Monday, September 20, 2010

Yuan Jiangnan area is still the center of lacquer ware manufacturing

 Jiaxing, Zhejiang, is making carving, gold-center of closure, and emerged Zhang, Yang Mao, Peng Jun Bao and other craftsmen make lacquer ware. Jiangxi Jian Luling lacquer inlaid with mother of good system is famous for gold-opposite direction Hangzhou, Suzhou, carved lacquerware, Fuzhou's tick rhino paint Dengjun known opposition.

Yuan lacquer archaeological find, unearthed the tomb Ren in Qingpu, Shanghai Lian paint, bottles, boxes Yuan lacquer, the most prominent is the red tick box Dongli mining chrysanthemum circle; Jiangsu Wuxi unearthed 10 lacquer, with eight lotus-shaped red lacquer Lian, round boxes, pots, buckets, etc.; Gansu Zhangxian Wang's family tomb unearthed a paint case; Beijing Dadu site unearthed a Inlay Moon Palace pieces, inlaid with mother Raden are a small film, and depicts detailed ornamentation, showing Red, blue,cheap UGG boots, green, purple the beautiful sheen; Beijing Yanqing Yuan cache of light elements in a make red lacquer tray. The end of the book with a red lacquer tray straight Hang Kaishu three lines: Bank of China, This site is designed for use within the government, and its production time for the Thai fixed first year (1324).

According to historical records, the Yuan Dynasty lacquer ware as much as 11 kinds of varieties, but the current archaeological excavations and handed down to see the Yuan Dynasty lacquer There are four main varieties, namely, a paint, lacquer inlaid with mother, opposite direction gold lacquer and carved lacquer. Carved lacquer which has been developed to an extreme degree, compared with the Song has changed dramatically. Zhejiang Jiaxing Zhang, Yuan Yang Mao is the most famous carved lacquer experts, their work has become a rare treasure. Although the Yuan Dynasty lacquer inlaid with mother found in small, but its superb craftsmanship, has been developed to a mosaic inlaid with mother-thick thin colorful mosaic inlaid with mother, but also full of decorative charm.

the same color, lacquer ware and the Song Dynasty Yuan Dynasty than the amount available is small, the only known excavated four areas. A paint color of black, red, coral red, brown and so on. Song lacquer-type is basically the same, but the Song is widely popular petal shaped plates, bowls, to the Yuan is the basic disappeared, replaced by disk, round bowl. The Yuan Dynasty of the same color lacquer, paint transfer bright, device type and dignified, simple style.

embedded in the lacquer inlaid with mother on the thick and thin divided, hence the Physical observation and from the existing literature to see the light of the Yuan Dynasty to the previous mosaic thick objects inlaid with mother-dominated, starting from the Yuan Dynasty, thick, thin Raden combination. Beijing Dadu room after the British unearthed the site in pieces Inlay Moon Palace, is the only one in the Yuan Dynasty Inlay lacquer.

Tao Zongyi Recording gold lacquer objects, which in Japan has kept a few pieces of gold-Yuan precious works of closure. Hyogo, Japan, Yamamoto such as Clement collection of .

Yuan carved lacquer on the basis of the Song dynasty, has made achievements that attracted worldwide attention, and formed a master of giving birth to the situation. Established the Yuan Dynasty unearthed carved lacquer, also handed down, the domestic collection of carved lacquer very limited number of the Yuan Dynasty, also part of the Yuan Dynasty carved lacquer lost overseas.

carved lacquer carved lacquer colors according to their different tick is divided into red, tick color, tick yellow, green tick, tick a number of rhino and other species, only a tick in the Yuan Dynasty carved lacquer red, black tick, tick rhino 3 species, including red to tick up. Yuan carved lacquer of shapes are: round box, rectangular box, disc, P Plus disk, Kwai valve plate, respect, to disk, the case for many. Decorative patterns of flowers, landscapes, birds and flowers. Flowers as the theme of work, the general pattern is not engraved Kam land, but in yellow paint for the land, its red paint or black lacquer carving directly on flowers, usually in the middle of carving a huge tray of flowers dotted around a small flower bud and bud, prioritize, level clear, realistic flowers and flower pattern type combination. Yuan carved lacquer like to use the flowers in a peony, camellia, hibiscus, okra, plum, peach, gardenia, chrysanthemum, etc., eight flowers in both individual performance, such as tick red gardenia plate; there are several flowers impose on a device on, such as red tick Floral respect. To the theme of the works of landscape character, general engraved with three different forms of Kam pattern to show the different nature of space. These three lines also known as Kam Tin Kam, water Kam, Verbena. Space in different context, depicts Diange trees, people behind, such as: Tori mining Ju, drag rod waterfalls, Trend flowers, Liantang viewing, to show vulgarity literati image-based. Birds and flowers theme-based works, to yellow paint for the ground, not carved Kam pattern, in tray or cover up the carving all kinds of flowers, among the pairs of birds or flowers, and fluttered about dance or play, such as ribbon Peony , Ribbon camellia, egrets hibiscus, chrysanthemum, etc. Double-Crane. Qingpu County, Shanghai Yuan tombs carved lacquer works unearthed red tick box Dongli mining chrysanthemum circle is carved lacquer Yuan Dynasty unearthed masterpiece.

Yuan tick rhino little work, domestic only museum in Anhui Province, The work is part rhinoceros tick. Yuan tick rhino has a wild, uninhibited style of work, plain and simple decoration thick mellow, bold and there is strength.

south along the Yuan lacquer center in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Jiangxi Luling, emerged Chang Cheng, Yang Mao, Zhangmin De, Peng Bao Jun batch painting experts, they are the most outstanding Yuan paints representatives. Zhang, Yang Yang Maojia Hing House Xitang Meeting people, most named after the red tick. Chang Cheng's works are painted hypertrophy, fine carving, grinding round work is known for its content subject matter with landscapes, flowers, birds, flowers. Zhang's lacquer ware in the country's only three, one in Anhui Museum collection of moire rhinoceros tick boxes, the second is the Museum collection of tick drag rod Waterfall Chart round red box, third, Beijing Palace Museum's collection of tick red gardenia disk. Yang Mao's works in the country handed down only three, namely Beijing Palace Museum's collection of tick and tick respect Red Floral Red Waterfall Chart P Plus disk, Beijing Art Museum collection of tick Plum pattern plate. Zhang Minde only masterpieces for the Beijing Palace Museum's collection of red flowers Figure tick box.

2, Ming Ming Amazing lacquer

people to give more freedom to make lacquer ware made leaps and bounds. Ming emperor attached great importance to production and production of lacquer ware, established within the relevant government bureaucratic, and lacquer ware which are imperial bureaucratic related to, within the Queen's official monitoring and supervision. Ming lacquer, archaeological finds are not many more are handed down. Shandong Zou County discovered the shortage of Wang Zhu Ming Lu Tan tomb, unearthed in the opposite direction Yunlong painted gold floral box pattern of closure Kim lacquer box, tick the yellow pen, money clip Zhuxi pier type of closure can, Lek powder laced with gold lacquer box, etc. ; Jiangsu Jiangyin People excavated berm gold flower lacquer box a pair. Box at the bottom inscribed

Ming lacquer has undergone a fundamental change in the dominant government-run lacquer workshop, civil paints industry is still there, but smaller. According to Qing Gao Shiqi The establishment of Beijing orchard plants, not to make paint center shifted to the north from the south, also requisition a number of craftsmen from the South, to enrich the power of orchard plants to meet the large demand for the Royal on the lacquer. Master Zhang Yuan painting the son of De-gang, his father's footsteps, and the effectiveness of the Ming imperial family, becoming managers of orchard plants. A large number of South Carpenter north, on the one hand the power to enrich the Orchard Factory, on the other hand, their superb painting skills into Beijing, on orchard production and lacquer factory lacquer style had a significant impact.

lacquerware Ming species, in the Song and Yuan lacquerware has been the basis of the development of rapid development, Ming lacquer the most developed, most are carved lacquer production volume, followed by gold Caiqi dike, berm gold lacquer, gilt paint, fill the paint, lacquer inlaid with mother, 100 Po embedded, sections Cai Qi, etc..

lacquer refers to the early Ming Hongwu, Yongle, Xuande dynasties produced lacquer. Although we have not seen a definite Zhu Tan is the son of the emperor, this group of lacquer is very likely made of the Royal Queen supervision.

early Ming gold-lacquer and carved lacquer at least two types of closure.

Yongle Emperor Yongle period, the economy has shown a thriving scene, has been the rapid development of lacquer, the craft appeared in the Ming Dynasty the first peak. Yongle moved the capital to Beijing 19 years, the palace of the Queen's prison in the original production of lacquer on the basis of Nanjing, then the orchard in Beijing Imperial Queen's lacquer production plant set up workshops.

handed down by Yongle lacquered tray, box-based, both tray, light care, respect, vials, step stool so low-type changes. One is the circular disk Yongle Lacquer Tray, light type, circular foot plate surface as a whole, the decorative patterns gives a general sense, this style of dish to the main decorative flowers; the other plate shapes for the plate edge flap-like or Linghua Kwai was like, 8, 10 range, tray and plate edge decoration is different, set within the landscape character-based, disk edge carving a variety of flowers. There are also two box shape, one for the

Paradise carved lacquer decorative patterns of flowers, landscapes dominated pattern of treatment has some standardization. Flowers as the theme of work, usually carved in the disc, sugarcane-section box, Zheng Bing-style box. Pattern approach to, in the tray or box surface covered with large flowers blooming flowers, surrounded by lush, or set off a Hanbaoyufang small flower buds, flowers and full, the screen has a perfect sense of wholeness. Flowers with an odd layout, with three, five, seven of the points. 3 were evenly distributed, five, seven persons, to the middle to a slightly larger flower, surrounded by evenly furnished with four or six smaller flowers, like Zhongxingpengyue, prominent theme. Flowers as the theme of carving, and flower carved Kam generally not under the pattern, but with yellow paint for the land, yellow lined red, vivid eye-catching. This approach inherits the style of the Yuan Dynasty carved lacquer, but the difference is, the Yuan Dynasty to the theme of the works of flowers, decoration Graceful ease a cause, while the Yongle carving, and flower covered, close feeling. Yongle common flowers are peonies, camellias, pomegranates, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, lotus and so on. To the theme of the works of landscape character, general sculpture in Kwai valve-plate, sugar cane-section box. The pattern approach to the surface in the tray or box, carving characters story, under the lined pattern, representing heaven, earth, water, three Jin Wen, Wen Jin and Yuan Dynasty three deals with the same, but the water slight changes in grain handling, Yuan carved lacquer of the waterlines, some like waves rolling to the performance of curved lines, like water flowing, the Yongle Period of the basic fixed pattern of water traces of decoration, with twists and turns shaped line performance. Jin carving patterns on the three figures, pavilions, people during activities, or carrying piano and friends, leisure tours, or waterfall, or rhetoric, or five old together. Most reflect the literati clean, leisurely and carefree life. In addition to carved flowers, landscapes pattern, the Yongle period decoration theme there, Peacock and Peony, cloud dragons, cloud phoenix, Ganoderma Chi pattern of the artists.

Yongle of the inscription carved lacquer processing and Yuan Zhang,UGG boots clearanc, Yang Mao same lacquer. Paradise carved lacquer of the end, generally brown, black majority. Inscription in the bottom carved in the edge of vertical Carved lacquer carved in the bottom of a clear reign the inscription to the beginning of the Ming Yongle, for the future treatment of lacquer inscription basis.

Paradise carved lacquer techniques and processes in manufacturing that has characteristics of the times, when the works generally painted with thick layers, anywhere from several tens Road, as many as there are hundreds. Carved lacquer style inherited Yuan Zhang, Mao Yang style, carved, possession of a clear front, hidden from the sleek, nuance handled fine but just right, such as the graver law skilled smooth, polished edges rounded smooth pattern not reveal signs of angular and Knife Carving.

Xuande lacquer is still government-run orchard plant-based workshops. Handed down from the Xuande lacquer look, red varieties of tick, tick black, tick color, gold Cai Qi and other varieties of closure. Xuande carved lacquer of the shape, set with round, square, lotus style, Linghua shaped box with cane struts, Zheng Bing-style, two-hit corner square box so appointed. Yongle period decoration with the same subject matter, there are flowers, Yunlong, Yunnan Chi, landscapes, etc., patterns of treatment to a , a kind of decorative ornamentation within the opening, the opening of foreign decoration other ornamentation. While the opening theme to highlight the other hand, two different decorations can also be separated, but also beautify the image of the arts can play an effective, this method provides that varnish is often used in device design.

Xuande lacquer tick Caiqi important development is the emergence of tick-color two-Oriole great baseball Ringo was the first tick box color lacquer. Xuande lacquer inscription approach different from the Yongle period, change program Yongle needle filled section Regular Script section for the Xuande gold section. Xuande section at the bottom of most of the artifacts, some carved in the bottom of the cross section just above, from right to left as engraved on the bottom of the middle part of vertical Payment shall be filled Xuande Knife Carving out, varnish treatment device shall know the model. After the Ming Dynasty Xuande

, government-run state of lacquer ware workshop come to a halt, resulting in a standstill state of the direct cause needs further study. We follow the development process of lacquer ware and lacquer-style changes, the Ming to Ching Tak Xuande period after the formal division of the mid Ming. Starting from the mid-Ming lacquer concise style of generous changes to the tiny delicate. This period lacquer red varieties tick, tick black, tick color, gold-and so of closure. Mid-Ming lacquer to Yunnan, Gansu, lacquer produced more prominent place.

carved lacquer has been changed shape, there vase, the Quartet appointed corner boxes, 8 square holding box, put box, bowl, pen, square box, square plate, a large rectangular box, long square box, a flat pot, Height, bowls, boxes and other pieces, its usefulness and ornamental perfect together. More rich and colorful decorative patterns to flowers as a theme works, broken branches, flowers and more flowers and birds theme, such as mandarin lotus, hi bird Mui, ribbon peony, camellia birds, Lu Yan maps. Works for individuals as subjects of historical story-based, such as: five old clearance plan, cattle maps, the text will map to visit Yin Wei, bring friends fall camp, fisherman music, herbs chart, Teng Wang Ge map, choosing the Guo Ziyi story map, Yueyang Tower Figure Eight Immortals people, children at play map. Carved lacquer Ming style of some of the medium-term to maintain a round of early mill workers, the characteristics of possession of a clear front, while the others ones were not mature, the front edge features, shows a combination of work in transition style changes. At this point, carved lacquer painting generally not thick, and early painting that level of thick, three-dimensional style is better slightly different, on the other hand, both the flower theme, story or characters engraved on the theme entries are Jin Wen, Early yellow paint on embossed elements to the practice of almost non-existent, and the formation of the icing on the cake of performance practices. There are several pieces of carved lacquer Hongzhi spread to overseas during this period is the only section of the lacquer for years, at least four times by the Pingliang Hongzhi Wang Ming, Wang Yan, carved lacquer production. Yunnan is the next medium-term production of lacquer ware of the important areas. These generally painted lacquer thinner, paint color dark, dull, tight composition, a sense of harassment to. Form a flat circular box, disc,UGGs, ears flat pot, Height, bowl, piece boxes, bowls, carved images of these objects are not rigidly adhere to a form of colorful,UGGs, with strong local characteristics. Interspersed with vivid patterns in the mantis, bees, fish, grasshoppers, snakes, frogs and other creatures,

through out the slow development of the medium-term 80 years to the Ming emperors Jiajing period, there lacquer a new situation: a large number of government-run workshops to make lacquer ware, lacquer ware has a palace-style dominant again; lacquerware style change after nearly a century, from the early brief appearance, sleek sophisticated style evolved into ornate advocating a tiny, delicate harassment to the new style; expand the use of lacquer, a box appears, cabinets, tables and other new lacquerware style; increase in the variety of lacquer ware, in addition to infrared tick, tick color, producing large numbers of closure gold Cai Qi, Lacquer Art entered a new era. We generally Longqing and Wanli Wanli and Ming dynasties into the late lacquer lacquer.

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