Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Male hand model played by 40-year-old Pan Jingwei play one day a man filming the beach

 Today 9:30, I took Riyadh male fashion model actress Pan Jingwei hand arrived in Beijing film studio 798 fashion factory for customers Hainan stage for cultural performances background video shoot. This year 20-year-old played a Pan Jingwei 40-year-old man, relaxed, casual, happy mood for the main show of hand.
10 o'clock shooting.
the first group lens, hand over probe into the box, open, continuous flow of the sand box , sand accumulation in the bottom of the box continually and gradually filled (15 seconds, shed hands and part of the sand is a real shot, for the performance of sand pouring down the number of dynamic and large, most of the production of synthetic three-dimensional sand need to pour the sand in the real inside and around the three-dimensional production for 27 seconds, while the sand into the bottom of a small part of being raised, flying all around, and sparkling in the sun flashing light! the same three-dimensional dust particles produced by about 15 seconds). < br> The second set of shots, from the bottom right hand into the screen (3 seconds), the finger on the box to draw windows, doors (15 seconds, the hand is a real film, the line windows and doors for the two-dimensional animation) pause, finger Light opened the door (3 seconds).
third group lens, from the bottom left hand into the screen, touch the soft white sand, and then twist in the hand grasping moving play, and then smooth the sand around, both hands push the sand accumulation around the corner to the box (40 seconds).
Actor emotional expression: Hainan silver came as a traveler on the beach, the mood is very relaxed, clear, happy. in touch, the action on the dumping of sand, is easily and enjoy the natural beauty of the state of the beach.
hand-cast models of small files:
Panjing Wei, born in 1988, 180CM, native of Jiangsu, 8 November 2007 Riyadh fashion models cast into the school, the main in: film and television actor, hand models, advertising models

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