Sunday, December 19, 2010

China Ping An Insurance Roadshow Record Review excerpt (c)

 Red Sun: Will Louis to: compare other Chinese-funded insurance companies, where the advantages of peace?
Louis to: Hello! Peace competitive advantage mainly in five areas:
a complete financial platform, clear development strategy;
two excellent institutions, mechanisms and management culture;
III, international, professional management team;
Fourth, the world's leading integrated financial management background;
five , the vast growth of space, the platform.
Chiang: What Ma Mingzhe: the future there may be banks, securities and other business spin-off?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! company's main subsidiary, the implementation of high proportion of holding, to ensure that the overall value of integrated financial reflected, so we do not have a bank or split the listing of securities.
Chivas: Will Sun Jian A: Whenever a listed company need to raise funds, often the good word said to do, but one carried away after their money, before the commitment to do some behind, any changes to raise funds to invest, can not finish the year projected profits, related party transactions harm the interests of small investors, I do not know the company of these phenomena on the market What do you think? company itself will do?
Sun Jianyi: We will raise the effective use of funds to shareholders interests. In the past the company's previous capital increase to raise capital to invest in the company's financial Kindu main industry, the effective support of the companies. the future, we will be very careful to use to raise funds to maximize shareholder value.
late spring: Will the De Liren: Company and management, related party transactions accounted for what proportion of sales revenue? depends on the extent of related party transactions not very strong?
De Liren: Hello, very little peace of related party transactions, revenue dependence on the low level of related party transactions, see the prospectus the specific amount. Thank you!
Tai Chi: Is Dominic Leung: in competition with foreign insurance companies, is worried about future policy relaxation, facing a greater threat?
Dominic Leung: Peace is a competitive company, do not worry about competing with any other company.
Legend: Will Louis to: How the company's internal control system do?
Ma Mingzhe: The company continued to improve the risk management committee as the core of risk management and internal control system, the facts prove that the company's internal control system is fully effective, we will further the world-class integrated financial services group as the standard, enhanced and efficient centralized management and control of risk management platform, built to international standards and regulatory requirements of the comprehensive risk management system.
Peter_Ma: Will Ma Mingzhe: According to your company has disclosed in 04,05 years Hong Kong Annual Report, the company executive compensation is not generally high, far higher than China Life Insurance, China Merchants Bank, the A + H Company, which the company's assets and profits are higher than your company. would like to ask on what basis for the executive to take such high salaries? their contribution to the company whether it is worth high salaries?
In addition, the average employee salary peace in the insurance industry knows that at a very low level, peace is very high staff turnover, which, what is your company explain? Ma Mingzhe: Hello! Thank you for your question. company executives pay is base salary, bonus and option three parts, management's basic wage is not high, bonuses and access to a high degree of operational performance indicators linked to performance bonuses, the higher the better done.
addition, the company executive compensation mechanism is that, under the Board's Remuneration Committee is to develop specific sectors, the Remuneration Committee, chaired by independent directors, board of directors each year Management will operate a business objective, the remuneration of the management of these goals and closely linked to ensure that sufficient incentive pay. On the other hand, the Remuneration Committee will also pay to hire an independent investigative body, according to the international market and China market pay recommendations issued by a third party pay levels to ensure that management's compensation with a market competitive. We, on staff mobility is also normal, of course, we are actively tracking the market pay levels, to ensure that the remuneration of all levels with a certain market competitiveness.
benevolent Invincible: What is Sun Jian one: how to handle investor relations? Is respect for the interests of our small and medium investors? the same time, can treat us like to treat customers the same? the same time, information on how to ensure that our shareholders will not be leaked by your sales staff use day and night to harass our insurance?
Sun Jian one: we have always attached great importance to investor relations, in the H-share market to our investor relations work has been consensus, we hope that A shares listing of the shareholders to be able to do the same for domestic service.
wondering: Will Louis to: the company guarantee insurance products currently yields at what level?
Louis to: Hello! company selling insurance products to ensure profitability at 1.75 % -2.5% level, there are some products is not guaranteed rate of return.
minority shareholders: Will Sun Jian one: to introduce employees level of education the situation you that is not clear I do not buy?
Sun Jianyi: constitute a number of academic qualifications structure
(name) ratio (%)
and over 1,522 3.15
Graduate Undergraduate 16,833 34.86
specialist 18,061 37.40
other 11,870 24.58
Total 48,286 100
2008: May I ask Louis to: The net assets of the company after the release of the size and scale of operations will be significantly expanded, with the company if the company does not have a similar size to the management level will affect the smooth development of the business, your company has these considerations do ?
Louis to: Hello! you said is right, when the company's operations have been expanding, the management level to keep up with, and peace, from ten years ago, has been adhering to innovation and internationalization of the road, through a highly international management team, effective combination of the best talent at home and abroad, the establishment of the management system in line with international standards. peace nineteen years of development, is an ongoing reform process. Every year, we recruit from the best schools in the country people, give them the best training, the establishment of standardized operation of their philosophy, international perspective, for the peace of the middle management team continue to reserve personnel to meet the future needs of the development of continuous reform and progress.
kept busy: Will the De Liren: Will the broker, as the investment banking professional, you believe that the pioneering spirit of the people is admirable, and I hope to be able to continue to market fine tradition of contributing to China's stock market!
MA Mingzhe: Thank you, and peace would do better to better performance, to return the majority of investors and the concern and support of our friends!
who I am: Will the Sun Jian one: whether the company's welfare system include hospital staff, primary schools, nurseries and other social programs?
Sun Jianyi: no. Thank you!
together on myself: What is De Liren: leatherback sea Island, said the issue should be Ping An Insurance to 20 times price-earnings ratio. how do you see this?
De Liren: Hello, for Ping An to said, with a more reasonable valuation of the embedded value. Thank you!
casual: Will Louis to: Peace in the control of operational risk, reduce operational costs have a way how?
Louis to: Hello! reduce the cost control risk is a continuous work, the company always insisted that highly centralized operating system, through investment in technology platforms to continuously improve operational transparency of information and effective control over the daily operations of the country risk, to ensure the security of funds, service through standardized, centralized backup, automated processes, improve service levels at the same time, improve operational efficiency and achieve better cost-effectiveness. Thank you!
Sisi: Is Ma Mingzhe: It is reported that the company's strengths One is the financial holding company structure, can specifically explain?
MA Mingzhe: First, in the consolidated financial holding group structure, the Group itself is not engaged in specific operations, primarily responsible for corporate development strategies, on behalf of shareholders management and allocation of capital, and to exercise oversight responsibilities. Group through the listing, from the external access to resources allocated to internal subsidiaries, top-down allocation of resources, not to grab resources from the subsidiary, that will help the overall advantages;
Second, in the consolidated financial holding group structure, group regulation by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, professional regulatory bodies and the subsidiary by the corresponding double group supervision is conducive to risk prevention;
Third, a comprehensive financial holding group structure , the company has a good brand, a unified platform for IT and back, loyal customer base, good risk control ability, extensive network and excellent service, a leading technical support and integration services platform, while reducing costs, to provide more quality services. Thanks for your question!
do not expect a God: How Sun Jian A: As the majority of people are living very close from a public company, may I ask you how to understand corporate social responsibility?
Sun Jianyi : Company, whether past or present and future will attach great importance to corporate social responsibility, and have been, and will continue to be put into action.
Gu Jidong: Will Chen Dexian: National Financial Awareness is growing, it is good for you right? How to treat?
Chen Dexian: We very much agree with you that becoming more conscious of the national financial management, the positive side, this can guide the funds and then invested in financial instruments by financial companies need to help national economic growth. But the financial risk awareness should be, must also be standardized, but also a channel for products, but also highly efficient trading platform, the parties must be a good match.
static environment: Will the Sun Jianyi: When are you going to do again, I am issuing or allotment want to spend more time ah?
Sun Jianyi: no recent capital increase or the placement of the plan, as to when the capital increase and the allotment will be considered in the development of the company.
Tai Chi: Will Louis to: Ping market, including securities, trusts and other assets you?
Louis to: peace offering consists of a Ping An Securities, Ping An Trust and other specialized subsidiary's assets.
the Yangtze and Yellow: Is Louis to: Ping without going overseas expansion and become a multinational financial group? If Yes, there are no specific plans?
Louis to: Hello! China's financial industry has a very broad space for development, so the company is the main consideration is to do domestic business, take full advantage of opportunities in the domestic, multinational development opportunities may be more long-term thinking, to look at whether to create greater shareholder value.
Woman: Will Sun Jian one: the future of your company significant related party transactions that may arise, whether independent directors should be implemented after the signing of independent advice ?
Sun Jian A: According to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange (the future) the relevant provisions of the views of independent directors should be referred to the related party transactions reviewed by the independent directors or comments. Westerly sunset glow: Will Dominic Leung: We all know your company rely on advanced technology and enhanced competitiveness in the market, can tell us about your company's high-angle technical personnel?
Dominic Leung: for example, our IT executives Mr. Luo Shili, a former senior researcher at AT & T Cambridge. team members in life insurance there, including three members have internationally recognized actuarial qualifications. Thank you!
Will Chen Dexian: 2007 Ping An Insurance to maintain in what proportion of equity investments?
Chende Xian: China Insurance Regulatory Commission is currently given the proportion of stock investment is 5% of total assets last year. Under the present regulations, we will remain near that level.
203: Will Ma Mingzhe: Ping An Insurance is already equipped with the strength of competition in the international market?
MA Mingzhe: Hello! company after ten years of the internationalization process, the establishment of an international management team, we are the three major lines of business executives from the world's top professionals, and we also established a set of international the management and system processes, it should be said that we already have a certain amount of international competitiveness, of course, our main focus on the domestic market at present, especially in the domestic life insurance business.
Peter_Ma: Will Dominic Leung: personnel changes in the latest peace, you no longer functions as the chairman of Ping An Life, Ping An Life Insurance What if such changes have an adverse effect? Why is peace always busy executives a change in position?
Dominic Leung: peace operations have been systematic, not because any change in a person, and have a negative impact. The new chairman of Li Yuan Xiang young and promising, is a qualified actuary, has many years of insurance experience, his leadership will develop a better life.
in Over the past 3 years, not much change in the basic life insurance groups.
laymen do not understand it: Will Chen Dexian: How to treat A-share market and Hong Kong stock market?
Chen Dexian: A and H share market financing function with each other to play their respective shareholders and for different trading platforms, complementary and mutually beneficial. investment outlook, corporate earnings and stable China will step up, in parallel. Thank you!
small staff: Will Ma Mingzhe: New Horse for the stock is not the old employees, Does the company have plans to share option incentive?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! We hope that with further improvement of national policy, terms of equity incentive in the future to explore further.
soldiers who: Will Louis to: In recent years the rapid development of the country's overall economy, making it China's economic and financial sector higher prevalence estimates. How do companies expect?
Louis to: Hello! the financial industry is the engine of national economic development, shoulder raise funds , allocation of resources, savings protection, risk management, cash flow, credit facilities, trade sale and other important functions. the company's future development prospects of the financial industry is really looking forward to the future as China's economy healthy and stable growth, the national financial regulatory policy further the improvement, the company through an integrated financial management position, will have a very good development.
stars: Will Dominic Leung: competition in the market, whether foreign-funded insurance institutions is a powerful rival?
Dominic Leung: competition in the market Chinese and foreign insurance companies are competitors, we will carefully and actively respond.
6951: Will Chen Dexian: currently, with the rapid economic growth and the gradual deepening of the financial system, the bond market has become an important place for direct financing . the insurance sector as a large-scale holders of long-term funds, bond markets have grown to be an important institutional investors. But for peace, the paradox is that the lower the yield of the bond market, and potentially high-return equity investment is limited. Will the peace will not respond to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, have secured the future for high-rated bonds, will appropriately raise the investment ratio?
Chen Dexian: We get a lot of support and guidance of CIRC, the CIRC proposed policies, we will strictly observe the implementation. assumes approval unsecured corporate debt investments, we will credit assessment species, prudent investment. In terms of credit assessment we have done sufficient preparation.
Friends: Will Ma Mingzhe: charismatic leader of the modern enterprise is a business style of the beautiful landscape, Chairman and President, how would you rate yourself?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! China's Ping An to become ;, The key objectives and guarantee, which is the basis for the continued success of China's Ping An. I was a member of this team, the company leadership to the principles of disclosure of information, what kind of view?
Sun Jianyi: The company will follow the H shares and A shares of the Listing Rules and the principles of disclosure of information related to disclosure, fair treatment of foreign and domestic investors.
depression: Dominic Leung ask: how does your company's competitive response to foreign insurance?
Dominic Leung: insurance companies are financial services companies, whether it is in response to competition, investment, foreign investment is to take the services to do a good job, the most recent years, a large number of investment companies, front-line sales and service personnel to enhance the quality of backup center and call center efficiency. the recent security survey JISC services through a third party, in many projects, and peace are considered first, it shows that competition on services in peace force.
be from the source of drinking water: Will Xiao Qing: China Life and Ping An Insurance, the insurance two heavyweights in the A-share listed shares, the market will affect the whole financial sector constitutes what? on the A-share market prices and the impact what?
Xiao Qing: Ping An Insurance and China Life are very good companies, each with its unique competitive advantage. they return to A-share market has made investors more choice, but also makes the composition of the financial sector more diversified, more complete. domestic investors and thus to share their growth results. They return to the A-share market is favorable. Thank you
an investor: Does Star Chapter: Many institutions predict that the first day of your company listing price much higher than China Life, how do you think?
Star Chapter: A: We can not predict the market price of the first day. Thank you!
drinking water shall be from the source: Will Xiao Qing: China Life and Ping An Insurance two heavyweight A share listed in the insurance sector, the market will affect the whole financial sector constitutes what? on the market for the A-share market, what impact does?
Xiao Qing: Ping An Insurance and China Life are very good companies, each with its unique competitive advantage. they return to A-share market has made investors more choice, but also makes the composition of the financial sector more diverse, more complete. domestic investors and thus to share their growth results. Their regression A stock market is favorable. Thank you
little: What Louis to: the acquisition of Shenzhen Commercial Bank, the banking sector does your idea of what the future?
Louis to: Hello! acquisition of Shenzhen is the Group's development firm banking, an important step, we are deep in the full implementation of the firm's integration, including comprehensive centralized credit management, optimization of technology platforms, international management team, added, strengthening, re-planning retail banking, SME product innovation, service model transformation and so a series of initiatives. through resource sharing group clients, and investment in innovation and technology, we strive for the peaceful growth of the Group's banking business in both space and cost-effective to achieve the forefront of domestic commercial banks.
Jin Shunhua : Will Louis to: Ping an average annual capital expenditures for the number of IT? on IT investment is adequate?
Louis to: information from the company's current state of construction, the existing scale of IT investment on business support fully able to meet the basic requirements.
bottom right: Will Xiao Qing: In your process of cooperation with the company, do you think the overall quality of company personnel to
Xiao Qing: It should be said that the overall quality of personnel Ping is very high, both high-level strategy formulation or efficient implementation of both the middle shows the overall quality of the company, but an organic whole.
hero: Will Star Chapter: What broker, and now the implementation of the sponsor system, you afraid of?
Star Chapter: A: The implementation of sponsor system further defined the responsibilities of brokerage firms, is conducive to the healthy development of the market. Sponsors will try to do responsible sponsorship issue. Thank you!
bcyang: Will the Sun Jian A: How did you how to build mutual trust with the financial media, the relationship?
Sun Jianyi: media is a social instrument, the Company on the one hand respect for the independence of the media coverage, accept their supervision and criticism; the other hand, they actively cooperate with the interview requirements, the provision of professional industry, and the mutually beneficial and win-win .
rustle: Will Yao wave: Bank rate hike after the company what impact? how to deal with?
Yao wave: Bank interest rate increase after the company's bank deposits and bond yields will increase, will take had a positive impact.
Bo Yao: interest rates on safe harm than good. Add the corresponding increased investment returns, high interest rate policy can solve the problem; despite the increase in interest rates may cause the Company's surrender rate, and may cause the Company assets held by some decline in the value of fixed interest rate, but, overall, favorable interest rates on the company. As countermeasures, the company reduced interest rate sensitive products in order to reduce the impact of interest rates.
Earth: Will Xiao Qing : In the communication process with the agencies, institutions of the views of Ping An Insurance How?
Xiao Qing: Insurance agencies are taking a positive view, many fund management companies and active participation of QFII inquiry, in which they will be safe in the exchange company various strategic options to be sure the basic.
, it's beautiful: Will Ma Mingzhe: in the listing process may have many feelings, whether to talk with your future shareholders?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! Ping 3 years ago, overseas listing, received the baptism of the international capital markets so that we benefit greatly, benefited, let us know to become a leading international financial services group, it is based, requirements and goals are. Ping As local financial firms return to their country's capital market is our pursuit and desire, the opportunity for us to share our people the value of future growth, we are an opportunity for our customers know us more. the first few day road show, we collect a lot of investors to our recommendations are safe in the future, China will be the rational allocation of resources, improve management, enhance efficiency, health development has brought great help. China's insurance market and financial great potential for future development of the market, we hope to and like-minded investors and shareholders to work together to share the value of the future.
Classified Voting: Will Yao wave: Please evaluate the current management of the Company's balance sheet structure? < br> Bo Yao: The current average cost of life insurance liabilities 5% from 2003 to September 2006 fell 4.6%, the current lack of domestic long period of 20-30 years of fixed-income investment products, assets and liabilities are perfectly matched difficult to open up investment channels, the company will actively improve the investment rate of return, development of asset-liability management strategy.
Noisy: Will Louis to: for security reasons, the company's core staff and the company signed a confidentiality agreement do?
Louis to: Hello ! all key staff positions in the significant increase in stock investment, the company's investment philosophy is what?
Chen Dexian: Our investment philosophy is prudent financial management, investment income at a predetermined target at the lowest risk of implementation, also reached the debt requirements. We stock investment long-term value investment as the core, have a growth portfolio for SMEs, but also quantitative index of investment styles and portfolio optimization.
what to believe Do not believe the stock: How Dominic Leung: the company's product quality and what are the advantages compared with peers ?
Dominic Leung: the company's life insurance business continues to maintain a high quality, 13-month persistency rate has remained above 85%, 25-month persistency ratio remained at a high level of 80%.
zxy: Will Louis to: What is there in public for the researcher before the road show?
Louis to: Hello! A shares issued in the course of the pre-road show, company management and a number of fund managers, exchange to meet investment analysts, have a good effect. and the investment community of regular exchanges of experts, will be our investor relations an important part of the work, we will strive to do better, thank you!
ahyx: Will the Sun Jianyi: Ping back to the A share market, the main purpose of what?
Sun Jianyi: Company A shares on the one hand and growth return to the company's capital strength, on the other hand peace is a local financial business, we want our a better understanding of our customers, but also to local investors to share the results of professional development and peace.
small investors: Will Louis to: A-share listed company, after many of your customers will be your shareholders, you will how to face what their relationship this combo?
Louis to: Hello! the relationship between customers and shareholders, and there is no conflict between the two, the company must continuously upgrade the level of customer service, will it be possible to win in the competition out, a good profit for shareholders get a reasonable return.
Li: Will Yao wave: Do you have a major company has not yet expired debt?
YAO Bo: No, thank you
Noisy: why companies choose to issue A shares, rather than the B shares, or Hong Kong-listed?
Louis to: the company is listed H shares, A shares return to help further enhance the capital strength to seize the opportunity of China's financial sector growth for shareholders create more value; be conducive to further increase transparency, enhance customer confidence in peace, enhance our brand image and influence, enhance business development and improve competitiveness.
question: Will the MA Mingzhe: What, in the financial the case of personnel shortage areas, the Company will take measures to attract and retain talent?
Ma Mingzhe: cause to people, sentiments, pay and conditions.
flowers pity Lennon: Will Ma Mingzhe: asked the chairman of the board, how do you mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff?
Ma Mingzhe: cause to people, sentiments, pay and conditions. Thank you!
Playboy: What Ma Mingzhe: how to look on the Internet road shows? useful?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! us in this road show into , online communication platform gives us the opportunity to work with more investors, customers, shareholders of communication and exchange, we can provide you with the issues and information, understand that you our suggestions and requests, these will improve the management of our future as and operating a good reference. At the same time, we will take advantage of this platform to let you know us more.
Goldwind rain: Will Louis to: The 21st century is the information age, how companies use information technology to improve the risk prevention capability?
Louis to: as a financial business, the company has been concerned about the use of information technology to improve the risk prevention capability, the system design and development have been fully taken into account when the risk control function, the risk points on things in advance and verify the logic and control, the establishment of system data integrity and validity of the inspection mechanism, and effectively guard against internal and external moral hazard; through a database trigger data changes after the establishment of a comprehensive audit mechanism, and enhance database audit tools to effectively guard against operational risks.
Night Fighting: How Louis to: Investment is to invest in listed companies in their growth, will the company's future growth is reflected in what ways?
Louis to: Hello! company's core insurance business in the future there is still much room for growth, With economic development, increase personal income and household wealth continues to accumulate on the insurance product will have greater demand than foreign mature market, China's insurance industry is still in the initial stage, the future will have a huge space for development . On the other hand, we will progressively increase the banking and asset management business input, so a customer multiple products and further expand the business grow. Meanwhile, we will continue to improve sales and service staff capacity, and backup operations effective, more effective support for the rapidly growing needs. stuck: Will Sun Jianyi: Will the company under that department?
Sun Jian one: the company does not exist in the traditional sense department.
the insurance industry regulator, China Insurance Regulatory Commission and its agencies. before the establishment of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, People's Bank of China insurance industry regulators .1998 November 18, China Insurance Regulatory Commission was established to replace the People's Bank of China, the regulatory functions for the insurance industry. China Insurance authorized by the SFC to perform under the State Council administrative functions, in accordance with laws, regulations, supervision and management of a unified national insurance market, the maintenance of the insurance industry, legal, stable operation.
the Company under the Ping An Trust, Ping An Bank, Ping An Securities and other subsidiaries also were by the China Banking Regulatory Commission and China Securities Regulatory Commission and other regulatory bodies monitoring.
Noisy: Will the Sun Jianyi: Does your company shareholders the existence of pledged shares of the Company or frozen?
Sun Jian one: this is the case of individual shareholders. specific the situation can see the legal opinion and additional legal opinion. Thank you!
100 years: Will Yao wave: peace of this larger issue of whether the issue will return on net assets after the diluted serious? future plans to improve profitability ?
Yao wave: the year after the release rate of return on net assets of certain dilutive effect, the company will be efficient use of capital to develop business, increase profitability, return on net assets that will reach a satisfactory level of shareholders. Thank you!
Chong Keng : Will Ma Mingzhe: Will the company follow the company culture?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! , we uphold the fine traditions of Chinese culture, we view open to learn and absorb international good management and experience. customers, shareholders, employees and create long-term value, is our pursuit.
down: Will Dominic Leung: What is your company in the industry is in what position?
Dominic Leung: The company is one of the domestic financial holding companies, According to statistics of China Insurance Yearbook, measured by premium income, Ping An Life is the second largest life insurance company, Ping An Property & Casualty is the third largest property and casualty insurance.
rights without Viagra: How Louis to: in the future one or two years, the growth performance of the company will maintain a relatively stable situation?
Louis to: Hello! our core life insurance and property and casualty insurance business, operating objective is to maintain steady growth in the long-term profitability, including cost difference, poor die , spreads and underwriting effectiveness of the stability of the contribution. With the future of banking and asset management business faster growth, and hope to the long-term profitability of insurance business done outside the icing on the cake.
Maid: What Dominic Leung: Chinese insurance in the insurance the design of the contract can be a breakthrough? to the same as foreign insurance more personalized and differentiated? company's core competency is what?
Dominic Leung: I'm 30 years working in foreign companies, I think the peace of the management team more can design products that meet the needs of the Chinese people.
company's core competitiveness: a complete financial platform, a clear development strategy; two excellent institutions, mechanisms and management culture; III, international, professional management team; four, the world's leading integrated financial management background; five broad growth space platform. Thank you! BUSH: I ask Ma Mingzhe: How safe how to treat China Life and PICC insurance companies set up to establish life insurance companies < br> Ma Mingzhe: peace with the forming of integrated financial services platform, experienced management team, advanced corporate governance and innovation, international actuarial talent, long-term experience and data accumulated for the competition in the market are well preparation. Each company has its own different strategies, China Life and PICC are the best insurance companies, I believe them that from the property and casualty insurance to life insurance, property and casualty insurance from life insurance to the development strategy there will certainly be a very good development .
Ren Xiaohua: What Ma Mingzhe: Your company executives are foreign nationals do?
Ma Mingzhe: Hello! Ping An Group senior executives, 60% of overseas experts, Ping-class life in Asia expert management team, Ping An Bank has first-class management team, Ping also has an experienced investment management team. Ping An insurance, banking, asset management, leading the three most senior executives, are foreigners, they all come from the world-class multinational financial groups, with decades of rich experience in the industry, which is flat ...

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