Friday, October 15, 2010

Introduction People often say

 Xiaozhuan from two fish. Original meaning of fishing. Remark is to teach people not only knowledge, better methods to teach people to learn knowledge. The stickers read many forums, met with a lot of That is to say the general fishing often, just as Taiwan fishing select bit How to grasp the targeted bass do?

Case material: May 16, 2010, four in the morning of departure, the master took me to trace Cai reservoir line. Eleven o'clock Xu, Pharaoh, Blazing Angels Ken, ah da ~ Cho-three of them rush over. Reservoir is now rising water season, floating debris everywhere, the water level high, water is turbid. March of the day fishing or less water in four stages: First, Master Choi took me early in the morning in a few libraries bends search; Second, I am looking for standard surface features alone; third noon Blazing Angels Ken and I search for bass habitat; Fourth, PM me and Ken were the fish in the harvest stage.

existing visual material picture is as follows: (three fishing spots)

 add that materials: 1, the paper said the bass is also known as California, largemouth bass, freshwater bass, bass, etc. United States.

2, California is Perciformes perch, sun fish families, black bass are native to the Mississippi River, is a carnivorous fish.

3, morphological characteristics, the California perch takes the shape of spindle-shaped, small body ctenoid Phi. Gape big edge over the eyes, jaw can stretch, exophthalmos. The back was black and green, green side of the body, from snout to caudal fin base with dark spots arranged in ribbon.

4, which inhabit the living habits of hi mud sediment, not muddy the still water environment, to survive the water temperature 3 ~ 33 ℃, the optimum temperature of 20 ~ 26 ℃. Hi neutral water, dissolved oxygen below 2 mg / l, the juveniles appear floating head. Adaptability to salinity, can be fresh water, salt water or brackish water life.

strategy is not thinking of fish and fisheries 1: The above three photos of the punctuation, I first felt should be the bass hiding place, the characteristics of three plans are what? them similarities and differences in where? punctuation really is the season it? is not the case, how do you analyze?

do not think the strategy of fish and fisheries 2: The rising water season, the original target points no longer exists. Master Choi took me to the day he was familiar with the library curved search strategy is not thinking of fish and fisheries from the master of inspiration, because the water depth and the changes in his search to no avail, the master alone to break the car: law, do not say too hard, it did not look primarily to the good method. You said this time the fish should be hidden where?

Strategy is not thinking of fish and fisheries 3: The taste is often said that a change in living habits, a person's eating habits are sometimes sub-period, may last regularly eat salty, just a natural habit. Continue to eat may have two results: a permanent habit; consolidation period has not yet tasted the other dishes, the taste has changed to ... ... there is no bass may be hunting for a new taste of the habit or interest?

Not Strategies for fishing and fish 4: We belong to a fishing game is the process? Road sub-fishing state of mind to pay attention to it? game, word explanation Board games, chess, gambling. Game theory in modern mathematics, game theory is the study of interactive decision theory. Game can analyze their own pros and cons of relationships with competitors to establish their own advantage in the game, so there are a lot of game theory, chess who can help analyze the situation, so take the appropriate strategy to win the ultimate goal. Game types are divided into: cooperative game, non-cooperative game, complete information game, incomplete information game, static game, dynamic game, and so on. If so, how do we choose and use?

We compare, ha ha, first enjoy my unearned:

First is considerations and the basic preparation. In my view, about the content can be divided into five main parts: one is thinking of ways; the second is the mentality of sports fishermen; third point is the election judge; fourth is to use bait to stress; five is a comprehensive treatment.

case materials (II): May 30, sunny weather ankle a little boring, Blazing Angels Ken, does the Duke of old cat Tom and his party I went to Xiang Shan Tong. Seeking the morning to find fish to no avail reservoir, encountered mostly blackfish mouth series, short break at noon snooping Xiang ponds have bass, three to reach the waters, five more pars, grass, sea bass and other fish number.

material analysis: with case materials, or two, this method to analyze specific issues, the choice of the background environment in which the author Freshwater Road sub-geographical areas. Here we combine the material on Some people say there is no such thing as authority or master - these are just admirers of their names. Any expert can be wrong, so their idea or theory can only be that we considered and measured, can not believe everything. Reflections on the fishing is also true, of course, I had not the master key, which come to think I want to say I said that wrong also invited back to help me carry the change masters. One way of thinking

Do not hunch kill, ability to judge is a comprehensive scientific basis. Logical reasoning can help correct, is not thinking (Idea), or view source. To a feeling of pure sky, with imagination to multi-scrutiny, there probably, and then repeated to confirm the logic,UGG boots clearance, is the most effective way of thinking. Road sub-Fishing is not a certain degree of imagination, because we need to refine, but also requires us to pondering discrimination.

way of thinking, and never rigid, you can convert the appropriate angle. Any thought on the issue is certainly several different angles can be used to speculate, in other words, the same problem, can be a feeling to try to analyze different. In this regard, I know the road sub-master is always the same - they may not easily give up a feasible way, not uniformity, but with many different angles as possible to speculate. If the rushing river, We have asked so many fishing issues, unexpected answers, most not because of too Zhanshen, but because the perspective used is difficult to see the light side.

way of thinking, regardless of major and minor third is not to sort out big with the details. Road to Asia in what is big, what is the details? Good fishing spots, is selecting the right punctuation, or bait, or operating practices? We may wish to schedule order. If the details of complementary short length and large, regardless of the details of how to be thoughtful, to be on the big ideas is difficult to think who might come to naught. But to be on is a great idea to add the details of a matter of time - even if the details are often wrong, no harm.

thinking four is not to a dead end, fail to understand why you can call suspended. Road less water fish may be density issues; his way to get your way the problem can not be luck; saw a fish catch, you're probably not catch any technical problems. . . Anyway, want to be baffled when asked to find a reason to let go. Puzzling, time is not wasted. First issue aside, fishing on the request of the happy, if you have some time to learn more think of practice can do wonders.

2, not the fish and fisheries policy should be what kind of mind? We also belong to a fishing game is the process? In fact, a typical case of game theory, Game theory is borrowed to say that thinking is everywhere, can be used to our road sub-PK environment or all fishing catches you, the only people in the case of the turtle.

, for example, A pair of lovers ready to go out Saturday night, the men like to listen to concerts, but the woman prefer to watch movies. Of course, people are reluctant to separate the two activities. Different choices give them the satisfaction expressed by the table. Male Female

concert concert movie film

Fishing is our way sub- A pleasure to seek entertainment, but also to get a life satisfaction. Placed between the landscape of self-cultivation,UGG boots, For the crack in the road sub-dilemma, we might be more the proportion of one to two satisfaction, PK victory and backward, play by the fish and turtles, these factors did not affect our right path and Asia like even obsession. Xiang River in the mountains and mark the line of ponds, from Cai master, Pharaoh, Blazing Angels, etc. I saw them hit the road sub-turtle music, fun and achievement, the turtle is an exploration of the process, continuous learning summary technology to improve the natural and the character also constantly be improved. The so-called common

I remember that there is a The shop launched the so-called The terms of a general rule, customers in the store to buy this product - months, if any other stores selling the same at lower prices of goods, shop will refund the difference and to compensate the difference of 10%. For example, if you spend 5,000 yuan in the store bought a Nikon camera - weeks after you in another - where the store that sold only 4,500 yuan, then you can negotiate the temple to the business,cheap UGG boots, and get 550's back section.

I would like to suggest we all be happy to give a more importantly, to everyone for improvement. Blazing Angels tour in the Xiang River ran five ponds and fish, I asked his comments: time will not run big bass! Road sub will not play more naturally without the fish down, but one thing is playing to promote investment, .

3, not the fish and fisheries policy should be to choose how to do punctuation? Thinking about the specific election punctuation (I) mentioned in the reservoirs or ponds and certain corners and hidden areas are likely to perch, here we come to the authenticity of some of the characteristics and extent of punctuation discriminant.

you read a chart in Figure II Figure III, are very likely hiding place perch. Figure I is characterized by a barrier, but I think the obstacles are temporary shore, not suitable for large bass to hide, mark mountain perch generally have more than forty centimeters, it is a basic requirement for water depth, so the figure of a unlikely as the ideal punctuation; Figure II is characterized by a shallow bay added obstacle, it seems seasonally flooded not because the new place, I think it was a good bass activity and hiding places, but there degree of difficulty, not good cast rod, even though there is likely because the obstruction and mouth run fish; Figure III is characterized by a deep shade stones at the shore, if it is this season, I think is not a good punctuation, in the process of applied pole We found this season more shallow water bass, rock in general do not have to go deep. So my understanding is that these three are not the ideal figure punctuation.

case following figure this is the second in the punctuation: This is the water in the ponds and water plants and light junction, are generally good punctuation.

punctuation suggest you choose the season to consider the temporal, spatial changes in geographical and other factors, the first factor is the seasonal change, if it is summer and I want to map the three is a good punctuation, while if the path had to think of Asia who frequented the place, good punctuation will patronize the more other factors. The rising water is now spring and summer season, rainy weather more, how to select punctuation to combine the changes of nature, experience its wonders with the relationships between species, this election, and the Taiwan fishing fishing deep water fishing is a bit shallow water or fishing, there are similar to the Department. The second factor is the overall region of space, it is simply a punctuation should be linked with the surrounding environment analysis, in the case of a fish, I in point, with the figure very close second, but the biggest difference is the nature of the shallow bays in the entrance so corner, both sides have salient points are able to connect the environment, the outstanding point of obstacles on both sides, one side for bass to hide, while hiding place for small fish (Figure II), as the joke in Blazing Angels visualize the metaphor, one side is the sea bass bedroom, while its dining hall, the only way I have chosen it. This can also be said that we need to think about why the way in Asia to give imagination. Third, obstacles and other factors, that this is the main obstacle to solve direct analysis of whether the possession of the fish. Everything is changing, we may not go a few days fishing spots, or shallow water may have gone up, and the original punctuation are changing, there may be some new obstacles, because it is too When the election directly eliminate punctuation. The first case, I'm somewhere in the boat after the fish, at first glance that a real punctuation, mighty, very lively fun meal. there are some because of the turbidity of water, direct sunlight level, the day the majority of factors change early in the evening, so these are very subtle. but you can not leave the total sum of its quality is everything , always changing the meantime, that is, where small fish hide or active may be our way to a good punctuation Asia as the most important frame of reference, select the basic problem of punctuation can be solved.

4, the fish and fisheries policy is not how to choose to use bait it? so far not a road sub bait fish can not resist any force of its lure, because nothing more than nature, there are too many different objective conditions, such as the sea, reservoirs, rivers, season, climate, sunshine ... ... Therefore the direction of Asia, a veteran of unauthorized use of road will come to market conditions, as when fishing with fishing groups, while fish is the object of sexual predators or foraging, nest of care, the expulsion of nature of group travel, etc., corresponds to the way they are completely different Asian and methods. for one taste is often said that habits, there is no bass may be hunting for a new taste of the habit or interest? I think it is negative, because the fish's memory is short, even bass, CC60 phase.

in the case of a bait in my constituency of the leads is a four-fish in the sea bass soft,bailey UGG boots, the next bar before I was making them: You will hit the bait on the hundred turtles too! There are many obstacles on the day float, I mean my CC60, CD-7-9, as far as possible so that they defy the law can not be linked to the earth; of course the main reason is the selection of the bait from sinking, has been easy to manipulate. from sinking (SINKING) - just breaking the surface of a sink to a certain speed, until contact with the bottom up. This lure can be used all-weather, fish are usually relatively larger size. My main point is so fancy for the day the various aspects of the.

in Case II, we have more choices are the wave Pa or pencil, Xiang ponds and aquatic plants and more, if it is possible with a soft bait, but some of the tactics a little bit difficult. I beginning with the CC60, is the kind of blue, do not know because the reason the color coincidence or chance, even two on the grass and there are two ports. I switched to yellow or dark red young and frivolous, and an hour a no. so they can re-election hard bait lure the fish came from the weeds to try a water meter products, on cue, and fruitful. This election is the election of its floating of bait (FLOATING) - thrown into water without any manipulation to the action, floating in the water by itself. for close to the dawn of time in the morning, the evening or at night, and the shallow waters to tackle the ongoing reproduction of adult fish: water temperature and fishing conditions has an absolute relationship, so if the big wave is fatal, because the fish can not see or more will not notice the road sub-surface action. Here is a selection of wave Pa or pencil to solve puzzles we face overgrown with weeds, with the water allocation of water action and sound function, to the purpose of inducing the fish to the water plants to do with the bright surface junction punctuation, and enjoy the happiness of fish.

of course, also concerned about the road sub-election bait suspended (SUSPENDING ) - rest in the water itself will be suspended in a certain depth below the surface, the depth of the user according to their own individual conditions or different adjustments: how to adjust the veteran is in the basic skills necessary. There is a bait dive depth of understanding and grasp of the general lip-chip for small and placed in the gills and body into the bottom of the vertical angle of the products, probably only just dive one to two feet, and mouth into four five degrees angle, can be the next Potential five feet or so, the only highlight in the mouth in front of a long straight flat piece lip who only have the ability to dive. lure fishing in the visual and lateral line response is the most important visual and lateral line response depends on good weather bad, cloudy with a more prominent white and pink, or yellow with silver during the day, of course, depends on the color of water, the water turbidity may naturally easy to use black or red color, clear but when you're blue and brown, Also have to take into account the refraction of light, water temperature and water quality problems, but there are two colors is absolute, that is red and black. red is because the animals will be in shock when the abdomen showing a color or pink, and black is the sun, the fake bait in the water, fish in the water looking up, only to see the color.

hard baits easier to interpret, understand immediately thrown into the water, while the soft bait in the dance when compared requires skill, lure fishing is injured or weak imitation of biological movements, must be safety first drag in the water to see, to see how the lure bounce when to pull the middle run law? a certain speed a certain pull run, understand and then dumped out, to pull the same way. Similarly, the level of the ground, whether there are obstacles and other factors also can affect the lure of choice.

not fishing and fish comprehensive treatment strategy should involve a certain degree of operating skills to leave the future to explore slowly. because learning to practice, and so it is a harvest! not the fish and fisheries policy brief is to study law and fisheries policy research, Paul mentality low strategy, pick a master strategy, with the bait taste strategies, integrated decision strategy.

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