Monday, October 25, 2010

American Mike Lacy Newspaper Group on March 22 article

 The original title: the rise of China-Russia relations to change the price of oil fell sharply for the Russian economy into chaos, while the improvement of relations between China and Russia now have encountered a temporary setback.

economic tide receded the cycle is to produce part of Sino-Russian relations, Sino-Russian relations over the past half-century swing: first friendly, then broken, and then friendly. Now, the Sino-Russian relations reached a high point of the strategic partnership between them in the past few decades than at any time close. However, China's increased economic and military power caused resentment in Russia, a close relationship between them lends being tested.

Last month, the two countries signed a 25 billion U.S. dollars in energy cooperation agreement, the two countries They have pledged to establish a

However, experts believe that this relationship is not as solid as it seems. Moreover,Discount UGG boots, if the economic problems so that a further decline in relations between the two countries that will benefit the United States. By then, the United States in Afghanistan and economic issues can persuade China to cooperate on, and Russia can help U.S. curb Iran's nuclear program. Sino-Russian relations experts

Bobo - Luo said: br>
Sino-Russian relations on the Eurasian Continental geopolitical influence

of the Soviet Union, the Chinese Government of peaceful coexistence, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for the people of the basic principles of their choice, expressed willingness to continue perform with the Soviet Union signed the treaties, agreements and obligations under the relevant documents, but also hope that relevant countries can meet these obligations. Having said that if China is actually on the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin and the Soviet Union during the early birth of a new round of backward Russia, the West's words and deeds in fact have their own views.

As for Russia, and foreign scholars have a consensus that it introduced in 1992, the political, economic and diplomatic policy of the West all-round backward. In order to win Western economic aid and political support to get rid of domestic crisis, Russia fully join the US-led Western economic and security system of international politics, diplomatic relations almost entirely concentrated in the Western powers who, in international affairs blindly follow them, and when value while not very far away and even some contempt with China relations in the East. As at the time of return, Britain, France Russia, respectively, and promise to deliver 280 million pounds loan 5 billion francs, the International Monetary Fund will support Russia's economic reform package into the Gaidar government reached an agreement, and most Russian exciting is the United States promised to provide 240 billion dollars in aid. So, after another visit to Western Europe and Yeltsin, the spectacular scenes of North America, compared with Western countries and Russia signed a another Summit of the UN Security Council members met for half an hour is nothing. Sino-Russian relations were once indifferent or even stagnation in the state.

However, Russia, promised to be sweet, but is anxious expectation, disappointment is painful. According to International Monetary Fund, February 1, 1994 newsletter published in 1992, Russia received a total of 150 Western financial assistance billion, of which 125 million are provided by the Western governments of export credit, the International Monetary Fund loans $ 1,000,000,000, The aid given by Western governments only 15 billion dollars. This money for the huge one, and then Russia in the transition period, it is utterly inadequate, difficult to play what role. Slowly, the face of Western

In this context, the Sino-Russian relations turn. The end of 1992, Boris Yeltsin as the Russian head of state first came to Beijing. During the visit, President Yeltsin signed with President Yang Shangkun China and Russia had relatively cold and therefore, national law norms, developing good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial partnership. Sino-Russian relations with Yeltsin's visit to a new level on the first, 1993, total trade between China and Russia almost 78 billion U.S. dollars, the highest recorded in the history of bilateral trade.

1994 by NATO eastward expansion of the horn sounded, the objective part of the former Soviet sphere of influence are in Eastern Europe, the other part is in some parts of the former Soviet Union. As a result, Russia's economy is not only expected from the West get the benefits, but also in the military are also facing a Western In response, Russia to further adjust its own foreign policy, the original all west of the Russian double-headed eagle with a head turned toward the east. This is the so-called Heat, from In the latter case, first in January, Yeltsin to visit China's Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev will be transferred to a personal letter from President Jiang Zemin. In this letter, Yeltsin and Russia proposed to establish for the twenty-first century Then, the Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin official visit to China in May, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen visited Russia in June to President Yeltsin, President Jiang Zemin conveyed between China and Russia established a positive response. During this period, the two countries also signed a series of economic, technological and cultural aspects of the agreement. It is warming in Sino-Russian relations on the basis, in September 1994, President Jiang Zemin's official visit to Russia, President Yeltsin signed the the two countries should take active steps. The second Sino-Russian relations have entered a new stage.

in full swing with the eastward expansion of NATO, China and Russia are closer and closer. April 1996, Yeltsin on the first visit to China. In the broad exchange of views on the basis of the two heads of state signed the And For this reason, the two countries decided to maintain not only the various levels and through all channels of the regular dialogue mechanism, the establishment of a hotline between Beijing and Moscow Telephone, and signed a series of cooperation agreements with strategic significance, such as peaceful use of nuclear energy and the development of space cooperation agreement, 26, the same month, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed a heads of state in Shanghai Some of the other sections of the first round of negotiations held in Beijing; December, Premier Li Peng paid a working visit to Russia. All this marks the Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation to implement the important steps. This is the third Sino-Russian relations a new level.

1997, in addition to the two prime ministers, foreign ministers meeting will be regular consultation mechanism set down, the most notable leaders of the exchange of visits between the two countries. April 1997 visit to Moscow, President Jiang Zemin met with Russian President Boris Yeltsin to establish In mid-November 1997, Yeltsin came to Beijing on an official visit to China the third time, President Jiang Zemin and Russian heads of state held the fifth meeting of the top-level meeting and signed the fifth As a Sino-Russian relations since 1992, a summary of the development, the statement said: and mutual respect, equality, benefits and care for the interests of all parties on the basis of development of relations, which is essential to world peace and development. Russian relations When the bombing started, even though China and Russia are opposed to the practice of NATO, Russia is furious, outraged, not only with the Western freeze on all aspects of the relationship, and while several ships bound for Asia sent the Adriatic sea; In contrast, China's reaction is not heated, there is no interruption of any dealings with the West. However, NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, the Sino-US relations deteriorated sharply. Russia also cut stand with the Chinese. Yeltsin not only personally played hotline to President Jiang Zemin, but also sent a special envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin to Beijing. Rapid warming of Sino-Russian relations. The Chinese people expressed their sympathy and support, while NATO's vigorous condemnation of the atrocities, the Russian one hundred percent of these practices is commendable, but also fully reflects the good relations between China and Russia. However, behind this enthusiasm, it seems that Russia has its own plan, it is hoped that the confrontation with the West by the Chinese to act as a

short, from the relatively indifferent to each other, This is nearly 10 years the basic trend of the new Sino-Russian relations. A cursory look at the new development of Sino-Russian relations, but also not difficult to find the positive development of Sino-Russian relations is Russia or China is often with Western countries, the inverse relationship between the development coincide. The latter get as far away from the former was the more recent, which to some extent, explaining the new Sino-Russian relations with a certain passivity.

However, no matter how he says it, must acknowledge the fact, but also between China and Russia should be able to maintain a good peace and cooperation

good relations, not only for the two countries And the world is very important.

adjacent to Russia is the largest European and Asian countries, borders 4,300 kilometers. 1689 Of course, such 1949 to 1991, is the interaction between the two socialist countries, since 1992, this is the so-called new Sino-Russian relations. Throughout the history of 300 years of exchanges between the two countries can come to this conclusion: if China and Russia to equality, harmony is good for both sides, which is particularly significant in China no small significance. As long as double the Sino-Soviet history and the history of Sino-Russian relations, or modern Chinese history, this is not to difficult to understand. Today, China and Russia are committed to their own domestic economic development with neighboring countries need a stable, friendly and cooperative relations. By extension, in the era of world peace and development, also needs a stable and secure environment, China and Russia Ruoneng maintain good bilateral relations and cooperation, the Asia-Pacific and the world for the maintenance of peace and security are a benefits.

in recognition of this basic premise, but also the development of Sino-Russian relations must see the new non-equilibrium. This non-equilibrium mainly in two aspects, one between the two countries in political, economic and military exchanges and cooperation in cross-cutting different levels, and second, the bilateral relations in the past, present and future development trend of the vertical will be ups and downs.

read the first aspect.

new Sino-Russian relations is undoubtedly the most protruding part of the political aspects. The first part about the new trend of Sino-Russian relations, the world observed the Sino-Russian relations in the Indeed, in the international political stage, China and Russia is very much common language. The past in Iraq, Kosovo and other issues demonstrate the high degree of consistency aside, is that in the present or even future in the face of U.S. attempts to establish a unipolar world, expanding NATO to strengthen US-Japan military alliance, advocacy and the development of the new interventionism theater missile defense system peace and security. On the one hand relying on the powerful U.S. economic strength will not give up the attempt to dominate the world, on the other hand China and Russia will not yield to the United States, so China and Russia in the international political arena this side by side will also strengthen .

contrast, economic relations between China and Russia is cold. Externally, for example, in 1998, bilateral trade volume between China and Russia was 54.8 billion U.S. dollars, with exports of 18.4 billion dollars and imports 36.4 billion U.S. dollars, respectively, compared with 1997 decreased by 10.5%, 9.7% and 10.9%; 1999, Sino-Russian bilateral trade volume was 57.2 billion U.S. dollars, increased by 4.4% in 1997, of which exports $ 1,497,000,000, down 18.6%, imports of $ 4,222,000,000, an increase of 16%. Two years, total trade between China and the U.S. were $ 54,936,000,000 and $ 61,426,000,000, more than total trade volume between China and Russia more than 10 times.

direct investment between China and Russia are also very limited amount, but tens of millions of dollars. Overall, the level of trade between the two countries and their relations among major powers are not commensurate with their political relations are not commensurate. From a development perspective, the two countries are expected in energy, machinery manufacturing, aerospace, wood processing and other fields to cooperate, there will be growth in trade. However, this pattern of incompatible difficult short-term breakthrough.

military relations between the two countries is also very attractive in recent years, mainly in Russia on arms sales to China. China more advanced aircraft, warships and anti-aircraft missiles and Russia has a relatively large contact. As good political relations between the two countries and the common interests of the international arena, coupled with the economic difficulties facing Russia, China and Russia's cooperation in this regard may also forward the further development. However, what can go far, but can not be too optimistic. Because after all, not to sell arms sales in general merchandise, the more side constraints, especially in Russia's own interests, so the quantity and quality is the


look at the second.

in the era of Boris Yeltsin, the longitudinal development of Sino-Russian relations is This trend in Sino-Russian relations in the future will it last? China no doubt hopes the friendly Sino-Russian relations and cooperation toward the direction of development can be strengthened, but also has been committed to this. Putin will be the continuation of domestic and foreign affairs needs of the China policy of the Yeltsin era Russia. But in the long perspective, the Sino-Russian relations In this regard, there are several factors that deserve attention:

First, the Russian political culture of the In continental Europe, with France, Germany, is a big country compared to Russia. However, in the history of the evolution of thousands of years, due to the boundary line in the East and West, Russia has always been a very awkward position, that is it oriental countries as Western countries, while the Western countries to put it as the East. However, geographical, historical, language and culture, inextricably linked, especially in the east front of Russia is more inclined to their Western Of particular note is that the top leaders of Russia, after Yeltsin, most of the generation born after the war, deeply influenced by Western culture. Therefore, they will pay more attention to Russia's domestic and foreign affairs with the West, the contacts with the West, the first place. This is either acting president Vladimir Putin was more obvious during the show, and even he himself did not evade this. Both aspects of the domestic community values, or the foreign policy focus, located in Russia, Putin regarded the

Second, China's 50's of last century is the Sino-Soviet No matter what time, for better or worse, each other in each other's eyes, After half a century, both China and Russia who harbor fewer and fewer of these complex, not only is no longer the mainstream, but also in the fading stage of history. Such as China today, with 50 years vigorously generation. Scolding aside, hate go hate the Chinese people will not call back their children to study in the United States to go to Russia or the U.S. dollar in the bank out into the ruble, the Russian people do not study in the United States will be called the children returned to from China or out of the bank into RMB in the U.S.. Regardless of how to treat this phenomenon, but it will undoubtedly weaken the Sino-Russian relations to some extent objective basis for further development.

Third, linked with the previous one, in the information era, China and Russia showed mutual understanding but also many people know that few people in Russia, few people understand China. Which can be used to illustrate many examples, just from the Internet is concerned, the greatest impact are the most extensive coverage of the English website in Europe and America. Chinese Web site or the Russian Web site, whether, in fact, are unable to contend with them. High-speed communication in the information age, Chinese and Russian people are not easy to pass the most efficient means of communication between the multimedia.

course, the new Sino-Russian relations from the will help to safeguard and promote the role, this is the most important.

concluded Sino-Russian relations have a direct impact on the entire Eurasian continent's economic and military situations, so the relationship between Sino-Russian relations now, still growing and maturing well, and the world impact is quite favorable.

resources crisis may force expansion of the Russian geopolitical

financial oligarchy of three articles published in the Soros continuous decline in oil prices after the world's geo-political trends, predicted oil prices could allow Russia to collapse Hong Kong . The subject of hot dishes, but also from the Russian side of the geopolitical use of proven success. Article are summarized as follows:

possibility still exists

I believe that expansion of the Russian geopolitical force is possible, but the problem is the premise that if the United States, the European Union or other small countries continued to provoke Russia , then the counter should be the Russian military expansion mode. Western media widely reported on August 8 last year, trouncing Georgia Russia, Putin's popularity decreased. In fact, the Russian Foreign Ministry's Institute of International Relations of the majority of professors that have done very well this blow, and the operation of the European Union Georgia lost in the role of the United States abuses. The streets of Russian media surveys have shown that people do not fully agree with the means of war, but support the Russian national acts. Support of the people involved in the expression are not willing to Putin personally, it also facilitates the one-sided western media hype.

British Medvedev took office six months to have good relations with Putin, but now the situation changed. Seems to be the instigation of his wife Svetlana Medvedev became very self-confident, and dare to criticize the government's economic rescue plan is not satisfactory, but he did not point the finger at Putin. Meanwhile, Dmitry Medvedev in the Kremlin began to carefully build their own political circle. Legend of Putin's cronies, the Russian first deputy director of the Office of the President is also backward by Surkov Medvedev. For those from the UK press, Russia's a little website called NEWSLAND translated and reproduced, but the reports were not in the mainstream media coverage in Russia.

Now the Western media stir between Medvedev and Putin, the existence of contradictions, and whether they exist in the political operation of the primary and secondary points. The problem is that Medvedev and Putin, if contradictions between, then the point at which the two aspects of the conflict? In addition, the possible forms of the Russian military expansion which one do?

For this issue, first of all most interested in the media, followed by the financier. March 5, 2009, the Russian newspaper, to investigate the topic: For Russia, the threat of war now exists? Sub-issues: whether the Russian war tomorrow? Results 50% of users believe that the existence of 45% that does not exist, and 5% found it difficult to say. And in 2003, has conducted a survey, 47% believe that there was 40% that does not exist, and 8% found it difficult to say. Breakdown of survey shows that the Russian right wing democrats the full development of the Russian economy eight years, but then there are significant human rights problems, Russia can not happen at this time of war, if there is a war to fight the best agents.

the Russian people have a sense of crisis

2009 年 1 31, a United Russia party organizations march team slogan is: We believe that Medvedev and Putin! Medvedev more emphasis on the development of Russia, but this initiative is the Prime Minister. Putin's economic crisis early in contempt and pay attention to the existence of diplomatic issues. Diplomacy should not be the focus of Russia in 2009, at this point, a lot of Russian think tanks are generally consensus. Russian Duma old Mr Lukin Putin old friend in Russian democracy after 2000 are protected in the political system, but the development of human rights has serious problems. In addition, the re-shaping the consumer market, it should be Putin's main task, the scenery President Dmitry Medvedev let things go for it!

Recently, the company belonging to the Russian gas industry The article points out, Russia must fully contain the Ukrainian presidential election, reversing the defeat after the color revolutions. Crisis in Ukraine there is division.

Russia Institute of International Relations Department Chair Professor of international news that Al autumn Karimov to allow the Party of Regions led by Viktor Yanukovich in the presidential election pegged Tymoshenko and Yushchenko's Union Ukraine - People's self-defense

overall strategy from Russia, if the war in Korea, but also the cost of the least influential. In this regard, Medvedev, a think tank around, very few experts on North Korea. President of the International Relations Advisory Ivanov Darfur is actually a South Korean expert, but his characters are the Yeltsin era, Putin, their views may not be able to accept. Although Putin

think tanks around like little or no does not mean that this possibility does not exist.

Mape run-in period has expired

2008 years Where Putin and Medvedev each stop fighting their own posts, especially in the August 8, 2008 the Russian military to Georgia counter, the Western media began in full swing on the Russian leader's dual-core system into question. In fact, in the initial stage, Putin and Medvedev may be the role of adjustment problems exist, that is, in the Russian foreign relations to minimize the role, but Medvedev's work mainly with and support of Putin's domestic and foreign policy. Starting from January this year, Russian media reports have been for Putin to Russia's domestic construction.

media in Western countries have been facing a rise in geopolitical Russia, the use of means that they must attack and divide. In this regard, the basic approach is to ignore Russia, Mape's dual-core system to mature.

into 2009, the East China Sea, South China Sea over the bejeweled: Japan and the U.S. to defend the Diaoyu Islands, the Philippines legislature occupied parts of China Huangyan Island and Nansha islands and reefs, but more noteworthy is that the U.S. recently also mixed This multi-national coveted the South China Sea dispute, to stir up confrontation with China. Public opinion at home and abroad, Nansha, but the nature of the dispute But the ship to move into the South China Sea fishery 311, declaration of sovereignty, China to defend the territorial sea is courageous and prudent, tit for tat. Meeting on selected points for reference.

one, the Philippines has become the troubled occupation of the South China Sea, the Huangyan Island Sea

1, the Philippines, the most daring provocation concentration of the East China Sea South China Sea

into the 2009 outbreak, the situation surrounding China seems into a (Beijing, limit,UGG boots, which the Philippines and Malaysia the most daring and provocative. February 17, the noise of the Philippines more than a year,UGG boots cheap, Zhongsha Islands and the Spratly Islands in the Huangyan Island in the part of the island (the Philippines called 5th of this month, Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Nansha Islands in the projectile landing Sung Tsai reefs and reef, the Prime Minister and Defense Minister declared Malaysia as the reef and its adjacent waters (Beijing, Maritime Delimitation Commission Obviously, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries, in fact, occupy the disputed islands, you can take a favorable position in the demarcation of the motion is expected to be occupied legitimize China's maritime rights and interests. (Comment on Hong Kong Network)

If, on the territorial disputes in the Philippines adopted a strategy of open provocation, then Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue is quietly using the approximation approach. February 1 this year, the Japan Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter can carry PLH-type patrol boats Permanent Diaoyu Islands waters, strengthening the warning on the Diaoyu Islands, China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands sovereignty dispute sudden upgrade. According to Hong Kong media quoted sources as saying that China will face more severe Diaoyu rights situation in the future, the Chinese vessel near the Diaoyu Islands is almost unlikely to, as to declare sovereignty, but to take the aircraft passing over the island way. (Beijing PRC)

2, divvy up good islands to meddle in China's maritime rights and interests of multinational

recently opened a newspaper, reports on ocean issues in China is significantly higher than normal frequency. One wonders what would happen to China's marine situation? It is understood that a vast sea area of China, under the a, can be seen from the map of China are located in one of these islands is known as

long time, the maritime territory has been China's remaining issues, the controversial waters of up to 150 million square kilometers. Many of these waters in the islands occupied by his country, the situation is most serious to the East China Sea and South China Sea's Spratly Islands Diaoyu Islands. According to reports, in the Spratly Islands in the control of only 9 belong to China, of which the mainland accounts for 8, Taiwan accounted for 1. Was Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei have occupied as many as 45. Some other smaller islands and reefs are also many in other countries under the control of And this situation there is trend of expansion, the Philippines proposed claim to sovereignty over the Huangyan Island, the reason so many experts are worried because the Philippines in the South China Sea, a move intended to expand the controversial north. Some experts believe that once those reefs occupied by his country, to want to take the initiative to leave those countries is unrealistic,UGG bailey button, Moreover, some countries have in strengthening the military, and construction of permanent facilities on the island. (South Korea, University of the Philippines Institute of International Law, said a report published previously, once the territory of the United Nations agreed requirements of the Philippines, the Philippine side to the related resources of the waters around the island to enjoy the rights of exploration and exploitation alone. University of the Philippines has served as Professor of National Institute of Geology Dezhi experts Teaoduoluo? Santos said, barrel or even hundreds of million barrels, in addition, where there are abundant natural gas, and iron-nickel and other mineral resources of gold and silver. Xiao Xi Qing Taiwan scholars also believe that, in addition to the rich oil and gas resources, the fishery resources but also to promote the Philippines and other countries compete for the South China Sea Islands and surrounding waters of the important reasons. (Guangdong Dayang)

but more serious problem is that neighboring countries in recent years, the sovereignty of the South China Sea occupied Yijing by the The Philippine government's legislative action, that is, the Chinese demonstrations. If China no substantial measures, over time, the occupation of dozens of islands and reefs will be the South China Sea and farther away from China. (Comment on Hong Kong Network)

3, China's sea power sea power is not enough security built aircraft carrier on the agenda

South China Sea issue in the final analysis, China's sea power is not enough. 1,500 km away from the outside of mainland China Nansha Islands, the Nansha islands, small, difficult to a large number of troops, logistics difficulties, is not conducive to a long stick, so much the face of the challenges of China's territorial sovereignty, the fact that the Chinese military and civil requirements of the construction of aircraft carrier the voice is very strong. Moreover, since the long overdue aircraft, ocean-going Chinese navy has been constrained defense capabilities, but also to some extent to see a small neighboring country.

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