a kind of imperialism? No, Switzerland is a strong national defense awareness of citizens from generation to generation. Switzerland is like a hedgehog, though unable to prisoners, and people once attacked, but just full of thorns, against the imperialist aggressors to meddle and abuse.
Swiss implementation of the is that , man has always been well-known military service obligations, and from generation to generation without education, 16-year-old beginning that military service, the government began to keep a record of 18 years of age, 19 years old to register for military service, 20-year-old began military service, military service each year 305 million people registered, representing 80% of school-age youth. Swiss compulsory military service, men's health since the age of civil 19m20 subject to a 15-week recruit training, and into the preparation of the company, after 22 years be subject to lO times, each time a 3-week refresher training. a man of his life in service add up to 310 days. Swiss militia ready reservists called up 35 million people, accounting for 5% of the population, accounting for age of men 90%.
very concerned about the citizens of the Swiss national military service, where male citizens over 19 years old, will take the initiative in December each year take the initiative to watch the military service where the service bulletin announced the list, then the specified time, place for medical examination, medical examination after passing the time required to report to the designated service company. For those who evade military service in each of the defense will be punished very high taxes, until 30 years old, the circumstances are serious, and even sentenced to prison. Switzerland 700 million population, only 3,500 professional soldiers, the main task is to organize school-age male citizens in batches to the training bases and schools for training, mobilizing and organizing the militia combatants in wartime.
Switzerland, the Civil Defence as an important defense part of the protection and relief to the people of war, to prevent and reduce the war to people's lives and property losses, usually used for rescue and disaster relief. At present Switzerland has built more than 700 million square meters of underground raid shelter, up to 0.97 square meters per capita . and usually stocked with all necessary living and medical equipment, but also has 480 underground hospital, with 120,000 beds. Swiss citizens perceived the air, shelter and other measures to cover construction of housing as citizens must take into account the content of design and planning and living facilities, utilities, ventilation, playing against one, if the foreign invasion, the Swiss residents can all go underground, in the Alps are also many secret caves built fortifications, as troops in the bunkers and underground ammunition warehouses and grain reserves library, can persist in the long-term war.
Switzerland, only 700 million people, over 40,000 square km territory, a small country in Western Europe, is to rely on for all, the implementation of with economic prosperity, people in long-term peaceful environment nourishes the interest break. civic consciousness and a strong national defense voluntarily fulfill military obligations of citizenship, is the implementation for all, the armed neutrality the basis of strategic thinking Changbeibuxie.
to the myth, for example, South Korea's military service system is in fact also have some degree of flexibility in, did military service at age 19 determined to be a soldier, after medical examination, you can choose between 19 to 29 years old joined the army, though it is a choice, but University re-re-examination candidates have to be the third year the military. service time, the Army is 26 months, 28 months, the Navy, the Air Force is 30 months. as the equivalent of more than two years, with Taiwan's military service It criticized the system as is the golden age in the 20s are to be enlisted in the army, or the course of the study of professional players for people who will cause a blank period, even after the formation of irreparable harm.
South Korea 1-5 in the active military service should go to:
5 class has is too serious illness but who can live independently, short-term military theoretical training
4 level is physically healthy, try a simple military-year Training
3 level is 22 months, the body hurt, but recovered well, perform military tasks
2 level is 26 months, is the basic active
1 level is 3, is particularly good physical condition and itself engaged in related industries and generally for the Air Force and Navy
in Korea focused on the general level 2 and 3, if 2 is the most general distribution of the military assignment, but will take into account the background service, for example, My brother is a Korean student of Seoul National University (now at Seoul National University) Department of English, so the time allocated in the military service assigned him to the United States military bases in South Korea can play to his strengths, to the publicity department of the Hong Jingmin The same is true, because he is a singer, but this is not absolute, and myth into the artillery, armor is possible, mainly to see the higher allocation.
do not have to perform military service in addition to the rich people can buy, there are (here refers to South Korean citizens)
1) 6 级 active mental abnormalities, major diseases and disabilities (river Li at this level because the show is considered South Korea to degeneration of Mental Disorders)
2) won medals at the Olympic Games and Asian Games who will get a gold medal, as well as South Korea international (to know why the strong South Korean football it, do not have to go to the army camp into the national team suffer, your life who do not play ah!)
3) Dr. (which people use the brain is protected, so they do not protect the family for the country they had), primary school education level (because of low cultural level, to teach them not learn military theory estimates, South Korea, Go is a very powerful Li Shishi this level, people are for the next Go, to complete primary school after the Go to specialize in, the military will not go)
4) to the burden of military service age, but more than 3 people and life, for example, the 18-year-old high school graduate Moujun married In the 21 years of pre-existence of 2 children (or more children), his wife did not work, then this person went to military service do not, or one to two years, the children have starved to death his wife, but this triggered a wave of Korean early Therefore, the trend seems to have to be changed.
5) tattoo a lot of people (over body skin 1 / 3), because many of the military capacity of tattoos discipline, so the Military Service has this, but for the first medical examination did not undone tattoo when seized (that is, to escape military service was for the tattoo) to be locked 1 year in prison, on charges of deliberate destruction of the body to evade state responsibility, Seoul, caught last year, more than 100.
6) 28 years old man, can not go, but this is rare, such as when you want to serve is 26, but just had an accident, became a vegetative state, in bed for two and a half years miraculously regained consciousness, 28 and a half, will not go.
fact, some do not say, there are several situations can be extended in service
1) in school in college or graduate student is in school, study abroad, etc., can apply for up to 2 times the military service extension can not they branch off twice, and this may explain a man went to China to Korea, you can extend the service time, as long as the extension of over 28 years old, can not go out.
2) accidental injury, as the above vegetative state example, there is a broken leg and so on. (wipe, simply complete a write and let you fully understand the Korean military service) is painful to military service in Korea, the boys would be very difficult to military family too, the general 2 only the second year of active duty to go home Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year (only 3 days on the road far, then chances are at home only 2 days), usually do not have a holiday, particularly in the first year of suffering, no holidays, Executive and seniors have to live inhuman abuse (perhaps also sexual harassment), senior military recruits can handle arbitrary, and some recruits will not tolerate extreme method of choice (such as suicide, which caused great topic in South Korea), but survive the first year, to the second year, you are older, the recruits would no longer can handle, so the mind becomes good, holidays have, you will have a little better. Koreans believe that only when a soldier is a real man, women also would like this man, but Korean men are reluctant to go to the army from the bottom of my heart, because it is so bitter.
Korea island that belongs to all defensive system, so men should go to the army, some small countries in Europe The same is true in Taiwan, too, but control of South Korean Military Service Law is not so strict, you may wish to look at the mentality of a small country such laws can understand why South Korea, and no full-militarization, it may be the danger of national subjugation and genocide ( This also went to China to perform military service, that the world should pay attention to China, and fear we will be occupying the world, countries are too poor to feed hundreds of millions of soldiers, say ah)
addition, South Korea sent the notice of military service but not by age account to date of registration issued in accordance with, and also explains why Kim Dong Wan first received notice of military service, perhaps when he did not drink when sober dad a happy, went to newspaper accounts the next day he was born, then he would certainly rank The relatively early.
if the myth does not want military service, only the test methods can be used, Dr. degeneration of two, and now students more than 2 children are too late, too late to participate in the Olympics, that tattoos have to die, at least ANDY and DONGWAN have passed the first medical examination.
want to postpone it, just like reading a DONGWAN 4 years as graduate students, there is no graduate student status, or as casual as SUNG find University to register, go to the ceremony to do not, but student status is a college student, is an extension of the credentials, and then there is in China now, and then with the study said, can extend 2 times, such as ERIC perhaps wait until 28, would not have spent.
I physical condition that JUNJIN, perhaps a 4, HOT before the TONY is 3, DONGWAN how is 2, their company for three cases of efforts to find it!! SUNG should also be three, over the company for four and then it ! Oh, the artist's military is scrambling to reduce the series to show that the river level Lai, do not have spent.
Princess service was still early, so he re-injured this is a fact, and that time the company will downgrade to fight against it. military service really is not fun, fortunately not affected by the bitter Han ~ ~ ~

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