Monday, February 28, 2011

Opportunity cost of offshore renminbi market lock control

 After the Spring Festival. Hot real estate sector in Hong Kong benefit from getting the news of the offshore renminbi market after another.

2 22 February, Hong Kong-based real estate private Ji Jinji Gateway Capital (Gaw Capital) Pengqing Bang, managing partner in Beijing, an exclusive interview to this reporter said that at present, of Gaw Capital is to go to Kong Renminbi REITs (real estate investment trusts) the feasibility of Gaw Capital is very positive about our offshore yuan REITs market.

testing of domestic and imported milk ingredients that no significant difference in seven adults do not want to purchase China-made milk-second five-year plan to determine the economic growth rate of 7% Wang: agriculture-related credit can not reduce the sugar daddy play a small role, and the third sector in general, News Network Information center Recruitment edit HD: Lu Wen Jiabao and communicate online with friends Kai: Why can not raise interest rates coupled with inflation
newspaper had previously reported that Li Ka-shing's Cheung Kong are promoting the RMB REITs, and listed in Hong Kong Chinese New Year Housing prices in Hong Kong to the mainland yuan bonds sold, more and more investment in housing prices or real estate agencies are to benefit from the rapid growth of the Hong Kong offshore yuan market.

or the issuance of RMB bond financing, or choose to exit the RMB funds REITs as a platform.

2 24, who declined to be named, housing prices in Hong Kong listed mainland financial responsible person is the reporter said, >

industry believes that the RMB appreciation and to promote internationalization of the RMB central double expectations, the Hong Kong market, the rapid development of offshore renminbi must be able to attract housing prices in the market trying to issue more financial instruments, and its products diversified inevitable trend. However, the share of the cake that is needed to expand over time, cost at least two checkpoints.

product diversification power

According to report statistics, in 2011, there have been, including Shui On Land, Hengda Real Estate, Kaisa, and a number of home buyers in housing prices Chun issuance of renminbi bonds in Hong Kong, the cumulative amount of more than 200 billion yuan.

issuance of RMB bonds in Hong Kong are increasingly long list of enterprises, Road King Infrastructure, and the first home buyers who are budding into the column.

is worth noting that before the Spring Festival with the number of companies offering renminbi bonds is different is that although the two companies sold the same as the RMB bond, but because of the specific settlement of the yuan and the selected non-US dollar, renminbi actually belong to another kind of debt products.

issued by other enterprises is RMB and U.S. dollars, and is called 'synthetic securities', not a product. locked in the hands of RMB in Hong Kong, investors or institutions, listed companies in Hong Kong, the Mainland opened precedent. The products are innovative. The Department of Cheung Kong's RMB REITs continue to spread the message listing, although the Cheung Kong has not yet given a clear reply to a reporter, but what is certain is that the launch of the renminbi REITs holding the renminbi in Hong Kong must give investors more abundant investment choice.

obvious reason for continued product innovation. To July 2010, Investment demand is spawned all kinds of products are emerging.

accordance with the latest data released by the HKMA, as at the end of December last year, total RMB deposits in Hong Kong reached 314.9 billion yuan, an increase much higher than in 2009. According to data disclosed by Deutsche Bank, offshore renminbi foreign exchange market daily trading volume continues to grow, the current daily turnover of U.S. dollar against the renminbi offshore about 900 million U.S. dollars.

banks continue to raise interest rates, expand RMB Lanchu war, but the deposit rate at most 1% more, or can not meet the needs of people for the return.

in his view, as long as the return on investment product returns than deposits, the strong investment demand have imagined. Pushing the other hand is an appreciation of the renminbi.

4% to 5% return, but there is good appreciation of the renminbi, and I expect 3% to 4% annual returns are likely to usher in an over-subscription!

trend controversy

in the above demand, subject to domestic financing channels via Hong Kong housing prices naturally want financing. And the related financial institutions want to issue a share during this period.

UBS Global Capital Markets, Managing Director of Asia Region Junjie previously told reporters that the company expected to see more synthetic RMB bonds issued in Hong Kong, and duration will be more abundant. > UBS in December last year, as Ryan is the real estate issue RMB 3.0 billion synthetic bonds, these bonds of the first of its kind to open the underwriters.

For other products are also instructive.

However, this area of the The industry believes that housing prices could benefit from this market in addition to need to have certain conditions, such as foreign financing platform, but also need to have two control points.

first time window is shut. Insiders said, including home ownership, including Chun companies are caught up in the time window to open. However, at present, the window may soon close.

the Hong Kong-listed mainland enterprises financial Housing relevant person in charge, told reporters that p>

Second, there is not the expected cost of the related issue. Data show the year 2010, the offshore market in Hong Kong recorded a total of 46.7 billion yuan bond issue, while only 2 months into 2011, including synthetic, including offshore renminbi bond issuance volume has exceeded 200 billion yuan, significantly faster.

as the product increases, the investor has more room to choose up, room rate To get more attractive, more cost to become a must to, but each company How high can bear the cost is unknown.

Zone JJ pointed out that when the market is more and more of the RMB bond issuance, investors will more choice, they will pay more attention to price. Therefore, the company's debt issuance costs in 2011 may increase.

In addition, the industry said this long-term trend of offshore yuan market, said wait and see.

space, many foreign people are rushing for the RMB, but the trend for how long, I still said wait and see.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Libyan unrest down stocks for the second consecutive trading day

 Housing market data released the day flat, there is no support to the stock form. According to the American Association of Realtors reported that U.S. existing home sales in January rose 2.7%, while analysts had expected a small decline in this data. At the same time, the report also showed that the average price of U.S. existing home sales dropped nearly 9 years, the lowest level since it shows once again that the U.S. housing market recovery is still very weak.

panic measure the extent of stock market investors, the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX) rose to the day of the highest level since November, two days has risen more than 40%.

individual stocks, Hewlett-Packard's stock plummeted nearly 10% of the day, mainly because the company released results after the close of the previous trading day notice to investors disappointed. And because of Apple's forthcoming Annual General Meeting by the market's attention, its chief executive Steve Jobs's health problems became a focus of attention.

as Libya continues to be pressure and other factors of tension, 23 New York stock market fell for a second day, as of the close, the Dow Jones index fell more than 100 points, while the three indexes of the cumulative decline for two consecutive days for the past six months, the highest since.

In addition, as investors worried about the Middle East's oil supply will have problems, the international oil prices rose following the previous day, after another day up nearly 3%, and 100 U.S. dollars a barrel in intraday trading, the first time since 2008.

(This article Source: Xinhua on: cattle Hoi Wing)
after previous session's slump, the New York Stock Exchange that day continue to be pressure from outside. Libya did not improve the situation so that investors fear that other oil producing countries will be affected, resulting in a strong market risk aversion.

to the New York stock markets closed, the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average index over the previous trading day down 107.01 points to close at 12,105.78 points, down 0.88%. Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 8.04 points to close at 1307.40 points, down 0.61%. The Nasdaq composite index fell 33.43 points to close at 2722.99 points, down 1.21%.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Micro Bo nurses and other patients look forward to death and then was removed from her clinical work jobs


the incident micro-Bo

Shantou, a nurse microblogging
provoked outrage

have been removed from said micro-Bo is black

- Press Note) O death ... ...

22 evening, starting a micro-blog on the Internet widespread. In this screenshot provided micro-Bo, a hospital nurse suspected of Shantou bloggers in their own micro-Bo, life and death of the patient rather cold, one's only looking forward to work, the patient began to spit blood and said something to do with their own.

yesterday, the reporter contacted the hospital concerned Shantou medicine. Lin, chief of UNESCO described hospital doctors, the micro-Bobo indeed the main medical Lee Internal Medicine Hospital of Shantou City. Hospital investigation team has been set up to investigate the matter, Lee has been stopped and removed from the clinical prescription of the right post. Lin chief also disclosed that the survey, Lee reflected, net posts and the attached photo is indeed for her all my postcards, but the text nothing to do with their micro-blog accounts stolen.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Secret rare in the history of football coach Jose Mourinho Wizards Age of Discovery

 Robson + hard work = deviant Mourinho
when the 2003/04 season, FC Porto in the Champions League triumph and when the dark horse stance, Real Madrid coach Queiroz seems today proposed a very stupid question: ; that Mourinho What kind of character in the end, from which came out of hell? Coach's Award, Mourinho has been more than 100,000 votes, and finally to 60% of the vote over Real Sociedad in the French national coach Denu Ai and Stuttgart coach Felix Magath as the best in Europe. even if such , Mo commanding only George and Oliveira, Portugal and other little-known coach, coaching success stories in foreign countries, these decisions of the general public for the handsome rocket leap Mo showing incredible sense of surprise, because he coaches the successful subversion of the law of occupation, has created World Football centuries a rare phenomenon mm to create the great AC Milan Sacchi before the dynasty, but also complete the football coach first program step by step, led hang around in the Italian third division Serie B Parma team rushed, only to obtain and Beirut Sike Ni Chen plans the opportunity to face - Jose Mourinho is taking a different road to success.
Mo handsome biggest reason is that the success of the starting point of his coaching career high, the starting point is Robson. In 1992, the father of the reform of English football than Bo. Robson signed Sporting Lisbon, meticulously dressed man beside him, the translation is a serious and resolute expression of 29-year-old Jose. Mourinho. Robson, published in 1999 autobiography, begins with special reference to the word can not do without foreign language proficiency in the use of five José.
face of life's most important is the opportunity for post-horses, and is the basis of talent and hard work. He Robson every day of the lesson plan that thick , British kind of old for his good to encourage and support the attitudes of young people for a high aspirations as a guide for the light, a Wang desert springs, it is this hard to make his final out of the team to translate this low-level role. From this point, it is not hard to explain how we as Chelsea, Real Madrid, the two giants both an olive branch to him when they chose the cold José England, rather than a cultural background, more similar to the Spanish language, as in Robson's lecture contains the essence of English football and their dreams blueprint for reform.
captain of English Premier League club's Portugal
species of the Portuguese folk music, which by the folk guitar accompaniment comes from the Latin dark, getting off the noisy crowd, listening to popular artists performing the art of a century, sad melody Ruqirusu, as if describing a kind of melancholy inherent bones.
atmosphere and great temperament Portuguese similar. impression that people in Portugal is quite low-key and unassuming, unknown. how to influence the culture out of a date may be the most arrogant coach in world football then?
but also from the Portuguese the depth of the cultural background and history to answer this question.
2004 年 4 months, one of the authors of this paper Xiong Fire Dragon stadium in Porto interview with the Press Hall had Mourinho, when he soon became famous, much less Rounds today, but the Portuguese media have dubbed him a Porto football, in the shorter, but he features vivid, British Gas is compelling, broad forehead a scar on the right side, not offensive, and have actually added a bit solemn.
At that time, he told of his most admired players is Eusebio, the Portuguese person I admire most is the captain.
key here mm Portugal captain.
This is a over 500 years, still continue to be proud of all the Portuguese brought the history.
As we all know, Portugal is the history of the most brilliant 15 to 16 century, when the horrifying story circulated in Europe, said the gloomy darkness of the ocean where a group of ghosts and goblins live, the Titanic, the past, all vessels will be atrocious, or boiling water waves swallowed But Portuguese sailors bravely drove the latest invention of the clippers to forward undaunted, this geographical discovery and today's Shenzhou VI is very similar to God, are familiar with space exploration in the unfathomable.
for this explore the kinds of life and death of the captain's authority and command of the most critical: he did not sign on the map look easy place to look, to make food when the water must continue to find a way to fight for people struggling to draw the ship to the land, to appear tough on the boat when the rebels without mercy deterrent, but also to the rough sea in front of that the way forward. We can imagine the captain's personality: gifted, strong-willed and even ruthless. rely on the captain of a group of brilliant such as Diaz, Dajia Ma, Cabral, Pires, Magellan, the Portuguese geographical discovery achieved phenomenal success in the world made a great contribution to civilization, of course, for the Portuguese seized large tracts of land and vast amounts of wealth Asia's Malacca, Macao, Java, Sumatra and the Americas, Africa, large tracts of land are plundered for the great wealth of Portugal, Portugal became the world's leading was great empire, that monument in Lisbon Square, today's Portuguese also proudly tiling with tile map of the 16th century empire.
now and then think about the character of Mo handsome features: talent talent, extremely confident, firm and indomitable, rigorous and meticulous, cruel despotism, what point is not 500 years ago that the success Portugal captain their character?
Although a low profile for several centuries, but from the Coincidentally, today in Chelsea for Mourinho's success, the Portuguese, clearly created a football king of the division.
since 2004, two great step by step the Portuguese shocked the world of football Jose Mourinho and the European Union President Jose Manuel Barroso politics, the world would the brilliant in this country 500 years ago fascinated admiration. From them, we seem to see people 500 years ago off the pier for marine hero, into the vast Atlantic Ocean to explore the mysterious unknown continent that pride celestial dome.
details - - Mourinho
the most important elements of success coaches have a lot of success, success coach, there are many successful methods, such as Herrera's tactical supremacy, such as Giovanni Trapattoni's affinity, such as Menotti's skilled calculation, such as the Mad Saki general spirit of the work, such as the standardized management of Capello. Speaking of Jose Mourinho, the marshal of the features he has, but we are most impressive is his attention to detail.
There is no doubt Mourinho attention to detail also comes from the captain of his temperament. beneath the waves, for the negligence of any of the details of the ship may have resulted in catastrophic consequences of crash, so the captain must be a everything that can be installed in the heart, everything is carefully handled perfect man.
Mourinho has a very well-known habit, every time the team training, he is the first one to the training ground. coaching Benfica's first day, he arrived two hours early training ground. His explanation for the benefits, there is always something to do, someone to talk to. I can check the length of the grass to see the need for pouring a little water, I can talk to people in charge of equipment, take a look at moving the goal, the case of isolated cone and ball , draw a sketch art training facilities placed, or with the medical team about the physical fitness of the players, who can properly trained, what training who can not attend, I can read the newspaper hh any of these causes is likely to will be forthcoming on our positive impact on the game. very important, because the World Cup players who have not come back, they represent the majority of last season, the veteran left behind, those who already know me. So in the first week, I only players and those new to training with so they can quickly integrate into the team and start working, and not by the pressure and influence of the old players. not old players in the side, all the more open, more of the truth, this so that I can better understand them. I can start training them. old players back, we went to the French training .3 days later, there are old players said to me: l coach, these new skills not only good, but people are very good. r very carefully prepared a special kind of tactics, training 432 several times to keep the team formation, he felt less of a person in the team when an offensive force should be maintained, so a lot of field training game is played 11.2002 10 / Super 03 season, Porto Portugal against Benfica, this training received a strange effect, then, if the heat. Costa in the first 30 minutes when sent off the team immediately changed the formation, and adapt very well, the midfield and the striker has not been seriously affected in the end, when the score from the end Costa flat into a 1 to 1 Porto 2 to 1 win.
Mourinho even meticulous surgery to try to understand the extent of the players. Porto winger plug Saar injured, he watched the whole process of surgery: explained to me every step of the movement's intention. The operation was clean, no blood, but I'm most alarmed by the sound of drills into the bone, as well as the medical team tried to remove the tendon with an electric scalpel comes out of that dead meat smell. the players want to speed up the rehabilitation approach is basically meaningless. From now on, I will complain about their players and more sympathetic doctors. training for all in 12:00 to 13:30 for, to adapt to Seville (competition in) the weather. players have also been targeted training limits, taking into account any possible court case, for each Psychological Analysis of players also completed.
2003/04 season, FC Porto and Monaco in the Champions League final before, the situation is equally true: But I hope the players know it all: long-time interest in the counter how fast, how powerful Morientes opportunistic striker, Rothen's pass in the offensive wings how accurate the technology. In addition to general information outside Each players have been targeted a DVD, Ferreira has been Rothen action highlights, Rothen will be in the game and his direct confrontation, in the back got the information Morientes and Puer Shao . Each person has their own DVD to learn, and then we sat down together to discuss the information. Finally, I believe Monaco has no secrets for us to speak of. at the initial meeting, he lit the unique skills: open carry laptop computers, familiar to say his players to grasp the situation of these: from a technical style, goals, height and weight to what is left even more scoring and what is right foot scored. It suddenly overawed by these players are, but this is only the beginning, they even did not think that this near-perfect coach to prepare the details of the work will make them in the back achieve victory in the race again and again.
Chelsea Ruud Gullit, Vialli and Claudio Ranieri is an international brigade of the times, whether Bates, or Abu are willing to withdraw according to coach big money to the intention of formation of the team, but not always in their power to fight record, its lack of reason is that Chelsea are playing in the strong pleasant conversation with, but in the middle and lower reaches by the team based at the foot of the body took it on board, refined but Ranieri indecisive group of Italian military has set the stage a framework for Mourinho, but he did not know how to arrange their play big time, only know how to be England Quyifengying media had dubbed Carpenter. various aspects of his team building, staff and future needs of the views and reasons.
Mourinho's meticulous style that is also the first time from the traumatic experience of his .2000 September, he coached the first command 0 to 1 game to lose, Benfica was opening just netted a goal 60 seconds, and Boa Vista's advance this goal is repeatedly reminded of Mourinho: tower attack, usually relying on the wing pass, pass the placement is the angle of the post. before the game, I have repeatedly reminded the Benfica players this, but still this way Boavista into the ball . Later, he blamed his over-reliance Benfica professional intelligence gathering. For professional coaches, the first to lose in this way, the prospects are certainly very dark, with a child when his father was fired to celebrate the Christmas experience of gray long stay in the minds of Jose Mourinho, Mourinho's sense of far more than their peers, since then, he always has done meticulous preparation before the game, often a long time to play with tactics board, and even his own pocket, please human intelligence gathering.
Mourinho attention to detail, and that brings attention to the success and impact of economic integration in the world today and the attention to detail is consistent.
a risky road - Extreme Blue Better than the humble
Mourinho has a strong grass-roots, which is destined to be recognized by his desire to feel more strongly in his life journey Robson left the first wiping the sun, either when he as a translator for Bobby Robson received the opportunity to speak of the story behind the wonderful.
quintessence of the old 442 Zhenshi Robson influenced by England, the British coach is more off than love of the conservative attack, only use a more controversial figure willing to take risks In the summer of .1990, as European football Heysel tragedy was frozen for 5 years in English football is still a mess, but led by the Robson Despite wins over England was the biggest dark horse of Italy into the World Cup semifinals, Cameroon, the old Lo adventure reuse the controversial British football bad boy Paul Gascoigne, Gaza has become that the last session of the greatest England bright, light and even overshadowed the veteran Lai Yinke, Barnes, Hilton and Waddle. Later, both in Porto, Barcelona or Newcastle, the old Robson always bold new offensive and reuse: in Barcelona, Figo and Ronaldo, he led his unit was captured in the 1996/97 European Cup Winners Cup grown into an international superstar season; in Newcastle, septuagenarian against all the odds, he would be willing to introduce the issue of youth Bowyer and Leeds United's Jonathan Woodgate, and entrusted with great responsibility.
adventurous old style jazz Mourinho, who has been a good tradition: the 2003/04 Champions League final, Mourinho surprise as the Brazilian striker Alberto teenager starting, Alberto has a goal to break the deadlock with a return a coach; 2004/05 Champions League 1 / 8 final second leg against Barcelona, Robben, Drogba can not play the situation, he rarely sent starter Kezman and Gudjohnsen constitute a double play forward, the opening 19 minutes with three goals to Barcelona will be the captains Danian, and Kezman is one of the best one.
Another typical example is Joe. Cole, this year to ; child prodigy, Little Joe was the team will soon be cleaned, the key moment, Mourinho saved him, his tactics into a proper system, fully weaknesses, the results from the first half of 2005, Joe seems to change a person often been Chelsea feats, has become a main absolute England.
Mourinho is very good at dealing with This name was left out of South Africa in the La Liga striker as Porto won the Jones, and Maniche, Paulo Ferreira, Costinha as Portugal's national team into the feminine style, simple, tough style, although the situation at the time took a very Porto bad, but he just handed over the first six Triple Crown of Europe's great answer. As for Drogba, the impact from the French-based striker soared alternative Mourinho football philosophy is the finishing touch God T, Frank Lampard and Iron Man Terry had seen England in the 2006 World Cup title hopes.
the second great influence on the coach Jose Mourinho was Van Gaal, the Netherlands, The two young military points were the UEFA Cup and European Cup and 90 in the last century known in the world, is worthy of a modern master tactician. Jose Mourinho was Van Gaal taught him how to recognize the lineup to criticism in people Utility Mourinho killed the wonderful game of football, he immediately drew Fan year old likes playing with the 433 formation, with Robben, Duff and Wright. This natural winger Phillips, the original ineffective against Chelsea Suddenly had a terrifying destruction.
Van Gaal Another effect of Mo is probably the handsome character of the opinionated. Kluivert since the Champions League final in 1995 to help complete the absolute Ajax After the killing, Van Gaal to love him, adding the Barcelona at the turn of the century, even Sony. Anderson and Dani in the state no matter how good, no matter how Kluivert troublemaker, it is difficult to change the starting center of the Status - This is now Mourinho and Drogba's stubborn confidence in how similar? could not bear the loneliness of Kezman Atletico Madrid can only flee, Crespo often fall into unfavorable situation in the team staged Riding Alone Savior of the play, can only meet 18 people in the game into the squad.
, of course, Mourinho has become a major international football marking time on the track, excel the predecessors, superseding the previous waves, MO handsome more than two teachers better place because he was an active defense to give a deeper meaning. Robson and Van Gaal missed the top league now is that the reasons for teaching While their attacking football sufficient to please the general public, so that investors can not score satisfactory, Robson like hands-on, training the lack of clarity, and Van Gaal good systematic training arrangements. So, smart, studious easy Mourinho from two different styles of a good coach who complement each other, while in Barcelona to learn how the best players in the world, to get along: Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Luis Figo, Guardiola, 斯托伊科夫 and Crew Yvette.
Mourinho usually fixed in the 23-25 players who registered after the success of a clean sweep of the season we finally understand why Ferreira, Ricardo Carvalho, Portugal and other well-known players to become the main flat, because they are most able to understand the concept of Mourinho football charm, that is based on a strong defense in the backcourt, waiting for opponents make mistakes, and then a sharp counterattack and positioning the ball home opponents to death. formulated the concept of football there have been long period of time, the two rivals Chelsea in the Premiership Manchester United and Arsenal before the arrival in Mozambique has successfully handsome formulaic interpretation of the classic football season, as the 1999/00 season when Manchester United won the Triple Crown 442 offensive, Arsenal 2002 / 03 season undefeated for an entire season, the whole Code of Practice for Type 442 attack, surging attacks are courage dream. so a lot of weak teams and two Premier League giants clash in the most afraid of their firepower up front, present, and when Chelsea clash The confusion is simply break the gates of blue trick, also like the Chinese Tai Chi master, often getting a later start. a lot of Premier League games Chelsea are striking, the goal in the first 70-80 minutes of a lead time high. Harding Park 21, Chelsea 13 games development effort is to rely on the second half to win or save the day of. Chelsea play hard with the current post-modern retro or the words to describe, Duff, Robben on the wings of flying, the whole is not more easily guard lines the utmost limit, This is a play with the past 433 colors, but Lampard, Michael Essien and Claude Makelele can play three lumbar middle of the triangle formed, which can only be Mourinho's initiative!
almost In each location, Chelsea have maintained the strength of two very different styles of player competition, obviously, just like Mourinho did to the American Express credit card ads: the secret of my success is always one step ahead to anticipate! Now He has a more options! not just 4321 and 4222, as well as 4132 and 4231, not only have Robben and invincible, and then find the opponent's flaws, in the fleeting opportunities to resolve the fighting. This is the essence of Mourinho football philosophy.
crazy temperament mm
the cards do not follow the common sense that things are often Mourinho was regarded as the greatest example of arrogance, perhaps early on Mo handsome prepare for this day his .2004/05 Champions League and Barcelona of the Dutch TA Teng Jiate serious conflict in the aisle, seemingly absurd, there is loss of head coach of the style, but as long as after the departure of Mo thin aftertaste Robson handsome character with the Dutch coach Van Gaal work can understand the feeling of doing this is obviously beneficial to retaliation.
year in Barcelona, feathers gradually abundance, can say a pure Spanish Mourinho has come to look upon themselves as an assistant coach, so the formations Robson also had Jose's ideas, but of course in front of headstrong Van Gaal could not handle, in a and Athletic Bilbao in the game, Jose and the nickname ? ; natural, Mourinho ready to wait for the moment of revenge.
Mourinho has not yet finished, back to London, he also broke the other coach Frank Rijkaard was in the changing rooms at half time room contact with referee Anders Frisk, and put him up against Chelsea in the second half to make a negative sentence (Drogba's red card). The matter caused a big stir in world football, has been so life-threatening Frisk announced the closure post. Mourinho has also been suspended fines and penalties, the Swedish Football Association president or even directly asked UEFA to increase penalties for those who attack the referee's coach until the coach immediately revoke the certificate.
but then the outcome is comedy The. a UEFA internal report of the Mo still handsome innocence, address, Rijkaard did indeed try and at half time when the value of referee Anders Frisk to go beyond the . Therefore, the appearance of uninhibited Jieao Mo handsome, his paranoid personality always have the spirit of ordinary people extraordinary qualities and value judgments.
Throughout Mo handsome football career so far, such cases too much. < br> 2003 年 2 月 20 日 played Porto in the UEFA Cup Denis Zini sports club in Turkey. goalkeeping coach loro become the focus, he usually does not sit on the bench, but I can coach the war in Europe more than one person to sit Therefore, there are two coach seats loro experience: Champions League the previous season against Sparta Prague, UEFA Cup this season, Bologna sand waves with China. but Porto have lost two games, loro obtained from a ; bane . Mourinho insisted his claims with a smile: Li Niao not going to change his mind. Porto 6 to 1 victory over eventually, every score, loro excited to take on Jose Mourinho about the arm, a merry laugh: see who still call me brave bane l r. The next two minutes, Lazio a counterattack, the ball out of the sideline to my side. Argentine Man Castro picked up the ball immediately, ready to throw his teammates, I was not arranged line of defense is good, two guards on two Italian striker, I realized the danger. I'm a Man pulled Castro so that he can not quickly serve. Argentines responded immediately to the referee to see everything, he gave a yellow card Castro Man take me out of the field penalty. This is very bad, I admit I should have sent off the referee. I do not then fair play, and I apologize for the spot to Castro Man, he smiled and answered: l coach, Mr. This is football. r sitting in the middle of two assistants, each has a refined communication facilities; because of UEFA's supervisory staff will closely monitor them, Jose Mourinho can only use a very calm tone of pretending to chat, instructions immediately assistant recorded, sent signals to the coach seats, where special receiving equipment.
to a higher level of English Premier League, the Mo is more handsome culmination of psychological warfare effort, he and his common sense as the cards do not follow Abu Ramo Popovich in a departure from the normal line of the track made a full harmony.
fox last season, Ferguson has suffered this season Wenge Cheng as the new victims, first was Mo commander of by Juan Sebastian Veron, Hernan Crespo and Adrian Mutu and other technology-based players also accused of the worst players on his career last season, Robben shine on the surface more of the bench because of injury, and in fact with the German roba as deepening the power of a single arrow, Robben's creativity has been limited, more discipline, more hard-working Joe. Cole and Frank Lampard Road Zhise more adept to Deba Luo's routine, when Mo Ni Liao on the reluctance of most straightforward way to score.
Premiership if a single authority OPTA to the figures in terms of technology, Mourinho does have a good counter criticism of his football coaching legend Cruyff style killing football arguments Chelsea this season, an average of 2.2 goals per game, lose the ball only 0.4, the total number of shots ranked first Premier League, but Lampard shot success rate and the effective success rate of passing on the ranked Second and third, as a crazy football game fans do not care as Monique Rio as Barcelona and Real Madrid to the frontier closed area kicks pretty good shot to complete the transfer process, but with the calm, almost cold electronic beats offensive and defensive transition.
not be pure gold, no one is perfect, whether in Portugal or in England, Mourinho has always been a controversial coach, more than a year at Stamford Bridge has encountered frustration Last season Liverpool a controversial goal by blocking off in the Champions League final, the FA Cup against Newcastle because of impulsive early substitutions, resulting in the formation of the final stage of 10 pairs of players injured in 11 accidents in the unfavorable situation; the season in late October to hit bottom early November, after the league draw by Everton, Carling Cup exit, the Champions League defeat away to Betis, league loss to Manchester United, the team has big words against him, these are leading to Mourinho greater success on the road to go through the process. Jose Mourinho for themselves, for the Chelsea full of confidence: strength of the team, the whole team the power of friendship. ; four hundred twenty-five but anxious to catch the 8 am to the local football club to his son up in Victoria. Felix was the goalkeeper the club, played 300 league games, when over the country, life did not eat red card. Dad charge of this child is, Jose. Mario. Meadows. Santos. Jose Mourinho.
Mourinho football obsessed from an early age, every Christmas, his gift is the most anticipated football, all kinds of football. He is a child King children fight their own organizations, leagues, and very your life, once he accidentally broke his right arm, to bind to continue playing even after the accident that also broke his left arm fracture were wearing thick plaster hands, so He can only look to the scene, but he was never idle, always on the small partner said, first attack: Dad came home, had retired from the Victoria team, go to another team when the coach immediately.
, he followed his father fought in most Division, often free ride, or even take the fish truck. There After reading the first game, his son told his father: . He matured quickly in football theory, does not like a child. father recalled

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Anthony or 3 years 65 million contract to join New York this life memorable melon

 Beijing Feb. 22 news, soap operas Anthony finally end the transaction, New York Knicks with Felton, Jialineili, Chandler, Mauds Goff and three draft picks in exchange for Anthony, Chauncey Billups, Barr Blackman and Williams. From the team last summer, refused to renew the beginning of melon, this lasted for six months of heavy transaction finally occurred, the New York teams have lost a half, Stoudemire, New York, melon and Chauncey Billups triangle formed together to become a championship favorable contender, Anthony finally got his wish, like James in New York as he can pursue his dream of a championship, according to Yahoo sports news, Anthony said when the deal closes, the moment of joining the Knicks let him forget this life, he was looking forward to enter the Madison Square Garden and alongside Stoudemire.

Denver this summer, Anthony refused to renew, on the trade rumors flying in the sky Anthony, whether to retain or coach Karl's emotional pains to persuade his teammates, Anthony are indifferent, he went to Italy has already decided, the Nuggets have been no longer make him yearn, which lasted for six months of the soap opera was finally settled, melon also sigh, for the new owner to join the Knicks, Anthony is very excited.

New York let me forget this life, in New York, I can enjoy the deployed, for my family and career is also very beneficial, this week, this day is simply insane, so exciting, loneliness, reach a deal on this form he is very excited, They eventually joined the New York City to help Romero. Romero was so excited that he is looking for the Knicks effect. . Anthony and the Knicks are expected to renew for 3 years, the total value of $ 65,000,000 of the big contract, Anthony's first show in the New York Knicks Beijing is likely to be staged on Thursday, when the Knicks home game against Milwaukee in the male deer. (Sohu sports Kang Xiaoxin)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blog application in the network

 Blog Teaching in the network analysis
Abstract: Blog is a network application system, is the second E-mail, BBS, OICQ appear after the fourth network communication. As a quick and easy to use knowledge management system, more and more attention by educators and gradually be introduced to the field of education and teaching. article from Blog of the characteristics of the application in the advantages of online teaching; from the theoretical and technical aspects of a Blog used the feasibility of online teaching; of the Blog in the network specific applications of teaching methods; and in accordance with the status of the Blog of the limitations of network teaching. Although Blog for teaching in China did not take long, but with social development , Blog for teaching is still very optimistic about the prospects.
Keywords: Blog; online teaching; knowledge management; virtual community; lifelong learning
The Analysis of Blog in Network Teaching
Author: Zhang RongJu
Grade 2002, Information Technology & Communication College, Qufu Normal University
Tutor: Wang HuanJing
Abstract: Blog is an application system of network and is considered as the fourth method of the network communion following E-mail, BBS and OICQ.A high speed and easy management system of knowledge attracts more and more educators to the educational field. The article analyses the advantage of Blog in network teaching from the characteristic of Blog, the possibility of Blog in network teaching from the aspect of theories and technologies, the concrete applied way of Blog in the network teaching and the localization of Blog in net work teaching based the actuality of our country. Although the Blog applies in the network teaching for not a long time, the foreground that Blog applied in the network teaching is very optimistic along with the development of our society.
Keywords: Blog; Network Based Instruction; Knowledge Management; Virtual community; Lifelong Learning
1. Introduction:
Whenever new technologies emerge, people always try to put it in education, Blog is no exception. Blog is a Web log (web log) is referred to, is a Web-based applications, providing users to log way to publish web pages. A Weblog is a or a set of web pages, it is usually brief and frequently updated by the diary form of the article constituted; These articles are usually posted in reverse chronological order, in accordance with it. People can write diary in Blog, articles, records of their own learning process; also be used as management tools to manage their own classification of learning resources; also available as a network communication tools, which BBS is different, it is for an individual, which personal reflection on the learning and life is good, but also beneficial to the individual the healthy development of thought. Blog in 1997 and appeared in the U.S.. At first, the press and publishing industry to adopt more. Since then, its rapid development in the world. At present, Blog rapid popularity in the country began, there are many industries and fields are in use Blog. people in education is the Blog began in 2004. There is now mainly from the Blog on Blog of the role of teachers, Blog Teaching in the network, Blog limitations of teaching in the network in areas such as research. I wrote in the Blog Application of network teaching, hoping to more comprehensive understanding of Blog Teaching in the network. In this paper, the characteristics of Blog, Blog application in the network the possibility of teaching, Blog specific application in the network, as well to our current Blog condition limitations in the application were analyzed in order to facilitate applications for the Blog to provide theoretical guidance for the future.
2.Blog Teaching in the network characteristics of
2.1 easy to use without any technical
Blog threshold, from registration to use are very easy. learners do not need to master the web page creation and web programming knowledge, as long as the text editor will, as long as the Internet, you can always edit and update your Blog content. Therefore, the user the wide range of students can be as small and large to the elderly. This also shows that learners can become life-long Blog applied a learning and knowledge management tools.
2.2 knowledge management
Blog collection provided by the classification function work to achieve a principled model, the resources available from the Internet can be very convenient revealed, in order to form a large resource base. for further study of different themes to provide a powerful resource protection, so that every truly become a blog resource managers and consumers.
2.3 personalization features of the individual
Blog is the personal expression of its content. Blog in the article, reflects the user's personal interests and hobbies and background; Blog column content classification, the choice of the template by Blog and other users decide for themselves. in the Blog, Bloggers are entitled to their thoughts, publicize their personality, records of their own learning process and growth process. Blog is entirely personal Web diary, along with their knowledge and ideas accumulated day by day, Blog into a personal convenience, fast, easy to use knowledge management system.
2.4 shared
Blog and the biggest difference between an ordinary diary : It is the Internet an open information platform as a carrier, which is determined by its sharing. Blog by many Internet users have been able to spread rapidly and accepted, an important reason for this is because it has characteristics. so-called experience at any time to write the above, do not need any tricks, you can record some small ideas and experience, experience of these ideas are not necessarily correct, it can be judged by other readers.
2.5 depth exchange of
Blog As with the BBS, with communication capabilities, but it reflects a deep exchange. BBS generally loose organization, the content is also more casual. Blog common goal is to study and discuss issues together and place, anyone can Blog of people from around the world with a lasting, deep and extensive exchanges and discussions, to make online communication more depth. by Blog exchange, can quickly bring together a considerable knowledge.
3.Blog in education
feasibility of applying the first, in line with the characteristics of constructivism, characteristics and applications of methods from the Blog of view, it is a consistent learner cognitive psychology constructivist learning tool. learners can use the Blog timely and proactive conduct, point of view, not only for their own point of view of the diagnosis, but also in promoting self-reflection, and a lot of people who never met exchanges and cooperation between; Blog is a personal their own thinking processes and outcomes of various.
second, from the communication point of view, Blog form of subject and object to break the traditional mode of transmission has changed the traditional teaching of to the multidimensional, multi-point communication.
third, Blog creation and maintenance of the Blog provided or LAN station platform can be used after registration.
Fourth, constructivist inquiry-based learning is becoming a modern educational methods the main direction of reform, and advocated Blog is an initiative co-produced with them , reflection and exploration of combining the open learning model, which is not only suitable for students, more suitable for professional development of teachers.
4. Blog in the learning of
4.1 as a personal knowledge management tool
learning society, knowledge management has become a must to think about individual learning.
Blog of the characteristics that make it ideal to become a knowledge management tool.
First, Blog with time as the vertical axis of the knowledge vertical management, classified as a horizontal axis transverse of knowledge management. Blog itself, integrated search function, very suitable for learners of the daily accumulation of explicit knowledge scattered classified and systematized, so that students of knowledge management, search and sharing.
Second, Blog on the learners have easy access to users with similar interests and domain experts, by reading and comment on their posts, to exchange views, share their thoughts and experiences, thus bringing the others tacit knowledge into tacit knowledge reflects their skills.
Third, real-time through the Blog writing, the learner can record the spark of thought and his own daily life accumulated knowledge externalization, and continuously to achieve knowledge transfer and knowledge creation, which is to cultivate innovative talent is very important.
4.2 platform to build digital teaching tools
Blog will not only release the text messages, you can also display images, video, audio and Flash animation and other multimedia data, can also provide PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, and so the link to download. Blog of these features, so it can be used to build zero technical requirements of digital teaching platform. Schools can build on Blog of the digital teaching platform, organizations teaching resources, the establishment of electronic records of students. Teachers can use this platform to publish their own teaching plans, electronic lesson plans, courseware, job layout, etc.; teachers can also between the information in this platform to share and exchange; Blog can also promote the teaching and research to carry out, teachers can use the information Blog accumulated first-hand research, discussion between teachers, learn from will no longer be space and time. students can use this platform for independent study, research, learning and collaborative learning.
4.3 the implementation of individualized instruction
and a relaxed environment; provide the opportunity to identify problems and some sources of information; a certain knowledge base and research methods. This Qieqia can provide good Blog. Since the different learning styles of learners, therefore, experiments and data presentation order To meet each learner's learning style, while the Blog can be provided for each user logs, so as to make students more effective learning. Blog of the model is equal, it is more stress is placed on participation in the process rather than results. For the views of teachers or books, students can publish his way through the Blog for the understanding of these issues, Blog does not require unity of opinion, but asked the relevance and independence of opinion. In addition, the course in the curriculum can be set more different topics, allowing students the freedom to choose their topics of interest.
research study supported research study carried out in a blog has inherent advantages. through the Blog, students can find sites of interest, thinking and research from others to find inspiration, focus research questions, determine their own subject. Blog to discuss the exchange of students and teachers can provide an ideal place to make the participants more extensive participation in the exchange more convenient, more timely feedback.
use Blog, students can study the problems encountered in their own uploaded to the network under the relevant section for help, you can answer other students questions, or collaborate with other students together to solve a problem; teachers are available online timely guidance to the students. teachers and students in online collaboration and communication is completely equal, which is conducive to the realization from a play the learner's initiative and initiative.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The success of Carnival from Qingdao real estate said ... ...

 December 8, 2009, at 8 pm, a unique industry event, an unprecedented visual feast, the concept of real estate carnival, Sohu focus manufacturing!
Many circles of people questioned in the beginning, there is no forum no formal communication, and even a speech are not, this so-called year-end whether the activities can cause people's sympathy has always been a rational ideal of the real estate professional who is able to face a little to do with the property given in the corresponding performance reaction hh
However, we see the usual serious, director of marketing used to have banged the table for the better actors on the stage a rare scene, we see a low-key property consultant in the long jump on stage performances, we see the usual planning are rare with the Qingdao, on the surface this year, developers have a very beautiful, in fact, has been frustrating enough to choke the environment, housing prices have been put in there, up or down all you want is not one person said, Well, just a short opening carnival Chip said, cities have no way Nanshi North, and that the Quartet had 20,000 Lee Chang's house is just around the corner does not matter, but talk about simple, really want to do it, even if the Founding of the Republic to be back in the Waiting List may be true do not say you can do, so, seemingly scenery in 2009, who has been engaged in the operation of the market's exhausted, above the big boss pressing, serves decent price given the say that they are low, be fined, not sell more miserable, forcing the people below, the house put a little, and say you cover plate, said much the house you put disrupting the market, it would like to put forward a ҡ�� identification chips, also directly labeled leftist media consumer fraud, such a day, put no better than so and so, on to the next to the property consultant, director of marketing, may be able to want to find a place where no one knew where or no one shouted the two voice, at least not to his stature to the crazy, so homeopathic 12.8 carnival became an opportunity to vent them.
then, a real estate carnival really shows the success of the real estate market in 2009 is true to people worried? We not speculate, after all, Carnival is a good thing, we can not forcibly recruit people blocking his heart to a number of things that pull, but we must admit that such a meeting within the industry, if out of some can take the initiative to find topics forum for the exchange of people, themes and other forms of speech, but also continued for four hours without heat, it certainly is a framework supporting the rallies, and this framework is perhaps the mood dictates, if you go to sales offices on the second floor or third floor of a room or Director of managers sitting room visit with the people inside, hidden behind their high-spirited things may not be known to outsiders, a carnival of a river which was too much drag instantaneous high position into ordinary people, I see a lot of the usual stern-site person in charge of the performance with the actors on the stage shouted chant, looks a little older, a respected industry insisted for nearly two predecessors in After hours of sat, could not swing with the beat of music from the body, others see in the eyes, I do not know should be happy or sad, such a middle age has stayed even older people has been the society, or be bad to hold in this market, we can only say that thanks to this carnival, it may make a lot of people comfortable for a while, sometimes, psychologists is not limited to those private clinics, a relatively strange environment and a group of relative strangers, may be a better a good agent!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Qualifying Examinations for Securities Outline (2007)

 The third part of the purpose of the Securities and Exchange syllabus and requirements

This section includes the definition of securities transactions, type, type of transaction risk and risk prevention; the meaning of the securities brokerage business and characteristics of the securities brokerage business registration depository , commissioned sales, auction transactions, business management and supervision of Business; securities brokerage, proprietary trading, client asset management business, margin trading and repo transactions the basic knowledge and management requirements; liquidation, the concept of settlement and use; securities business department of the place management, business management, technology management, financial and security management, business department of the internal control objectives, principles and requirements.
through this part of the learning proficiency of the Securities and Exchange program trading rules, brokerage, proprietary trading, customer asset management, margin trading and repo transactions with the characteristics of the process; master the securities business operation and management of the Department of the basic content and requirements.
Chapter Overview
grasp the Securities and Exchange Securities transaction definition, characteristics and principles; Shuxi types of securities transactions; Shuxi way of securities transactions; Shuxi types of investors in securities; to master the conditions and the establishment of securities companies can conduct business; Shuxi stock exchange and the role of meaning; master securities exchanges and securities registration and settlement functions and role of the company.
master the Securities and Exchange program; Shuxi goal of the Securities and Exchange mechanisms; Shuxi types of securities trading system.
Membership master stock, rights and obligations; Shuxi Membership application and approval procedures; familiar with the Stock Exchange seats, meaning trading unit, species and management practices; familiar with the members of the Stock Exchange, the provisions of sanctions violations.
grasp the meaning of the Securities and Exchange Risk, types; familiar Securities and Exchange risk prevention system; familiar with the securities company's risk monitoring and management of the securities industry self-regulation.
securities brokerage business, securities brokers familiar with the meaning and characteristics; master trading settlement account opening requirements; familiar with the principal securities trading and securities brokerage concepts, rights and obligations; familiar with securities accounts report the loss, re-submit, query of the procedures; familiar with the meaning and types of securities registration; familiar with the securities custody and securities depository concept; grasp the content of our securities custody system.
manage client transaction settlement funds and other third-party depository investors access to trading in securities funds the way; to master the content of directive commission; familiar with the securities commission in the form; master the commission accepted the procedures and processes; master commissioned the declaration of principles and methods of reporting; familiar with the commission revoked the conditions and procedures for instruction. < br> grasp the principles of securities trading and auction bidding.
familiar with securities trading in the types of transaction costs; grasp the meaning of various types of transaction costs and fees.
familiar with the risks of the securities brokerage business types; master brokerage risk prevention measures; familiar with the brokerage business supervision and check the contents.
other matters Chapter brokerage online stock issued
grasp the meaning, types and characteristics; master online issue of the stock purchase program and online issuance of funds.
the meaning of acts of service familiar with the company; master payment of dividend distribution and placement process of operation; Shuxi conversion of convertible bonds operational processes; Shuxi shareholders meeting to vote network operational processes.
Shuxi open-end fund listed on the relevant provisions of the business ; familiar with the transaction-based index funds when opening the business requirements; Shuxi the relevant provisions of the business warrants.
master stock trading system block trading and the turn; Shuxi stock special treatment provisions; Shuxi listed on the SME board stock suspension, termination of listing particular requirements.
control opening, closing price of the production methods; Shuxi Stock Exchange listed securities, delisting, suspension and resumption of trading rules; grasp the Securities Ex (income) approach and the ex (interest) price will be calculated; Shuxi Securities and Exchange exception handling requirements; Shuxi qualified foreign institutional investors with the relevant provisions of the Securities and Exchange.
Shuxi Stock Exchange rules for information dissemination and management; master stock provisions on the supervision of trading practices.
familiar with the financial futures trading and settlement system; familiar with the financial futures of the risk control measures.
securities firm grasp of the meaning and share transfer agent business; familiar with the share transfer agent services in the eligibility conditions; familiar with the transfer of the share transfer agents commissioned the qualifications.
Chapter securities dealers and securities assets management business
grasp the meaning of self-service, characteristics; to master the basic security requirements of proprietary business management; Shuxi prohibited conduct securities business of the contents of self- ; Shuxi securities self-regulatory legal and business responsibilities.
grasp the meaning of asset management business and types; familiar with the client asset management business, the basic principles of management, operations management, asset management general provisions and set basic standards for business operations; Shuxi asset management business of securities companies to obtain the conditions for eligibility; Shuxi set the record collection of asset management plans and approval procedures; Shuxi manual collection of the basic asset management plan content; Shuxi asset management contract should include the basic issues and main content; familiar with the client assets managed the relevant provisions and requirements; Shuxi asset management business of the relevant provisions of the prohibited acts; Shuxi asset management business of securities companies and the rights and obligations of customers; Shuxi asset management business risks and preventive measures; Shuxi asset management business and asset management regulatory measures Business violation of relevant laws and regulations of legal liability.
Chapter margin trading
grasp the meaning of margin trading, margin trading business qualification management familiar with the basic requirements.
master the management of margin trading basic principles; control of the margin trading account system; familiar with the application of the margin trading business customers, customers credit research, customer selection criteria; familiar with business contracts and risk margin reveals the basic content of the book; familiar with the basic customer account requirements and the identification and credit line of credit approach.
grasp the general rules of margin trading; grasp the scope of the underlying securities; familiar with the securities used to offset margin calculation, the proportion of margin trading and margin calculation, margin balances and available calculation, customer collateral monitoring; Shuxi interest margin securities during the treatment; margin business information disclosure and reporting.
Shuxi margin securities companies and types of business risk control; Shuxi margin business regulatory and legal responsibilities.
Chapter repo transactions
master bond pledged repo transactions; master bond pledged repo stock the basic rules; familiar with the national inter-bank market bond collateral The basic rules of repurchase transactions outright bond repurchase
familiar with the meaning of the transaction; familiar with the inter-bank market on trading rules outright repurchase, risk control and supervision and punishment measures; familiar with the Shanghai Stock Exchange buy-back basic rules of share trading.
Chapter VII of the clearing and settlement
master settlement, the concept of settlement; familiar with the clearing and settlement and Differences; grasp the principles of clearing and settlement; master settlement account management related regulations and requirements.
master of the Shanghai market, the Shenzhen A share market, funds, bonds and other varieties of clearing and settlement; familiar with the settlement of qualified foreign institutional investors approach.
master of the Shanghai market, the Shenzhen B share market clearing and settlement.
master repurchase of securities clearing and settlement transactions.
familiar with China's exchange-traded index funds in the clearing and settlement.
familiar with the country's clearing and settlement warrants. < br> familiar with the liquidation of margin trading and settlement.
familiar with the securities business departments and funds settlement process between investors.
Chapter VIII of the securities business department of management and internal control
familiar with the business Ministry (Service) to establish, change and termination conditions and approval procedures; Shuxi Sales (Services) of the business; Shuxi brokerage brokerage business operating procedures of internal control and the main content; familiar with the business types and principles of error; familiar with the transaction system of common faults and emergency treatment.
familiar with information systems of internal control, information systems technical operation of the main contents and requirements; familiar with information systems and emergency treatment of common faults.
Shuxi business department within the financial accounting system control of the main content; Shuxi business department financial management, and main content of the basic requirements; Shuxi sales department management of customer funds and own funds requirements; Shuxi composition and distribution of profits, revenue accounting and management; familiar with the financial report of the main content, preparation, submit the requirements and methods of financial evaluation.
familiar with the basic business site content and safety management requirements; familiar with the types of emergencies, the principles of prevention and disposal requirements.
grasp the concept of business department of internal controls; grasp Sales objectives and principles of internal control; master of business the basic requirements of the Ministry of internal control.

the fourth part of the securities investment analysis purposes and requirements
this section including stocks, bonds, securities investment funds, convertible bonds and Analysis of the investment value of such warrants; basic indicators of macroeconomic analysis, macroeconomic performance, economic policy and the international financial market environment and the relationship between stock market; the stock market and the changes in the determinants of supply and demand characteristics; industry in general characteristics, influence major factor in the rise and fall as well as industry sectors qualitative and quantitative analysis methods; the basic characteristics of the company analysis, financial analysis and other analysis of key factors; securities investment technical analysis of the main theory and the major technical indicators; portfolio theory, capital and securities pricing model portfolio performance evaluation.
through this part of the learning proficiency of the value of investments in securities analysis, macroeconomic analysis, industry analysis, company analysis, technical analysis and portfolio theory and application of foundation.
The first chapter of securities investment securities investment analysis outlined
familiar with the meaning and significance; familiar with the meaning of the efficient market hypothesis; grasp the concept of efficient markets and classification; familiar with the characteristics of three types of effective market analysis and guidance on the meaning of securities investment; Shuxi securities investment analysis of information sources; Shuxi major investment of the existing concept of the securities market and investment strategies.
Shuxi Brief History of the securities investment analysis; familiar with the basic analysis, technical analysis, psychological analysis and academic analysis of the characteristics of such schools; Shuxi Securities The basic elements of investment analysis; grasp the basic analysis, technical analysis, portfolio analysis definition, rationale and content; familiar with the securities investment analysis should pay attention to the problem.
Chapter II of the investment value of securities < br> Shuxi time value of money, future value and present value of money concepts; master the simple interest and compound interest calculated at the final value and the present value of the currency.
Shuxi affect bond and stock investment value of the internal and external factors and their impact mechanism; Shuxi bonds intrinsic value and intrinsic value of stocks, interest-bearing bonds, the concept of a bond debt service; master coupon bond and a debt service bonds calculated at simple interest and compound interest intrinsic value, calculate the transfer price of bonds; familiar with the necessary bonds and stocks yield, yield to maturity within the meaning of and the estimated rate of return principle; familiar with the market expectations theory, liquidity preference theory of market segmentation theory and basic concepts; grasp the concept of the term structure of interest rates and types.
are familiar with stock investments, net The concept of value and to calculate; grasp the intrinsic value of stock calculated growth model with different principles and formulas; familiar with the estimated market price of the stock price-earnings ratio method and its limitations, familiar with the basic concept of book value and its use in the stock valuation. < br> familiar with the concept of ETF and LOF, LOF and grasp the intrinsic value of ETF analysis, secondary market analysis and investment value of arbitrage mechanism.
familiar with the definition of financial futures; master the technical terms related to financial futures; master the financial futures formula for calculating the theoretical price and impact factor. familiar with the definition of financial options; to master the relevant terminology of financial options; grasp the intrinsic value of options, time value and influencing factors.
convertible securities to master the relevant terminology; master can be converted stock conversion premium, conversion premium, conversion parity calculations; familiar with the premium rate of conversion of convertible securities, the conversion premium ratio is calculated.
grasp the intrinsic value of warrants; familiar with the theoretical value of the warrants and the market price of the underlying stock market prices and the relationship between the subscription price; familiar with the leverage of warrants.
Chapter macroeconomic analysis, macroeconomic analysis
familiar with the meaning; familiar with the aggregate analysis and structural analysis of the definition, characteristics and relationships; familiar with the macro- Analysis of data collection and processing methods.
familiar with the national overall target of investment indicators, consumption indicators, financial indicators, financial indicators of the main contents of the indicators are familiar with the macroeconomic impact of change.
master GDP value of the concept and calculation method, familiar with the gross domestic product and gross national product and their connection; grasp the concept of unemployment and inflation, unemployment and inflation rates are familiar with the method of measurements; familiar with the international balance of payments, retail sales of social consumer goods The total savings deposits of urban and rural residents and other indicators of content; master the three levels of money supply; familiar balance of deposits and loans of financial institutions, meaning the total amount of financial assets and composition; familiar interest rates, exchange rates and foreign exchange reserves of meaning. < br> master the stock market and the relationship between macroeconomic performance; familiar with the Chinese stock market performance and GDP, the economic cycle, the impact of currency movements on the securities market; familiar with the trend of China's stock market index and the GDP growth trend of the actual relationship.
understands finance and fiscal policy instruments, monetary policy and monetary policy tools, the meaning of income policies, characteristics and impact on the stock market; Shuxi income policy objectives and the transmission mechanism; familiar with the international financial market conditions and expectations for the market exchange rate impact.
familiar with the decision of the stock market supply and demand theory; get hold of the stock market supply and demand factors and the impact of China's securities market supply and demand changes in the basic system.
Chapter trades and master of industry analysis
The definition of industry analysis; familiar with the industry and industry differences; familiar with the industry analysis tasks, status and significance; familiar with the industry analysis and company analysis, macro analysis of the relationship; master industry classification; control of the market structure and meaning of various markets, characteristics and composition; familiar with the government monopoly with private monopoly concept.
control the type of industry, running all kinds of industry changes and the relationship between the economic cycle, specific performance, causes and investor preferences; master the industry life cycle meaning, the order of development, performance characteristics and criteria; Shuxi stage companies in the period of risk, profitability and investor preferences; familiar with the industry downturn of the kind; Shuxi indicators to judge the industry life cycle and change process; Shuxi output growth rate limits of empirical data; grip of the rise and fall in real terms and influencing factors; familiar features of technical progress and impact of the industry; mastery of technology industries division of standards; familiar Moore's Law, Gilder's law concepts; familiar concept of industrial policy, content; familiar with the innovative content of industrial organization.
familiar with economic globalization, the protocol type of the meaning of division of labor and acquired factors; familiar with the performance and economic globalization, the main reason; familiar with the transfer of global industries, changes in international division of labor based on the main elements and models; Shuxi theory of trade and investment integration.
familiar with history research method and research information on the meaning of law and the advantages and disadvantages; familiar with history data; Shuxi investigation of specific methods, advantages and disadvantages, applicability; control of induction and deduction method, horizontal and vertical comparison of the meaning of comparative law; familiar with the horizontal comparison of the index selection and determination method; familiar with the life cycle stage to determine industry growth forecasts for analysis.
grasp the correlation between the time series of concepts and classifications; familiar with the causal relationship between covariance; familiar with the product-moment correlation coefficient and correlation coefficient from the meaning, scope and numerical computation; master the linear regression equation of the application; control criterion for time series; familiar with the commonly used time series forecasting methods.
s chapters company analysis
control companies, listed companies and companies of the concept and the way the company fundamental analysis; familiar with the company's competitive position in the index industry.
economic position to grasp the concept; familiar with the economic position of the purposes and means; Shuxi natural conditions, basic conditions and economic characteristics of the content and the role of the company; Shuxi the role of industrial policy of the company.
familiar with the product the meaning of competitive advantage, implementation; grasp the concept of market share; familiar with the brand's meaning and function.
master the corporate governance structure, ownership structure, norms and the meaning of stakeholders; familiar sound corporate governance and a concrete manifestation of the relevant requirements of the independent director system; familiar with the role and responsibilities of the board of supervisors; familiar with the quality of meaning and company managers, business personnel should possess the following qualities; Shuxi the meaning of business strategy, content and features; familiar with the company expanding the scale of changes in characteristics and growth potential of the relationship with the company; familiar with the company's main way of growth.
listed in the company familiar with the basic analysis of research focused primarily on surface; familiar with the detailed analysis of indicators.
familiar with the balance sheet, profit distribution and cash flow statement of the meaning, content, format, presentation and the assets, liabilities and equity relations; Shuxi income statement reflects the content.
familiar with the main body of the financial statements, statements of purpose and function, methods and principles; Shuxi comparative analysis and factor analysis of the meaning; familiar with common comparison.
familiar with the meaning of financial ratios, classification and analysis of the baseline rate; control company liquidity, operational capacity, long-term solvency, profitability and return on investment calculation, influencing factors and to calculate the index of meaning; grasp the current ratio and quick rate factors; Shuxi factors affect the quick ratio credibility; familiar or contingent liabilities of the concepts and content; Shuxi affect the structure and inventory turnover rate of the index; Shuxi debt ratio and equity ratio, debt ratio and tangible net asset value the relationship between the ratio of property rights; familiar with the finance lease and operating lease accounting treatment of the difference between the way; familiar with the liquidity and financial flexibility of meaning; grasp the current statistical debt due to the object; familiar with the evaluation of the role of these indicators, changes in characteristics and the corresponding financial performance and the relationship between variables.
Shuxi Wall score selection and the proportion of the ratio; Familiar with Synthesis evaluation; Shuxi EVA meaning, calculation methods and their applications; familiar with the company's attention to matters of financial analysis; Familiar with various types of capital increase the impact on their financial structure.
familiar with the Financial Statements The project's main project, master the Financial Statements of the basic financial ratios.
familiar with the assets of the company restructuring and related transactions the primary way, the specific behavior, characteristics, nature and the associated legal requirements; familiar with the reorganization of assets and related party transactions on corporate performance and business impact; familiar with the use of the market value method, replacement cost approach, income approach assessment of the value of company assets and the advantages and disadvantages of the steps .
familiar with the meaning of the accounting policies and accounting policy and tax policy changes impact on the company.
Chapter Investment
familiar with technical analysis technical analysis of the meaning of factors, assumptions and theoretical basis; familiar with the price and volume between variation; grasp the basic principles of the Dow Theory; Shuxi technical analysis methods and characteristics of the classification.
Shuxi drawing the line graph of K; Shuxi K line of the main application of shapes and combinations thereof; Shuxi meaning and trends type; master support line and pressure line, trend line and the rail line, the golden section line and the percentage of the line meaning, role; familiar with the laws of stock price movement; familiar with the stock price movement patterns; master the reversal patterns and continuation patterns break the formation process characteristics and application of the rules.
familiar with the basic meaning of the gap, types, characteristics and application methods.
familiar with the wave theory, the classical theory of price-volume relationship between the basic idea, the main principle; familiar with the theory of random walk, cycle theory, on the contrary theory and the basic ideas of chaos theory; relationship between price and volume control rules Gelan Bi; familiar with the system of price limits of the relationship between volume and price.
familiar with the meaning of moving average, characteristics and calculation methods; master Glenn Will rule; familiar with the golden cross The concept of cross and death; Shuxi combination of a number of moving average method; Shuxi smoothed moving average calculation of similarities and application of rules.
Shuxi William indicators and the meaning of the relative strength index, calculation methods and application of rules; Shuxi hit top (bottom) number, departure from, the concepts of curve shape.
familiar with the deviation rate, mental ray, energy flows, Teng down Index, Change ratio, overbought oversold, sentiment, trade and other indicators will and wishes of the basic intermediate meaning and calculation, familiar with the application of rules; familiar with Bollinger Bands, Parabolic index, stock index options, Pagoda line, tend to target the basic meaning, application rules.
Chapter VII of the portfolio management theory
familiar with the portfolio meaning, causes, types, criteria for the classification and characteristics; Shuxi the meaning of the securities portfolio management, characteristics, basic steps; familiar with modern portfolio theory system of the formation and development process; Shuxi Markowitz, Sharpe, Ross on modern portfolio theory The main contribution.
master individual securities and portfolio expected rate of return, variance calculations, and the significance of the correlation coefficient.
familiar with the portfolio efficient frontier of the feasible region and the meaning of; familiar with the portfolio efficient frontier of the feasible region and the general graphical ; master effective meaning and characteristics of the portfolio; control the proportion of investment securities and the correlation coefficient changes on the level of portfolio return and risk levels; familiar with the characteristics of investor preferences; master the indifference curve of the meaning, role and characteristics; familiar with the best security combination of meaning; master the optimal portfolio selection theory.
Shuxi capital asset pricing model assumptions; Shuxi the meaning of risk-free securities; master the optimal combination of risk portfolio and the market implications and the relationship between; master capital market line and security market line definition, graphics and their economic significance; grasp the definition of securities b coefficient and economic significance; familiar with the application of the capital asset pricing model results; familiar with the basic principle of arbitrage pricing theory, to grasp the concept of arbitrage portfolio and calculation, to the use of arbitrage pricing equation expected rate of return of securities, familiar with the application of arbitrage pricing model.
Shuxi portfolio performance assessment principles, familiar with the performance assessment should pay attention; Shuxi Jensen, Treynor index, Sharpe's definition, function and application.
Chapter VIII Application of Financial Engineering
familiar with the definition of financial engineering, content and applications; familiar with the financial engineering of the technical, operational steps.
master sets Lee's basic concepts and principles, familiar with the basic principles of the carry trade and risk; master index futures arbitrage and hedging definition, basic principles; Shuxi the main form of stock index futures arbitrage; master of arbitrage, intertemporal arbitrage , cross-species cross-market arbitrage and arbitrage the basic concepts, principles; master index futures hedging practices, including users of hedging, hedging direction, calculate the number of copies of hedging contracts; master set of stock index futures the difference between profit and hedging.
familiar with the historical evolution of risk measurement methods; master the VaR calculation of the basic concepts and principles; familiar with the VaR calculation methods and the main advantages and disadvantages; familiar with the main application of VaR and in use should be noted problem.
Chapter Securities analyst and practice self-discipline organization standardize the meaning of securities analysts familiar
, functions and scope of business.
self-regulatory organizations, securities analysts familiar with the nature, composition and membership function; familiar with international Investment Analyst Association, the Asian Securities Analysts Federation and other foreign main self-regulatory organization of the state securities analysts. familiar with international Investment Analyst Proficiency Test (CIIAr examination) characteristics, examination content and the promotion of the situation in China .
familiar with securities analysts and lawyers, accountants, the difference in business; familiar with the establishment of self-regulatory organization of the need for securities analysts; master the Analysts practice discipline.
control of securities investment consulting business involved in the current laws and regulations; familiar with the a number of issues, details.

fifth part of the securities investment fund objectives and requirements of this section
including securities investment fund concept and features of the legal form of securities investment funds and the operation of the securities investment fund industry at home and abroad overview of development and its position in the financial system and role; types of securities investment funds, the main types of risk-return characteristics of the Fund and analysis methods; fund raising, trading and registration; fund management companies, fund custodian, the primary responsibility internal management and internal control; fund marketing; fund valuation and accounting costs; fund income distribution and taxation; fund information disclosure; fund regulation knowledge. this section also includes portfolio theory and The use of asset configuration management, stock and bond portfolio management and fund investment performance measurement and other aspects of the school.
through this part of the learning proficiency of the securities investment fund's basic theory, operation and fund practical and Investment Management Investment-related knowledge, familiar with relevant laws and regulations, basic requirements for self-regulate.
Chapter Securities Investment Funds in securities investment funds
grasp the concepts and features; Shuxi securities investment funds and stocks, bonds , the difference between bank deposits; understand the various types of securities investment fund market in the main body.
master contract with the company funds and differences between the concept of funds; understanding of securities investment funds in the origin and development; understanding of securities investment fund industry Development Overview; master closed-end funds and open-end funds and differences between the concepts; understand the fund industry's position in the financial system and role.
Chapter fund type classification
understand the meaning of securities investment funds, to acquire all Class of the Fund's basic characteristics and differences.
understand equity funds in the portfolio, and wield the difference between stock funds and stocks, are familiar with the classification of equity funds, understanding the investment risks of equity funds, equity funds to master methods of analysis.
understand the bond funds in the portfolio, and wield the difference between bonds and bond funds, bond funds are familiar with the classification, understanding the investment risks of bond funds, bond funds control method.
understanding of money market funds in the investment The role of the portfolio, understanding of money market instruments and money market fund investors understand the investment risk money market funds, money market funds to master methods of analysis.
mixed funds in the portfolio to understand the role, understand the mixed fund type, learn Mixed Fund's risk.
understanding of the Capital Preservation Fund characteristics, master preservation fund capital preservation strategies, to understand the capital preservation fund types, understand the security of the Fund's investment risks, control of capital preservation fund analysis.
master the ETF's characteristics, arbitrage principle, to understand the type of ETF, ETF understanding and analysis of risk.
Chapter fund raising, trading and registration of closed-end fund raising
understand procedures, familiar with the contract in effect closed-end funds conditions; master trading conditions listed closed-end funds, open a trading account, trading rules, transaction costs are familiar with closed-end funds, closed-end fund discount master (premium) rate calculation.
understanding of open-end fund-raising program familiar with open-end fund contract terms in effect; familiar with the open-end fund's subscription channel, steps and charging mode, grasp the calculation of the Fund to subscribe for shares.
grasp the open-end fund subscription and redemption of the concept, familiar with the open-end funds purchase and redemption of the time, grasp the open-end fund subscription and redemption of the principle, master purchase shares, the redemption amount is calculated. identify and understand the huge withdrawal of treatment. grasp the open-end fund share conversion, transfer of non-trading , the concept of custody transfer and freezing.
familiar with the ETF share of the subscription method, share conversion method; master the ETF shares trading rules; master purchase and redemption of ETF shares principles; familiar with the ETF share purchase and redemption of the price methods and content.
master open-end fund listed on the venue to raise outside the concept of raising and familiar open-end fund shares listed on the purchase and redemption; grasp the open-end fund shares listed on the concept of custody transfer.
grasp opening -end fund registered in the share of the concept of open-end fund registration institutions to understand their responsibilities, familiar with the fund registration process, understand the purchase of fund shares (subscription), redemption fund settlement process.
Chapter fund managers
Shuxi fund manager's role in the operation of the Fund, familiar with the fund management company's market access provisions, fund management companies to understand the business characteristics.
fund management companies to understand the basic requirements of governance, master of corporate governance structure of fund management The main provisions of the fund management company familiar with the organizational structure and functions of the departments.
investment fund management companies to understand decision-making body, familiar with the main responsibilities of Investment Committee; understand the general investment decision-making process; understand the investment of fund management companies, investment transactions and investment risk control.
of the fund product management, pricing management, channel management.
master fund management company's internal control concept; familiar with the internal control objectives, principles, basic requirements and the main content. < br> Chapter
fund trustees are familiar with the operation of the fund custodian's role in the fund, the fund custodian market access requirements, to grasp the responsibilities of fund custodian; understanding of fund custody business processes.
understanding of the Fund custodian institutions to set and technology systems.
custody of fund assets to understand the basic requirements, are familiar with the types of assets of the Fund accounts, property, custody of the contents of the master fund.
of the fund in the exchange market, the national inter-bank market and the market liquidation of funds outside the basic flow of the market.
review the contents of the master fund accounting.
custodian of the fund supervision of the main contents of fund managers to understand the operation of monitoring the results of fund investment approach.
familiar with the fund custodian of internal control objectives, principles, basic elements and the main content.
Chapter VI Fund Fund Marketing
understand the characteristics and significance of marketing, master fund marketing content; understanding of the Fund's distribution channels and promotions.
way of understanding the Fund customer service.
understanding of relevant laws and regulations for the fund sales institutions compliance control, familiar with the norms of fund sales practices, familiar with the promotion activities of the Fund's specifications, master of fund sales charges specification.
Chapter VII of the Fund's valuation, fees and accounting
grasp the concept of valuation of fund assets, understand the importance of the valuation of fund assets, valuation of fund assets to understand the factors to be considered, master of fund asset valuation principles and methods; calculation error handling control and accountability, to understand the valuation of the case be suspended.
process control operation of the Fund the difference between the two types of costs, are familiar with the type of fund expenses, control various costs The way of provision standards and provision.
grasp the characteristics of fund accounting, fund accounting to understand the main contents.
Chapter VIII of the Fund income distribution and tax revenue
sources familiar with the fund, master fund net income, fund management performance, profit and loss equalization payments, income of the Fund available for distribution and final distribution of funds is not the concepts of net income.
master closed-end funds, open-end funds, money market funds in the relevant provisions of the income distribution.
Shuxi business for funds as the main tax rules, understand the fund manager and custodian for the tax provisions, familiar for corporate institutions, individual investors in the tax rules.
Chapter fund disclosure of information about the fund
The meaning and role of disclosure, understanding the principles of disclosure of the substantive ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

interlocking fingers spend a lifetime

 Looking forward to meet ...... 07 ...
we finally did it in fact when I first saw you my heart is very excited Do not think I blankly ... I did not feel that I do not know how to express their feelings you have asked me to see you feeling after that? really I do not know how to express
see you then I do not feel the slightest embarrassment is because I see my love I think you never left my side but always ..
when I'm gone when you know how much I give up What's that hug in the park is my long-awaited I did my I've not been in vain efforts to hold to my loved ones I hold the moment once you have gone past the time that moment I just want to hold together, we could never stagnant ..
your smile was gone from me Your every movement in my head ... .. do not sway hug I love the feeling of you in my arms I love you my dear ... you look carefully you look me in the end where you should I like what I tell you: you all in all I love love love .. Oh and also said that I looked disgusting, right to the truth of these are really good I love you
taxi when I hold you You know ... that one is to tie the finger べ life .... really want to spend that holds your hand finish our lives ...
our love like this song, like :
air dodging what
little romantic heart
I secretly think you secretly think I
you more of what the world seems to become very different
on your
All around are wide
I'm still waiting for you
quiet as long as you love me

quietly with me enough to
you are waiting for me
quietly hand in hand so gentle

quietly watching the sky
you just want to hide what I know
make my dream is the original of your Dream
what is written on a piece of paper I really want to hear

to every word you say is full of our smiles
I'm still waiting for you love me quietly

As long as you accompany me
quietly enough
you are quietly waiting for me
gentle hand in hand

so quietly at the sky forever

day to remember the promise to each other
instant spark of light is what we have

I'm still waiting for you love me

quiet as long as you stay I
quietly enough
you are waiting for me quietly gentle

so quietly holding hands at the sky

quietly hand in hand < br> is the simplest dream
Keming Shu Lei .. love you ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Under the illusory prosperity farce Confucian

 Liusi after the rapid decline of orthodox ideology, Deng Xiaoping's , the rapid rise of nationalism, the ideology of people into a talisman, the Chinese Communists to establish a new ideology of patriotism, foreign, the big power diplomacy and the rise of the official anti-American anti-Japanese slogans and anti-Taiwan independence, bundled together, and all over the world building the to the mainland, also joined the advocacy of , catch up with Anglo-American side is predicted that one side is called cultural renaissance. upheaval of economic development is to rest after the health, well-off commitment for the future of food and clothing contentment, harmonious society is a replica of the traditional peace and prosperity, the German Eight Dos and Don'ts governance to meet the Confucian tradition. Do not you see, with the official nationalist sensational, groups of celebrities loudly advocated the revival of Chinese traditional culture.
2005 Chinese New Year dance party open Airport Dubbed: Dubbed: show , which germinal reproduction and interpretation of history, winner takes all and there is no right and wrong based solely on extreme utilitarian values of good and evil, with the review
to Jiang Qing as the representative of a group of middle-aged Imperial Confucianism as the official ideology of (palace school), reconstruction of the imperial examination system and the classical education system, the the Confucian classics and other tangible property, and including Confucius, etc., intangible property such as patent protection. who published a variety of ways ancient Confucianism profit, the use of the content and characters with Confucianism trademark, advertising, corporate name, trade business travel activities, as well as the content of the theme of the Confucian literary works and for-profit film and television work, need to be to the becomes a sage of the believers also. on wearing a
Confucianism Fever continues to heat up, run the institute, Sinology Sinology master classes and forums, open Guoxue SMS, hundreds of scholars launched intellectuals began to speak and the dynasties of Ancient Chinese history and their heritage from the ivory tower into the household, continue to create a cultural hot spot. Recently, the mm regardless of the spiritual encounter any anesthetic, do not complain out, but to focus on the heart, you can go with the flow.
ancestors of these people started playing sports, from the the development of the domestic worship of Confucius from the global Chinese Joint Confucius, momentum exaggerated pomp and gorgeous. . year marks the Golden Age, power prestige as to St following the secret, for eternal peace open. In addition, never had an officials were right to arrest and hit the underworld, but also highlights the away from the tradition, especially the chants of details of life, and even the details of the underwear.
official in the commercial and entertainment is increasingly becoming the main theme of the era of the packaging of the pieces, the educated elite but also to create a flourishing and tyrants aesthetic beauty, both used in conjunction with the ancient song today's flatter skills, concoct ancient China Carnival Spirit, Carnival of the Great Unification review dream, stir dreams and messianic sense of heroism. This pseudo-aesthetic sublime heroism, in the famous director Zhang Yimou's the upper floor. It has achieved great commercial success, but also the heroism of pseudo-aesthetic sublime expression, rough and strained relations between the characters and complex setting, with the most beautiful picture postcard of the pieced together, the worship of violence and conquest of disclosure costumes on moral hypocrisy, as politics of terror put imperial defense. Yes, with a hero complex and the hegemonic ambitions of tyrants do not care about sacrificing the most, because he holds absolute power have kept their promises, there are too many people available to him any drive to achieve his dream of empire as a tool. Therefore, the official chief director Zhang Yimou has made the status of the unified aesthetics of violence and prosperity packaging aesthetics achieved quasi-official status. CCTV Oprah Zhu also followed the royal line, he had boasted in an interview to talk about their hosting style: hundred years ago, Kang, and leisure consumption, make fun of and respect for all the people contented state of mind conducive to the universal hole. When scholars and writers into a well-off age of the star actors on the stage, academic and artistic nature transformed into decorated pieces at the party celebrating the Golden Age. the so-called China Today elite civilians, in a way that intellectuals and actors of the comedy of the human spirit. the so-called Intellectuals, but knowledge is knowledge of people to give up the independence of it into the cultural market, knowledge of the most eye-catching star to become a well-off age cultural symbol.
packed with post-modern before modern techniques carrion, hack writer's sharp pen is shining and soft as silk, woven out of red and bright yellow robes Dingdai the bright, how aesthetic eye-catching visual effects! the use of modern media in the pre-modern values and flatter those in power, a huge investment, all sorts of carved and piled terms of its extensive advertising of the ancient dynasty, they are also the aesthetic refinement vulgar and stereotypical to a new high. All of this is precisely the exposure intellectual elite has lost its spiritual crisis in people's mitigation and restoration of cultural creativity, but can only deepen the crisis on the incompetence and cultural creation.
Ironically, the elite of the all the words to say, but is Dangjinshengshang the , the largest manufacturer and marketer of harvest is to win the market, depending on manufacturing fake to cover up the spirit of survival without a soul.
a system of fraud in China, counterfeit cigarettes counterfeit products and counterfeit fake food fake virgin Confucius fake diplomas fake fake fake academic tradition of just a good fit: on May 18 in Beijing at home