Monday, December 13, 2010

Libra and Cancer

 The constellation has long been fascinated by the thing a few years ago. Now where only occasionally will note read. However, the constellation has been explained that it is more applicable. Today opened a topic on the interaction between the two constellations , I feel very interesting, something is very accurate, turn up, as a concept.
Cancer - Cancer and Libra Libra
air and water elements composed of a square and 4m11 at house type. As with all of the 4m10-type vibration, all the signs that their relationship is the most interesting of the most challenging. but they are also the most difficult to live in harmony, it is precisely because of this, only to make their relationship interesting and challenging. because only when they beat the two sides numerous differences and they are rewarded is the harmony and coordination.
the relationship between Cancer and Libra all their lives, because their relationship difficult to learn how to force them to compromise. mastered the basic course, will be happy, than to take shortcuts that the victory obtained, which is much higher level of happiness, because these two signs do win the battle for mutual understanding is a priceless goal . Of course, sometimes there will certainly be conflicts between them, but time will be polished the rough edges. If the parties make unremitting efforts, the last you will succeed in conquering for themselves and each other's nature and their own satisfaction.
The two men can not immediately see the other side of the ring head. they are more likely to see the new moon is the tip of the imagination, it is because they are not hard to do. they yield to humanity, while they are meant to be trying to imitate the angels. Cancer and Libra must learn the first lesson is: Do not try to be understood, but try to understand others. they should do so. This is the mystery between the two men opened the door only key, behind the door is full of peace and beauty.
Cancers feel Words can not express many things, they have both the joy of grief, but filled with memories of growing up in the past have an uneasy hunch. All of this can feel them, but they will not talk about this because of the sentimental. When the moon cycle of their emotions, they will cry for the inexplicable fear, unable to get rid of the moon as the waves control as the feeling of helplessness. Sometimes Cancers silent, deep in thought. At other times, they will use it contagious sense of humor to extricate themselves from the fear, of course, but also make the surrounding human pleasure .
When Cancer and Libra are placed together, while there will be a beautiful picture. Libra people like to laugh, and Cancers are great sense of humor is in line with their taste. When They get along, whether it is home or office, will be filled with joy, happy atmosphere. This is because the fate of the often 4m10 Combined with the family and placed in a cause-related scene. their family circle to get along with relatives,cheap UGG boots, or with commercial trading partners than they seem to get along with friends,Bailey UGG boots, lover or partner get along with a number to be more harmonious.
In fact, although they are sometimes very hot, but they rule the planet as the moon and Venus mm mm, respectively, are sympathetic . Therefore, the Cancer and Libra house than other 4mm10 at a more common type of emotion, emotional exchange of the two men through the use of other, more exposed than the much easier way. The problem is to break the shell Cancer pick up the crab Cancer of real emotion is not an easy thing. He is always good to be protected from harm, and he needs more careful of sympathy and comfort.
Libra generous, and are able to Cancer gentle approach to the emotional comfort. but unfortunately, the Libra nature gentle and tolerant person is not sufficient, because the Cancer male or female (or children) are unusually sensitive. Although the air as a sign of Libra, They carefully generous and full of logic, but they are hardly aware of Cancer or any other person's sensitivity. Libra people are exceptional lawyers and wise judges, but to be fair, they are very poor, without exception, psychologist. Libra people who never cared to step up is hidden behind the words another meaning, they only care about superficial things. This attitude can never enter Cancers internal hard shell. If people want to know Libra Why Cancer is always walking around swinging, they must Cancers express their deepest sympathy.
Libra and Cancer in between, the main difference is that Libra is the people-centered people, and Cancers is self-centered. It sounds like Libra selfish than Cancer. this should be right, because it is the case. Generally speaking, Libra friends, care about the world much more than their own. These people are easy-going outward, and Cancers are more introverted mm to know best how to protect themselves. Many Cancers are gentle, imaginative and sensitive, often very pleasant, these are facts. Even so, they are most concerned still their own.
focus only on himself, which is a healthy emotional attitude, which often leads to declining health, so Cancer often ill. Libra's disease is usually due to a dissolute lifestyle, eating and drinking and work caused by overwork. These people make a fuss will cause Cancer, Libra warned they would like a way of life, two candles are lit.
either of these signs in money often take the opposite attitude. Libra people are not wasteful, in their view, money is not very important, while for Cancer, money on security and emotional security can not be underestimated as the importance, only a One of the lack of the other person will feel the heart Cancer endless melancholy, if neither a service, it is simply for them more terrible than the loss of maternal love. But the sad thing is rare. But When Cancer people have both a sense of security, they can magically become the kindest, most gentle person. Any person, including the Libra people are to them for help. Libra often requires a lot of other people, they always expect people people can unreservedly to show his character.

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