Monday, February 21, 2011

Blog application in the network

 Blog Teaching in the network analysis
Abstract: Blog is a network application system, is the second E-mail, BBS, OICQ appear after the fourth network communication. As a quick and easy to use knowledge management system, more and more attention by educators and gradually be introduced to the field of education and teaching. article from Blog of the characteristics of the application in the advantages of online teaching; from the theoretical and technical aspects of a Blog used the feasibility of online teaching; of the Blog in the network specific applications of teaching methods; and in accordance with the status of the Blog of the limitations of network teaching. Although Blog for teaching in China did not take long, but with social development , Blog for teaching is still very optimistic about the prospects.
Keywords: Blog; online teaching; knowledge management; virtual community; lifelong learning
The Analysis of Blog in Network Teaching
Author: Zhang RongJu
Grade 2002, Information Technology & Communication College, Qufu Normal University
Tutor: Wang HuanJing
Abstract: Blog is an application system of network and is considered as the fourth method of the network communion following E-mail, BBS and OICQ.A high speed and easy management system of knowledge attracts more and more educators to the educational field. The article analyses the advantage of Blog in network teaching from the characteristic of Blog, the possibility of Blog in network teaching from the aspect of theories and technologies, the concrete applied way of Blog in the network teaching and the localization of Blog in net work teaching based the actuality of our country. Although the Blog applies in the network teaching for not a long time, the foreground that Blog applied in the network teaching is very optimistic along with the development of our society.
Keywords: Blog; Network Based Instruction; Knowledge Management; Virtual community; Lifelong Learning
1. Introduction:
Whenever new technologies emerge, people always try to put it in education, Blog is no exception. Blog is a Web log (web log) is referred to, is a Web-based applications, providing users to log way to publish web pages. A Weblog is a or a set of web pages, it is usually brief and frequently updated by the diary form of the article constituted; These articles are usually posted in reverse chronological order, in accordance with it. People can write diary in Blog, articles, records of their own learning process; also be used as management tools to manage their own classification of learning resources; also available as a network communication tools, which BBS is different, it is for an individual, which personal reflection on the learning and life is good, but also beneficial to the individual the healthy development of thought. Blog in 1997 and appeared in the U.S.. At first, the press and publishing industry to adopt more. Since then, its rapid development in the world. At present, Blog rapid popularity in the country began, there are many industries and fields are in use Blog. people in education is the Blog began in 2004. There is now mainly from the Blog on Blog of the role of teachers, Blog Teaching in the network, Blog limitations of teaching in the network in areas such as research. I wrote in the Blog Application of network teaching, hoping to more comprehensive understanding of Blog Teaching in the network. In this paper, the characteristics of Blog, Blog application in the network the possibility of teaching, Blog specific application in the network, as well to our current Blog condition limitations in the application were analyzed in order to facilitate applications for the Blog to provide theoretical guidance for the future.
2.Blog Teaching in the network characteristics of
2.1 easy to use without any technical
Blog threshold, from registration to use are very easy. learners do not need to master the web page creation and web programming knowledge, as long as the text editor will, as long as the Internet, you can always edit and update your Blog content. Therefore, the user the wide range of students can be as small and large to the elderly. This also shows that learners can become life-long Blog applied a learning and knowledge management tools.
2.2 knowledge management
Blog collection provided by the classification function work to achieve a principled model, the resources available from the Internet can be very convenient revealed, in order to form a large resource base. for further study of different themes to provide a powerful resource protection, so that every truly become a blog resource managers and consumers.
2.3 personalization features of the individual
Blog is the personal expression of its content. Blog in the article, reflects the user's personal interests and hobbies and background; Blog column content classification, the choice of the template by Blog and other users decide for themselves. in the Blog, Bloggers are entitled to their thoughts, publicize their personality, records of their own learning process and growth process. Blog is entirely personal Web diary, along with their knowledge and ideas accumulated day by day, Blog into a personal convenience, fast, easy to use knowledge management system.
2.4 shared
Blog and the biggest difference between an ordinary diary : It is the Internet an open information platform as a carrier, which is determined by its sharing. Blog by many Internet users have been able to spread rapidly and accepted, an important reason for this is because it has characteristics. so-called experience at any time to write the above, do not need any tricks, you can record some small ideas and experience, experience of these ideas are not necessarily correct, it can be judged by other readers.
2.5 depth exchange of
Blog As with the BBS, with communication capabilities, but it reflects a deep exchange. BBS generally loose organization, the content is also more casual. Blog common goal is to study and discuss issues together and place, anyone can Blog of people from around the world with a lasting, deep and extensive exchanges and discussions, to make online communication more depth. by Blog exchange, can quickly bring together a considerable knowledge.
3.Blog in education
feasibility of applying the first, in line with the characteristics of constructivism, characteristics and applications of methods from the Blog of view, it is a consistent learner cognitive psychology constructivist learning tool. learners can use the Blog timely and proactive conduct, point of view, not only for their own point of view of the diagnosis, but also in promoting self-reflection, and a lot of people who never met exchanges and cooperation between; Blog is a personal their own thinking processes and outcomes of various.
second, from the communication point of view, Blog form of subject and object to break the traditional mode of transmission has changed the traditional teaching of to the multidimensional, multi-point communication.
third, Blog creation and maintenance of the Blog provided or LAN station platform can be used after registration.
Fourth, constructivist inquiry-based learning is becoming a modern educational methods the main direction of reform, and advocated Blog is an initiative co-produced with them , reflection and exploration of combining the open learning model, which is not only suitable for students, more suitable for professional development of teachers.
4. Blog in the learning of
4.1 as a personal knowledge management tool
learning society, knowledge management has become a must to think about individual learning.
Blog of the characteristics that make it ideal to become a knowledge management tool.
First, Blog with time as the vertical axis of the knowledge vertical management, classified as a horizontal axis transverse of knowledge management. Blog itself, integrated search function, very suitable for learners of the daily accumulation of explicit knowledge scattered classified and systematized, so that students of knowledge management, search and sharing.
Second, Blog on the learners have easy access to users with similar interests and domain experts, by reading and comment on their posts, to exchange views, share their thoughts and experiences, thus bringing the others tacit knowledge into tacit knowledge reflects their skills.
Third, real-time through the Blog writing, the learner can record the spark of thought and his own daily life accumulated knowledge externalization, and continuously to achieve knowledge transfer and knowledge creation, which is to cultivate innovative talent is very important.
4.2 platform to build digital teaching tools
Blog will not only release the text messages, you can also display images, video, audio and Flash animation and other multimedia data, can also provide PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, and so the link to download. Blog of these features, so it can be used to build zero technical requirements of digital teaching platform. Schools can build on Blog of the digital teaching platform, organizations teaching resources, the establishment of electronic records of students. Teachers can use this platform to publish their own teaching plans, electronic lesson plans, courseware, job layout, etc.; teachers can also between the information in this platform to share and exchange; Blog can also promote the teaching and research to carry out, teachers can use the information Blog accumulated first-hand research, discussion between teachers, learn from will no longer be space and time. students can use this platform for independent study, research, learning and collaborative learning.
4.3 the implementation of individualized instruction
and a relaxed environment; provide the opportunity to identify problems and some sources of information; a certain knowledge base and research methods. This Qieqia can provide good Blog. Since the different learning styles of learners, therefore, experiments and data presentation order To meet each learner's learning style, while the Blog can be provided for each user logs, so as to make students more effective learning. Blog of the model is equal, it is more stress is placed on participation in the process rather than results. For the views of teachers or books, students can publish his way through the Blog for the understanding of these issues, Blog does not require unity of opinion, but asked the relevance and independence of opinion. In addition, the course in the curriculum can be set more different topics, allowing students the freedom to choose their topics of interest.
research study supported research study carried out in a blog has inherent advantages. through the Blog, students can find sites of interest, thinking and research from others to find inspiration, focus research questions, determine their own subject. Blog to discuss the exchange of students and teachers can provide an ideal place to make the participants more extensive participation in the exchange more convenient, more timely feedback.
use Blog, students can study the problems encountered in their own uploaded to the network under the relevant section for help, you can answer other students questions, or collaborate with other students together to solve a problem; teachers are available online timely guidance to the students. teachers and students in online collaboration and communication is completely equal, which is conducive to the realization from a play the learner's initiative and initiative.

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