Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Secret rare in the history of football coach Jose Mourinho Wizards Age of Discovery

 Robson + hard work = deviant Mourinho
when the 2003/04 season, FC Porto in the Champions League triumph and when the dark horse stance, Real Madrid coach Queiroz seems today proposed a very stupid question: ; that Mourinho What kind of character in the end, from which came out of hell? Coach's Award, Mourinho has been more than 100,000 votes, and finally to 60% of the vote over Real Sociedad in the French national coach Denu Ai and Stuttgart coach Felix Magath as the best in Europe. even if such , Mo commanding only George and Oliveira, Portugal and other little-known coach, coaching success stories in foreign countries, these decisions of the general public for the handsome rocket leap Mo showing incredible sense of surprise, because he coaches the successful subversion of the law of occupation, has created World Football centuries a rare phenomenon mm to create the great AC Milan Sacchi before the dynasty, but also complete the football coach first program step by step, led hang around in the Italian third division Serie B Parma team rushed, only to obtain and Beirut Sike Ni Chen plans the opportunity to face - Jose Mourinho is taking a different road to success.
Mo handsome biggest reason is that the success of the starting point of his coaching career high, the starting point is Robson. In 1992, the father of the reform of English football than Bo. Robson signed Sporting Lisbon, meticulously dressed man beside him, the translation is a serious and resolute expression of 29-year-old Jose. Mourinho. Robson, published in 1999 autobiography, begins with special reference to the word can not do without foreign language proficiency in the use of five José.
face of life's most important is the opportunity for post-horses, and is the basis of talent and hard work. He Robson every day of the lesson plan that thick , British kind of old for his good to encourage and support the attitudes of young people for a high aspirations as a guide for the light, a Wang desert springs, it is this hard to make his final out of the team to translate this low-level role. From this point, it is not hard to explain how we as Chelsea, Real Madrid, the two giants both an olive branch to him when they chose the cold José England, rather than a cultural background, more similar to the Spanish language, as in Robson's lecture contains the essence of English football and their dreams blueprint for reform.
captain of English Premier League club's Portugal
species of the Portuguese folk music, which by the folk guitar accompaniment comes from the Latin dark, getting off the noisy crowd, listening to popular artists performing the art of a century, sad melody Ruqirusu, as if describing a kind of melancholy inherent bones.
atmosphere and great temperament Portuguese similar. impression that people in Portugal is quite low-key and unassuming, unknown. how to influence the culture out of a date may be the most arrogant coach in world football then?
but also from the Portuguese the depth of the cultural background and history to answer this question.
2004 年 4 months, one of the authors of this paper Xiong Fire Dragon stadium in Porto interview with the Press Hall had Mourinho, when he soon became famous, much less Rounds today, but the Portuguese media have dubbed him a Porto football, in the shorter, but he features vivid, British Gas is compelling, broad forehead a scar on the right side, not offensive, and have actually added a bit solemn.
At that time, he told of his most admired players is Eusebio, the Portuguese person I admire most is the captain.
key here mm Portugal captain.
This is a over 500 years, still continue to be proud of all the Portuguese brought the history.
As we all know, Portugal is the history of the most brilliant 15 to 16 century, when the horrifying story circulated in Europe, said the gloomy darkness of the ocean where a group of ghosts and goblins live, the Titanic, the past, all vessels will be atrocious, or boiling water waves swallowed But Portuguese sailors bravely drove the latest invention of the clippers to forward undaunted, this geographical discovery and today's Shenzhou VI is very similar to God, are familiar with space exploration in the unfathomable.
for this explore the kinds of life and death of the captain's authority and command of the most critical: he did not sign on the map look easy place to look, to make food when the water must continue to find a way to fight for people struggling to draw the ship to the land, to appear tough on the boat when the rebels without mercy deterrent, but also to the rough sea in front of that the way forward. We can imagine the captain's personality: gifted, strong-willed and even ruthless. rely on the captain of a group of brilliant such as Diaz, Dajia Ma, Cabral, Pires, Magellan, the Portuguese geographical discovery achieved phenomenal success in the world made a great contribution to civilization, of course, for the Portuguese seized large tracts of land and vast amounts of wealth Asia's Malacca, Macao, Java, Sumatra and the Americas, Africa, large tracts of land are plundered for the great wealth of Portugal, Portugal became the world's leading was great empire, that monument in Lisbon Square, today's Portuguese also proudly tiling with tile map of the 16th century empire.
now and then think about the character of Mo handsome features: talent talent, extremely confident, firm and indomitable, rigorous and meticulous, cruel despotism, what point is not 500 years ago that the success Portugal captain their character?
Although a low profile for several centuries, but from the Coincidentally, today in Chelsea for Mourinho's success, the Portuguese, clearly created a football king of the division.
since 2004, two great step by step the Portuguese shocked the world of football Jose Mourinho and the European Union President Jose Manuel Barroso politics, the world would the brilliant in this country 500 years ago fascinated admiration. From them, we seem to see people 500 years ago off the pier for marine hero, into the vast Atlantic Ocean to explore the mysterious unknown continent that pride celestial dome.
details - - Mourinho
the most important elements of success coaches have a lot of success, success coach, there are many successful methods, such as Herrera's tactical supremacy, such as Giovanni Trapattoni's affinity, such as Menotti's skilled calculation, such as the Mad Saki general spirit of the work, such as the standardized management of Capello. Speaking of Jose Mourinho, the marshal of the features he has, but we are most impressive is his attention to detail.
There is no doubt Mourinho attention to detail also comes from the captain of his temperament. beneath the waves, for the negligence of any of the details of the ship may have resulted in catastrophic consequences of crash, so the captain must be a everything that can be installed in the heart, everything is carefully handled perfect man.
Mourinho has a very well-known habit, every time the team training, he is the first one to the training ground. coaching Benfica's first day, he arrived two hours early training ground. His explanation for the benefits, there is always something to do, someone to talk to. I can check the length of the grass to see the need for pouring a little water, I can talk to people in charge of equipment, take a look at moving the goal, the case of isolated cone and ball , draw a sketch art training facilities placed, or with the medical team about the physical fitness of the players, who can properly trained, what training who can not attend, I can read the newspaper hh any of these causes is likely to will be forthcoming on our positive impact on the game. very important, because the World Cup players who have not come back, they represent the majority of last season, the veteran left behind, those who already know me. So in the first week, I only players and those new to training with so they can quickly integrate into the team and start working, and not by the pressure and influence of the old players. not old players in the side, all the more open, more of the truth, this so that I can better understand them. I can start training them. old players back, we went to the French training .3 days later, there are old players said to me: l coach, these new skills not only good, but people are very good. r very carefully prepared a special kind of tactics, training 432 several times to keep the team formation, he felt less of a person in the team when an offensive force should be maintained, so a lot of field training game is played 11.2002 10 / Super 03 season, Porto Portugal against Benfica, this training received a strange effect, then, if the heat. Costa in the first 30 minutes when sent off the team immediately changed the formation, and adapt very well, the midfield and the striker has not been seriously affected in the end, when the score from the end Costa flat into a 1 to 1 Porto 2 to 1 win.
Mourinho even meticulous surgery to try to understand the extent of the players. Porto winger plug Saar injured, he watched the whole process of surgery: explained to me every step of the movement's intention. The operation was clean, no blood, but I'm most alarmed by the sound of drills into the bone, as well as the medical team tried to remove the tendon with an electric scalpel comes out of that dead meat smell. the players want to speed up the rehabilitation approach is basically meaningless. From now on, I will complain about their players and more sympathetic doctors. training for all in 12:00 to 13:30 for, to adapt to Seville (competition in) the weather. players have also been targeted training limits, taking into account any possible court case, for each Psychological Analysis of players also completed.
2003/04 season, FC Porto and Monaco in the Champions League final before, the situation is equally true: But I hope the players know it all: long-time interest in the counter how fast, how powerful Morientes opportunistic striker, Rothen's pass in the offensive wings how accurate the technology. In addition to general information outside Each players have been targeted a DVD, Ferreira has been Rothen action highlights, Rothen will be in the game and his direct confrontation, in the back got the information Morientes and Puer Shao . Each person has their own DVD to learn, and then we sat down together to discuss the information. Finally, I believe Monaco has no secrets for us to speak of. at the initial meeting, he lit the unique skills: open carry laptop computers, familiar to say his players to grasp the situation of these: from a technical style, goals, height and weight to what is left even more scoring and what is right foot scored. It suddenly overawed by these players are, but this is only the beginning, they even did not think that this near-perfect coach to prepare the details of the work will make them in the back achieve victory in the race again and again.
Chelsea Ruud Gullit, Vialli and Claudio Ranieri is an international brigade of the times, whether Bates, or Abu are willing to withdraw according to coach big money to the intention of formation of the team, but not always in their power to fight record, its lack of reason is that Chelsea are playing in the strong pleasant conversation with, but in the middle and lower reaches by the team based at the foot of the body took it on board, refined but Ranieri indecisive group of Italian military has set the stage a framework for Mourinho, but he did not know how to arrange their play big time, only know how to be England Quyifengying media had dubbed Carpenter. various aspects of his team building, staff and future needs of the views and reasons.
Mourinho's meticulous style that is also the first time from the traumatic experience of his .2000 September, he coached the first command 0 to 1 game to lose, Benfica was opening just netted a goal 60 seconds, and Boa Vista's advance this goal is repeatedly reminded of Mourinho: tower attack, usually relying on the wing pass, pass the placement is the angle of the post. before the game, I have repeatedly reminded the Benfica players this, but still this way Boavista into the ball . Later, he blamed his over-reliance Benfica professional intelligence gathering. For professional coaches, the first to lose in this way, the prospects are certainly very dark, with a child when his father was fired to celebrate the Christmas experience of gray long stay in the minds of Jose Mourinho, Mourinho's sense of far more than their peers, since then, he always has done meticulous preparation before the game, often a long time to play with tactics board, and even his own pocket, please human intelligence gathering.
Mourinho attention to detail, and that brings attention to the success and impact of economic integration in the world today and the attention to detail is consistent.
a risky road - Extreme Blue Better than the humble
Mourinho has a strong grass-roots, which is destined to be recognized by his desire to feel more strongly in his life journey Robson left the first wiping the sun, either when he as a translator for Bobby Robson received the opportunity to speak of the story behind the wonderful.
quintessence of the old 442 Zhenshi Robson influenced by England, the British coach is more off than love of the conservative attack, only use a more controversial figure willing to take risks In the summer of .1990, as European football Heysel tragedy was frozen for 5 years in English football is still a mess, but led by the Robson Despite wins over England was the biggest dark horse of Italy into the World Cup semifinals, Cameroon, the old Lo adventure reuse the controversial British football bad boy Paul Gascoigne, Gaza has become that the last session of the greatest England bright, light and even overshadowed the veteran Lai Yinke, Barnes, Hilton and Waddle. Later, both in Porto, Barcelona or Newcastle, the old Robson always bold new offensive and reuse: in Barcelona, Figo and Ronaldo, he led his unit was captured in the 1996/97 European Cup Winners Cup grown into an international superstar season; in Newcastle, septuagenarian against all the odds, he would be willing to introduce the issue of youth Bowyer and Leeds United's Jonathan Woodgate, and entrusted with great responsibility.
adventurous old style jazz Mourinho, who has been a good tradition: the 2003/04 Champions League final, Mourinho surprise as the Brazilian striker Alberto teenager starting, Alberto has a goal to break the deadlock with a return a coach; 2004/05 Champions League 1 / 8 final second leg against Barcelona, Robben, Drogba can not play the situation, he rarely sent starter Kezman and Gudjohnsen constitute a double play forward, the opening 19 minutes with three goals to Barcelona will be the captains Danian, and Kezman is one of the best one.
Another typical example is Joe. Cole, this year to ; child prodigy, Little Joe was the team will soon be cleaned, the key moment, Mourinho saved him, his tactics into a proper system, fully weaknesses, the results from the first half of 2005, Joe seems to change a person often been Chelsea feats, has become a main absolute England.
Mourinho is very good at dealing with This name was left out of South Africa in the La Liga striker as Porto won the Jones, and Maniche, Paulo Ferreira, Costinha as Portugal's national team into the feminine style, simple, tough style, although the situation at the time took a very Porto bad, but he just handed over the first six Triple Crown of Europe's great answer. As for Drogba, the impact from the French-based striker soared alternative Mourinho football philosophy is the finishing touch God T, Frank Lampard and Iron Man Terry had seen England in the 2006 World Cup title hopes.
the second great influence on the coach Jose Mourinho was Van Gaal, the Netherlands, The two young military points were the UEFA Cup and European Cup and 90 in the last century known in the world, is worthy of a modern master tactician. Jose Mourinho was Van Gaal taught him how to recognize the lineup to criticism in people Utility Mourinho killed the wonderful game of football, he immediately drew Fan year old likes playing with the 433 formation, with Robben, Duff and Wright. This natural winger Phillips, the original ineffective against Chelsea Suddenly had a terrifying destruction.
Van Gaal Another effect of Mo is probably the handsome character of the opinionated. Kluivert since the Champions League final in 1995 to help complete the absolute Ajax After the killing, Van Gaal to love him, adding the Barcelona at the turn of the century, even Sony. Anderson and Dani in the state no matter how good, no matter how Kluivert troublemaker, it is difficult to change the starting center of the Status - This is now Mourinho and Drogba's stubborn confidence in how similar? could not bear the loneliness of Kezman Atletico Madrid can only flee, Crespo often fall into unfavorable situation in the team staged Riding Alone Savior of the play, can only meet 18 people in the game into the squad.
, of course, Mourinho has become a major international football marking time on the track, excel the predecessors, superseding the previous waves, MO handsome more than two teachers better place because he was an active defense to give a deeper meaning. Robson and Van Gaal missed the top league now is that the reasons for teaching While their attacking football sufficient to please the general public, so that investors can not score satisfactory, Robson like hands-on, training the lack of clarity, and Van Gaal good systematic training arrangements. So, smart, studious easy Mourinho from two different styles of a good coach who complement each other, while in Barcelona to learn how the best players in the world, to get along: Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Luis Figo, Guardiola, 斯托伊科夫 and Crew Yvette.
Mourinho usually fixed in the 23-25 players who registered after the success of a clean sweep of the season we finally understand why Ferreira, Ricardo Carvalho, Portugal and other well-known players to become the main flat, because they are most able to understand the concept of Mourinho football charm, that is based on a strong defense in the backcourt, waiting for opponents make mistakes, and then a sharp counterattack and positioning the ball home opponents to death. formulated the concept of football there have been long period of time, the two rivals Chelsea in the Premiership Manchester United and Arsenal before the arrival in Mozambique has successfully handsome formulaic interpretation of the classic football season, as the 1999/00 season when Manchester United won the Triple Crown 442 offensive, Arsenal 2002 / 03 season undefeated for an entire season, the whole Code of Practice for Type 442 attack, surging attacks are courage dream. so a lot of weak teams and two Premier League giants clash in the most afraid of their firepower up front, present, and when Chelsea clash The confusion is simply break the gates of blue trick, also like the Chinese Tai Chi master, often getting a later start. a lot of Premier League games Chelsea are striking, the goal in the first 70-80 minutes of a lead time high. Harding Park 21, Chelsea 13 games development effort is to rely on the second half to win or save the day of. Chelsea play hard with the current post-modern retro or the words to describe, Duff, Robben on the wings of flying, the whole is not more easily guard lines the utmost limit, This is a play with the past 433 colors, but Lampard, Michael Essien and Claude Makelele can play three lumbar middle of the triangle formed, which can only be Mourinho's initiative!
almost In each location, Chelsea have maintained the strength of two very different styles of player competition, obviously, just like Mourinho did to the American Express credit card ads: the secret of my success is always one step ahead to anticipate! Now He has a more options! not just 4321 and 4222, as well as 4132 and 4231, not only have Robben and invincible, and then find the opponent's flaws, in the fleeting opportunities to resolve the fighting. This is the essence of Mourinho football philosophy.
crazy temperament mm
the cards do not follow the common sense that things are often Mourinho was regarded as the greatest example of arrogance, perhaps early on Mo handsome prepare for this day his .2004/05 Champions League and Barcelona of the Dutch TA Teng Jiate serious conflict in the aisle, seemingly absurd, there is loss of head coach of the style, but as long as after the departure of Mo thin aftertaste Robson handsome character with the Dutch coach Van Gaal work can understand the feeling of doing this is obviously beneficial to retaliation.
year in Barcelona, feathers gradually abundance, can say a pure Spanish Mourinho has come to look upon themselves as an assistant coach, so the formations Robson also had Jose's ideas, but of course in front of headstrong Van Gaal could not handle, in a and Athletic Bilbao in the game, Jose and the nickname ? ; natural, Mourinho ready to wait for the moment of revenge.
Mourinho has not yet finished, back to London, he also broke the other coach Frank Rijkaard was in the changing rooms at half time room contact with referee Anders Frisk, and put him up against Chelsea in the second half to make a negative sentence (Drogba's red card). The matter caused a big stir in world football, has been so life-threatening Frisk announced the closure post. Mourinho has also been suspended fines and penalties, the Swedish Football Association president or even directly asked UEFA to increase penalties for those who attack the referee's coach until the coach immediately revoke the certificate.
but then the outcome is comedy The. a UEFA internal report of the Mo still handsome innocence, address, Rijkaard did indeed try and at half time when the value of referee Anders Frisk to go beyond the . Therefore, the appearance of uninhibited Jieao Mo handsome, his paranoid personality always have the spirit of ordinary people extraordinary qualities and value judgments.
Throughout Mo handsome football career so far, such cases too much. < br> 2003 年 2 月 20 日 played Porto in the UEFA Cup Denis Zini sports club in Turkey. goalkeeping coach loro become the focus, he usually does not sit on the bench, but I can coach the war in Europe more than one person to sit Therefore, there are two coach seats loro experience: Champions League the previous season against Sparta Prague, UEFA Cup this season, Bologna sand waves with China. but Porto have lost two games, loro obtained from a ; bane . Mourinho insisted his claims with a smile: Li Niao not going to change his mind. Porto 6 to 1 victory over eventually, every score, loro excited to take on Jose Mourinho about the arm, a merry laugh: see who still call me brave bane l r. The next two minutes, Lazio a counterattack, the ball out of the sideline to my side. Argentine Man Castro picked up the ball immediately, ready to throw his teammates, I was not arranged line of defense is good, two guards on two Italian striker, I realized the danger. I'm a Man pulled Castro so that he can not quickly serve. Argentines responded immediately to the referee to see everything, he gave a yellow card Castro Man take me out of the field penalty. This is very bad, I admit I should have sent off the referee. I do not then fair play, and I apologize for the spot to Castro Man, he smiled and answered: l coach, Mr. This is football. r sitting in the middle of two assistants, each has a refined communication facilities; because of UEFA's supervisory staff will closely monitor them, Jose Mourinho can only use a very calm tone of pretending to chat, instructions immediately assistant recorded, sent signals to the coach seats, where special receiving equipment.
to a higher level of English Premier League, the Mo is more handsome culmination of psychological warfare effort, he and his common sense as the cards do not follow Abu Ramo Popovich in a departure from the normal line of the track made a full harmony.
fox last season, Ferguson has suffered this season Wenge Cheng as the new victims, first was Mo commander of by Juan Sebastian Veron, Hernan Crespo and Adrian Mutu and other technology-based players also accused of the worst players on his career last season, Robben shine on the surface more of the bench because of injury, and in fact with the German roba as deepening the power of a single arrow, Robben's creativity has been limited, more discipline, more hard-working Joe. Cole and Frank Lampard Road Zhise more adept to Deba Luo's routine, when Mo Ni Liao on the reluctance of most straightforward way to score.
Premiership if a single authority OPTA to the figures in terms of technology, Mourinho does have a good counter criticism of his football coaching legend Cruyff style killing football arguments Chelsea this season, an average of 2.2 goals per game, lose the ball only 0.4, the total number of shots ranked first Premier League, but Lampard shot success rate and the effective success rate of passing on the ranked Second and third, as a crazy football game fans do not care as Monique Rio as Barcelona and Real Madrid to the frontier closed area kicks pretty good shot to complete the transfer process, but with the calm, almost cold electronic beats offensive and defensive transition.
not be pure gold, no one is perfect, whether in Portugal or in England, Mourinho has always been a controversial coach, more than a year at Stamford Bridge has encountered frustration Last season Liverpool a controversial goal by blocking off in the Champions League final, the FA Cup against Newcastle because of impulsive early substitutions, resulting in the formation of the final stage of 10 pairs of players injured in 11 accidents in the unfavorable situation; the season in late October to hit bottom early November, after the league draw by Everton, Carling Cup exit, the Champions League defeat away to Betis, league loss to Manchester United, the team has big words against him, these are leading to Mourinho greater success on the road to go through the process. Jose Mourinho for themselves, for the Chelsea full of confidence: strength of the team, the whole team the power of friendship. ; four hundred twenty-five but anxious to catch the 8 am to the local football club to his son up in Victoria. Felix was the goalkeeper the club, played 300 league games, when over the country, life did not eat red card. Dad charge of this child is, Jose. Mario. Meadows. Santos. Jose Mourinho.
Mourinho football obsessed from an early age, every Christmas, his gift is the most anticipated football, all kinds of football. He is a child King children fight their own organizations, leagues, and very your life, once he accidentally broke his right arm, to bind to continue playing even after the accident that also broke his left arm fracture were wearing thick plaster hands, so He can only look to the scene, but he was never idle, always on the small partner said, first attack: Dad came home, had retired from the Victoria team, go to another team when the coach immediately.
, he followed his father fought in most Division, often free ride, or even take the fish truck. There After reading the first game, his son told his father: . He matured quickly in football theory, does not like a child. father recalled

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