Thursday, October 21, 2010

After the water freezes, ice is carved through a patchwork of largely transparent to the scene

 To a variety of colors, thanks to a variety of colors and lights and reflections can be various colors. Different colors of light mix together, the color is more rich and varied, even if the body is transparent, colorless by the original had become colorful.

massive ice body (such as a tower built in the morphology of the ice palace ﹑), because of the nature of mostly flat, it is difficult to produce images with a variety of colors, so many choices form a small, curved shape ﹑ angular ice shooting, because the ice in bending can occur due to reflection or refraction in a variety of colors generated. At this point, long focal length lens is no need of, but close-up lens to be useful. Observed at close range, will find many changes because of the color produced is very abstract meaning of the scene, there are unpredictable shapes, colors, and line structure. The most notable is the depth of field control. As far as possible the most effective use of the maximum depth of field processing ﹑ in order to obtain sufficient resolution of the screen, which is more than any other subject matter is worth noting the close-up point. Obtained due to the use of small aperture maximum depth of field. And given the light is not very strong, so the best can meet the high sensitivity of the film (of course it is best to color negative film positives ﹑ Safe, boring film will find a black and white), at least four Baidu. Of course, a sturdy tripod is essential. ice better than the film shoot

other subjects. The fact is that the cold temperatures, even if well prepared and to not be too long in the museum, it must be quick to meet it. If slowly, must not take lots of pictures, the election scene to be fast, decide the composition to be fast. Thus, in deciding how to deal with shooting ﹑ technology adopted, it should know what to do.

photography ice no doubt what the theme is a rare performance, but through careful management if, in the abstract picture reveals some of the implications, to express ideas in mind, even if it is something ethereal, but also quite appropriate to reflect on the lines of color ﹑ processing ability, will certainly help inspire the imagination.

how to shoot snow filled the air

If the photographers who need to take a pictures of snowflakes dancing in the sky, you should choose darker background, so to avoid the background interference. While the shutter speed can not be too high, usually in 1 / 30 seconds, so the snow flying lines can form a channel, showing the snow movement. how to shoot snow

the use of light is a white crystal of snow, the reflection is high, when the sun shines even more brightly when the above. Therefore, in the snow in the shooting, if the top light in a positive light, or shooting, because the light Euparagonimus or vertical relationship between exposure, not only can not make fine white crystal shades and textures of materials produced, and will lose the three-dimensional scene. Therefore, in order to show shades snow and snow transparent texture, the use of the backlight or the backlight side shot is most appropriate. To make snow in the snow, and other colors can have layered features, making the best choice for soft snow when the sun light.

misty clouds how to shoot with slow shutter water features

get confused picture water illusion effect. This method features artistic photographs is very clear water often has emerged like the clouds of ethereal sense.

Also note that the movement of water to reflect the sense of urgency need to select the flow rate of the shutter speed, flow speed, the selected shutter speed should be high, slow water flow, select the shutter rate should be lower. In the choice of shutter speed, it is best to stabilize the camera using a tripod to avoid shaking the camera affect the picture sharpness.

how to shoot

splash water features water features to make shooting with the shutter speed to be used for special effects, such as 1 / 1000 seconds to condensation of water sports, such as ocean waves, etc. . Framing appropriate exposure properly, it may be sprayed beads of jade-like splash effect, we show in some photographs of the waves can often see similar tactics.

how to shoot fog Fog King

shooting, the contour lines should be selected as a good picture of the main features, the subject area to be occupied not too much, generally no more than the screen area 1 / 4 as well, so that you can use a large area of light color to highlight your subject a small area of a black tone, in stark contrast of light and shade, it is beneficial for the performance of the fog screen sense of space and increased sense of perspective and depth. Fog shot in the mountains, framing the mountains when the fog to note that the characteristics change more frequently, often with mountain mountain fog and sometimes higher, sometimes lower, the time when the thickness of thin fog, the scene also with thick fog when the change, when the light, and disappeared, the time is now, so you can shoot in the mountains is more dynamic than the flat landscape photos bizarre fog.

how to shoot pictures rain rain scene

hazy easy access to elegant effect, because the rain reflective, bright image scene hazy distance, the picture of the scene, the tone has caused bias, do not have a flavor.

shooting scene when the rain for the rain to the performance scene in the photo section in the rain, in addition to choosing a larger rain, but also must have a darker background color for the background Caixing. If the rain scene in the background is the sky, then the rain of the sky must be dense white cloud, even if the rain was very large, and the rain will be the same because the background is white and can not appear. Background of the more recent, the more likely the rain article appeared, the more distant background, the inevitable scenes of great scenery, and the rain shall not easy to clearly show. Therefore, the rain scene of the shooting range to take in the scene should not be too large, but also to occupy most of the sky to avoid the white screen, the scene in the rain affected the performance bar.

the brightness of the scene when it rains, the general is relatively weak. Therefore, the shooting scene when the rain had to spend a large aperture and slower shutter speed, only to rain sensitive enough to show the landscape features of space in the article not the rain fall, but also be able to grasp the dynamic in the rain.

shooting shutter speed to use when rain is not too high, because the speed would rain Ning Zhu, forming a small point, but not the feeling of rain. If you use the shutter speed is too slow, the rain will pull strips, the effect is not good. Generally use 1 / 30 seconds to 1 / 60 second speed is good, then the shutter speed is not high, can emphasize the dynamic water landing.

how to shoot boiling water boiling water

have a lot of water vapor emitted, causing some difficulties to shoot, how to shoot water drops rolling boiling water effect? Just take the photographer out into a tube to blow bubbles underwater, both boiling water effect of water vapor will not affect the shooting, image quality can be improved several times! How to make a good scene

reflection in the water

water to calm. As the saying goes: Best real backlight. Even if the water quiet, if not ideal lighting conditions, reflections are not perfect. In general, the best reflection of light is shooting low light, backlight, followed by side light and diffuse light, very sensitive to the top of cis-ray light. Under ideal lighting conditions, the sky will form a strong and real light and dark contrast, invested in the image on the surface of the water becomes clear and distinct.

view to choose a low angle shooting. The amount of reflection on the screen and select the level of shooting point of view are closely related. View shooting high, the reflection appears to be less; shooting low point of view, there is much reflection. Similarly, a low angle, the reflection appears comprehensive.

exposure must be accurate. Generate more reflection on the water on the reflective surface will give the photographer often the visual illusion, that the shooting scene brightness is very high. In fact, the real and the backlight brightness of the water surface is not high. Backlighting when shooting under general picture can refer to the exposure value is large than normal exposure to open 1-2 1-2 f-stop or slow down the shutter speed.

As is often taken in Linshui Daoying the shore, shooting a low angle, the lens surface is vulnerable to interference of the reflected light on the mess, the formation of Guangxian Chong mirror, causing Guangyun phenomenon, affecting the screen. So when shooting, the camera lens is best to use the hood.

how to shoot water droplets

photographers shoot from the top down if you want to clear the water droplets, then a plastic bag filled with water can be fixed with a line in a high place, and then needle stab a hole in the bottom of the bag drop straight into the regular flow below the carrying body. Photographers to manually focus if the water droplets carrying the body center, in the use of M file to set the shutter speed 1/1000s, aperture value of F22, this time, the photographer can shoot out of the water droplets.

how to shoot stationary water droplets

often, we see glass, fruit and other advertising, the object above the water droplets moving, evenly distributed. To achieve this effect the photographer is actually very simple, as long as colorless shoe polish or petroleum jelly applied to the surface, and then facing the body of water, so that you can prevent the water droplets fall, the drops of water or fruit shape in the surface of the vessel.

how to make a good aquarium fish

photographers shooting fish in the aquarium, it is best to make the room black. Then the flash on the surface of the water above the surface of the water farther away from the uniform distribution of light from the surface brightness of recent high, but not on the water. Sync cable with camera and flash, but you can not lead flash. Photographers before shooting, if you are unsure how the exposure, you can use manual or aperture priority pre-shots, and then select the appropriate aperture factor.

how to shoot wild birds is still a lot of the subject, or at least they can be in your control, before the shutter, you can spend a longer time to composition and decisions exposure. The majority of nature photography is not the case, the subject fast motion, can not you have plenty of time to composition, we must look for opportunities to capture. In particular, some birds, very alert, if feel you will leave the territory. Therefore, in addition to the photographer should have the skills, but also good at hidden track.

shooting birds is important to choose equipment, the equipment must be lightweight, to adapt to long-distance travel, the camera and lens must be easy to track the birds. In addition, in all cases must be aware of how the sky metering. For these conditions, selection with the motor, with aperture priority, spot metering, continuous AF and other functions of the digital camera is ideal.

Typically, birds are often taken by the lens of the restrictions, while large aperture opening, you also have to be used whenever possible speed in order to capture the birds wings and body movement of the action, select the camera is also very important, the ideal The lens is the focal length as much as possible, as much as possible the weight of light, aperture as large as possible. Many birds are very small body size, to get a fairly large image, takes a lot of magnification.

to light and prevent vibration, a telephoto lens is an ideal lens. It is lightweight, easy to focus, easy to operate, the only unsatisfactory is the diameter small, and only one aperture. The use of telephoto lens combined weight of the camera relative to the larger lens, shooting the birds have to wait a long time, composition, hand-held camera can not stand so long, it is best to support the camera on a tripod or a one-man stand.

Lake and the sea, forest and reservoir is a place frequented by birds, the filming location should be the subject of birds and to understand and master the best shooting opportunity, the other, to understand the seasons, the light on the shooting of birds the impact of understanding of what kind of light will produce what kind of effect.

how to make a good night

1. Theme and composition. Because the light's sake, many captivating scenery during the day and look for the night will be overshadowed. We can only shoot in the rest of the night with colorful lights and color. It can be said is actually shooting night scenes shot at night with light and color characteristics. Since clear what we have to shoot at night, it must take into account when the scene composition, lighting and the deletion of the trade-offs. And writing articles, we should first determine their own photographs to show what, and then use the prominent center-style tactics to focus on their performance, and for other non-center of the scene, you can order saves every attitude shoot or not shoot it low, in order to achieve focus, emphasis on the effect of the perfect composition.

2. to keep the camera steady. Night photography, the camera more to the long exposure, exposure time and sometimes it may take up to several seconds or even hours, which requires the camera when shooting must not have any sway, otherwise, the captured image may be because the camera shaking and blurred. In order to keep the camera steady when shooting, we should camera fixed to a tripod to shoot, and the shutter to start, it's best to use the shutter release or use of the camera self-timer functions to drive,UGG boots cheap, really need to press the shutter directly, they should touch as much as possible to minimize the machine shaking due to human causes.

3. exposure. Overall, the night, low light, the camera's exposure time than the average nature photography for a long time, but the shooting scene, and other varied as night photography but also the light at the scene to control the situation and the specific composition of the exposure the length of time. This regard, the digital camera with LCD screen, live preview function, but also not afraid of a waste of film, compared to conventional cameras, it has a unique advantage. The actual shooting, we can first one they see fit to set aperture and shutter speed set a test shot, and then preview it directly, if the image is overexposed (too bright), you can narrow the appropriate shutter speed or aperture, if Less exposure (brightness too dark), exposure time may be longer appropriate or increase the aperture until you get the satisfaction of their own image results.

4. focal length, aperture adjustment. And other photography, night photography also need to highlight the theme, and in the panoramic picture, will have the greatest possible depth of field, so that all were taken to the proximity of the scene have been clear images. A wide range of shooting night, we can slightly adjust the focal length of the lens farther, the use of ultra-focus, you can get enough depth of field, so that the whole picture appears patchwork, but with a three-dimensional. In the night of the shooting aperture is also important, although the longer the exposure time we are able to pass sufficient amount of light, but definitely not the aperture the smaller the better, because different kinds of digital cameras, they generally have with the lens coefficient of a so-called best aperture, the aperture of the lens maximum aperture of more than 4-5 or so, with a maximum aperture of F3.5 lens, for example, are mostly the best aperture F5.6-F8, and the most focal length of the aperture and super good at the same time use, the captured image will highlight the theme, they also get a good sense of clarity and level.

5. flash use. Some friends when it comes to shooting night like to use flash, in fact, most of the time, there is no need to use flash because the flash lit for as long as more or less destroy the beauty of the night, leaving the image tends to mediocrity, so As long as sufficient exposure time, I personally believe it is better to use less flash.

how to deepen the color of sunset

photographers often see the effects of many sunset pictures are bright red one. In fact, exaggerated the effect you want to achieve this, a method can use the filters, there is a way to set the camera into the cloudy white balance mode, so you can deepen the color of the sunset. How to shoot fireworks

photographers shooting fireworks, be sure to install the tripod, a tripod can help you prevent image jitter. Shooting fireworks before the first idea of a good photographic composition and determine the camera position, and then fixed the camera tripod. When shooting fireworks, the best use manual mode, and then focus on to infinity. Fireworks take a long time exposure, so photographers were transferred to the sensitivity of the camera 100, which is more suitable when the aperture between the F8-F16. Of course, the photographer choose the shutter speed can also set the B shutter. General shooting small fireworks for about 0.5-1 seconds, a large-scale fireworks time required for 3-4 seconds, this time using B door photographers can adjust the shutter speed, and saving time photography. How

shooting on location in black or white background floral background picture

photographers will find a lot of background Flowers are white or black. Although this effect in the indoor use of a particular black and white background to finish, you can use Photoshop to do deal with, in fact, complex in nature, the environment can also use the camera to achieve such results.

black background if you want to get pictures of flowers, the shade should be the background of the flowers to receive enough light as the subject, and to flower as the center exposure value set, then with the subject less than the shadows of the background light becomes dark a natural.

If you want to get a white background, then they would have to sky as the background, the use of backlighting composition, and exposure compensation can be increased, making it easy to get a white background.

how to sky looks more vivid

1. Note the use of light. The formation of a blue sky laws, along the blue sky, light, side light second, compared with white backlight, so take along light angle shot of the sky color saturation is very high, especially in the sky overhead photographer especially saturated bright colors. Note that in practice the angle photography in general can be relatively bright, blue sky.

2. using polarized light microscopy. Polarizer, also known as polarization microscopy, using it in the side light position, rotate to a certain angle to eliminate air polarized light, thereby enhancing the saturation of the blue, but the backlight or cisplatin did not make much sense of light. However, when using the polarizer, the best choice of high quality polarized lens, so as not to affect the image quality. In addition, together with a polarizer to increase after 1-2 files usually exposure compensation, in the absence of a tripod when shooting with telephoto lenses have to note that low shutter speed should not be used, so the image quality of camera shake.

3. Select the appropriate weather. In fact, the color of blue sky and the sky beneath pure degree is closely related to the reason for the blue sky of rural mountain saturation, etc. are particularly good, with good local environment-related. Currently shooting in the big cities, such as the choice taken after the rain, the color of the sky will be particularly satisfactory.

4. use of contrast means. From the artistic point of view, means also increase the contrast with the charm of the blue sky. For example, in a large area of sky to add some yellow leaves, or construction, the role of the complementary color, a more striking contrast can be more blue sky full of visual impact.

5. Note that the exposure control. Accurate exposure can be the ideal color reproduction, but in certain circumstances, need to increase the blue color, may be appropriate to reduce exposure. For example, in a color reversal film or digital camera, 1/3-1/2 file appropriate exposure reduction, the color will be more rich blue sky. Of course, the specific implementation to take into consideration, if the picture will be affected by other important significant effect, we should not trade-off. How to make a good

⑴ shooting the moon with the M file, because easier to control exposure. By shooting out of the photo, the moon is observed as a bright white, and if so to continue to decrease by increasing the shutter speed or aperture to reduce exposure until you can get a zoom to the moon craters can be observed after the photo.

⑵ when shooting with telephoto. How long is your focus on the use of long, so it may get a bigger pictures of the moon, it is recommended to use telephoto or super-telephoto lenses.

⑶ shooting with a tripod, because the focal length is too long, hand-held camera shake as long as the screen to blur slightly. Therefore, must use a tripod to keep the camera steady.

⑷ If you can manually focus, you are transferred to infinity, if AF, then you can focus on the moon, it is not difficult.

clever use of reflection of sunrise and sunset shooting

surface reflection will take pictures of sunrise and sunset graces, a calm sea or a lake reflects the sky in the scene. As shown in the image as a mirror, and the breeze blowing across the surface will always be disturbances such reflection. The water leaving a more dazzling light, and from the horizon to the foreground of a light path between the outline. When the sun slowly going down, this will be extended to the optical path in front of you.

how to make the color more gorgeous flowers

flowers when we were shooting, while making people feel and is about the same reason, but in most cases to take to reduce the EV, which is why ?

relatively bright because the plants and flowers, according to the standard EV exposure may cause plants and flowers to lose detail, in order to retain more details, increase the texture of flowers, the appropriate reduction in EV will have good results.

shooting sunrise and sunset clouds

how clever use of the cloud is a natural shooting reflective objects, it can spread the sun's red light, so that the screen constantly changing. Clouds can also be taken as the main theme. But when the cloud cover to observe the situation when the setting sun, the light scattered out from the clouds so that the photo is very moving to increase the effect. When the sun close to the edge of the clouds, there is a bright side is ideal for shooting scenery. To observe, as the sun gradually from the middle of the bright rim appears to capture. Water

how to shoot the boats

1. stand high overhead big scene afar. Gao looking mountains, hills towers, the ideal system for such cross-Jiang Qiaoliang foot high drop point, long-distance overhead commanding the river, river bank and boats, with a deep level, breadth of vision scenes are panoramic view of the large, sweeping.

2. emphasis on the screen layout. The number of boats on the screen, position, there should be pay attention to. As a principal, if a single vessel should be prominently placed on the screen; if groups, not only to consider the placement, but also pay attention to changes in formation between the boats should be density and white, patchwork, so that the contents of a harmonious and orderly not many, but not clutter the screen clean. As if to accompany the body, the size of boats in the distance should be moderate, to harmony with the landscape, side by side. Composition of the ways to follow the

3. capture the moment the U.S. pattern. Busy little boat is the soul of rivers and lakes, boats shuttle, Ge Jiang, fight trip, is the flow of poetry and music, changing the painted screen, Always pay attention to driving, drift of the boat, and a timely moment to seize the aesthetic design, such as moving the hull drag Boats form the shape of the United States, and the angle of repose is related to the vertical angle of the screen gives a stiff or rigid lying, the lack of a sense of change; the lateral angle of 45 ° around on the screen, two-dimensional space clear, physical line smooth, is the form of the ideal angle.

4. Using the most attractive light. Smooth compared to orthotopic light, facing the sun backlighting, to strengthen the three-dimensional scenery, clever to use the picture will have unintended effects. Shady side of the mountains far away can make boats in the darker shadows, the subject is sketched out an outline of the bright; backlight surface of the water, numerous scales sparkling flashes of light, the picture has a strong black, gray, white low-profile silhouette. But be careful to take the exposure of backlit film, but also to avoid the glare flares. Between the cis side light between the light and backlight, scenery lines, clear, three-dimensional nature of light and dark primary and secondary boats to highlight the show, is conducive to artistic expression, but also relatively easy to control exposure. In addition, high light, low light, reflection, etc., can be applied flexibly.

5. different seasons, weather and time present different picture. Sunny well lit, sharp screen image, the color saturation. Cloudy scattered light, the scenery flat tone, the color gray, should be abandoned in the law for large, narrow viewing range, close-focus shooting midfield. Rain, fog, snow weather shooting, can often get unexpected results. In particular, early and late in the day, all the time, light intensity, color temperature environment in the changing times, the scene also shows a different color of light. Sunrises and sunsets, is the most magnificent scenes of nature, warm ocean water will appear in the atmosphere faction and gold red color tone. Morning and evening light changes, should continue to pay close attention to shooting metering, the exposure value based on the automatic light Lueqian some. As night fell, to clear people's emotional landscape of pure calm, calm and with a fixed camera, long exposure shooting stars under the boats on view at Night, will be another flavor.

6. the background of the process and prospects of utilization. A good background of the natural environment to help principal performance. The face of background clutter, can be Exclusion are threefold: First, back to the mountain forests of the surface as the background level positive film, darker picture of the background obtained; the second is pure Yang-shot sky as the background, the background images obtained by bright; Third, the surface is smooth background overhead, and seek a single screen background. There are a variety of virtual method: First, the background is the weakening of the morning fog, the impact of short grain details to set off the strong light of the background of the subject; also use a long focal length lens, open the aperture, shortening the distance between the lens and body (ie shoot distance), widening the distance between subject and background and so on.

7. capture the beautiful figure form. Although the boats for the whole screen has an important role in the United States, but operating boats in the figure, its shape is at the point of the eye. Such as shaking, scratching, dial, hold, swap and other operating positions are different, but there is commonality of action rules, that is starting, peak, recovery, re-start, cycle, step by step ... ... the most beautiful people, the most natural form of beauty, often performance in the upcoming peak of the moment.

how to shoot the valley of the mountains

1. held the position of machine. Should pay attention to the choice of shooting position, in general, standing beneath the valley or mountain peaks Yang shot, often can not see the top, or the perspective of reason, the original will be hard to steep mountain was steep, combined with everyone on this angle shooting The pictures have been no new feeling, it is difficult to obtain good works; if mounted nearby mountain slopes and being shot with a high degree of shooting, you can see the whole mountain for the magnificence of the screen on the mountain peaks, scattered order, appears to have levels; when standing on hilltops down overhead, and Has an ideal location, you need to pay a certain physical and time costs.

2. frame form. Shake-hands grip, the vertical shoot their own strengths, should be based on the scene and determined the expression of intent. Banner screen can show a broad perspective the extension of the mountains, the vast, good performance of the rolling mountains; vertically tall screen and easy-to-performance rugged peaks, so as to enhance feeling of depth. In general, the use of a more vertical approach shot.

3. light use. Shun-light shooting with mountain views, picture effects and bright, full color reproduction, but the rocks of the three-dimensional poor; a better visual effect is the use of side light shooting, side-lines of rocks can be drawn to show the level of the mountains, the picture is more a three-dimensional, and color contrast of light and dark; backlight most of the rocks in the shadow, the outline of the formation of a strong light. Insufficient to prevent exposure can be manual exposure, and only pay attention to the details of the performance of the principal, proper exposure and make clear the details of the moment the full picture of luster; cloudy so diffuse light, the rock of the details to get the full performance level . Expressive light is sunrise and sunset times, between heaven and earth show a warm and colorful colors change the face of fast changing light, should seize the shooting.

4. lens choice. Wide-angle lens and long focal length lenses are necessary, so that no film or shoot distant towering peaks of the steep rock canyon nearby, on every point. Because the distance between the mountains, as opposed to short-focus wide-angle lens, the use of long focal length lens photography can shorten the distance between the main visual effects, make the subject not loose. Some people worry that not enough telephoto lens depth of field, limiting the range before and after the clear. In fact, the depth of field does not depend on the size of the focal length, but also with the shooting distance and aperture size. For example, the use of small aperture, long-range shooting rocks stacked Luan scene, do not worry about depth of field problems.

5. background processing. Shooting Shandan scene, one is the sky as the background, but not too large proportion of the sky, otherwise it will become very monotonous, and the majesty of Shandan not reproduce, but the increase can be balanced with the gray gradient mirror too much scenery and the sky contrast; if the clouds are different, should pay attention to deal with clouds and mountains, trees, buildings and other features of the relationship between the brightness when shooting metering by the cloud, if necessary, using the polarization microscope, the filter is even more blue sky, clouds more is outstanding. Another impact is far from the mountain as the background pale in color and tone with the main rocks to distinguish shades and severity, to prevent the dark woods, and rocks, regardless of primary and secondary, around the stacked,Discount UGG boots, the level of missing .


how to express the difficulty of food taken from two aspects:

⑴ how the performance of food texture, soft, crispy, delicate, hypertrophy, oily and so on.

⑵ how outstanding the food fresh, tasty, health, beautiful, coveted, appetizing.

former is mainly the light arrangement, which also, and manipulation of props, background related.

for textured food such as bread and cake cut, the light should be soft and directional, so soft mask and be more cellular mask to use.

for vegetables and fruits, because the irregular shape and prone to projection, to use the scattered light is more common.

surface covered with oil for some foods, such as cooking, good dishes, braised or smoked meat and poultry, cloth, light can not be too realistic, the average color of light can only make the food deep, lack of aesthetics, so the cloth when light level is very important in the surprisingly. Should pay particular attention to the lighting on the subject, the light should be transparent, slightly hard some of it anyway, not necessarily the light illuminated from the front or top of the food, try using the main light and a unilateral character of the Vice-light.

If you shoot with a certain transparency of food such as vegetables, thin slices,UGGs, jelly, beverages. Light intensity and unique combination of flexibility should be the appropriate use of light and backlit outline of the performance of the attractions of the subject matter is critical. Most of the pursuit of food taken

normal color reduction, especially the shooting cold dish, Western-style snacks, fast food for a class photo, but sometimes will use the warm rays of light, such as fried foods, baked flour products, etc., golden The color suggests the food fresh and crispy soft.

how to shoot small items taken antiques, small sculpture, jewelry, stained glass, carved glass, plates, bottles, dolls, wood carvings, furniture, paintings and similar articles, not only for insurance useful to the industry, but also creative photographer, is a interesting work.

1. First, select an appropriate lens. Ideally, large-diameter lens. Because it can avoid a lot of complex lighting equipment, to avoid the monotony of high-contrast flash effect, but also to avoid calculation errors caused by flash reflection. In general, F2 or F1.8 lens, can make faster and better shooting was carried out. Using a large diameter lens is important to note that the depth of field is very limited. Approach is not to overcome the camera too close to the subject matter. Slower speed can also be used to shoot with a smaller aperture. But not slower than the minimum rate of 1 / 30 seconds, because of the speed and then slow to inevitable shock. Focus on the subject matter in the most important part, other parts can not focus. Bear in mind that when using a standard camera lens too close to the object, it will distort the image. If you use a tripod,cheap UGG boots, ideally one of about 135 mm focal length lens. This photo shoot, the proportion of the various parts of the object compared to normal. To the minimum aperture is best to make all of the subject matter can be clear.

shooting wide-angle lens is ideal when large pieces of furniture. It can be uneven and curved furniture parts looks very clear. This lens can also provide great depth of field, even at close range photography or when using the maximum aperture is also true.

clap ornaments, coins, a class of small items, you can use the price is not too expensive, close-up lens attached. These lenses generally the standard lens can be screwed. Device equipped with a close-up telephoto lens, you can also shoot the same effect.

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