Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Learning Photoshop

Photo Name: Photoshop,

Photo name: bring up photos soft blue and yellow - a simple way,
1, open the original material, press Ctrl + J to copy the background layer a layer, point channel panel, select the blue channel, image> apply image, layer as the background, mixed to Multiply, opacity 50%, RP tick,
2, Back to the Layers panel, create a curves adjustment layer, and blue channels: 44,182, red channel: 89,108
3, create a new layer, fill it with black blend mode to Multiply and Opacity to 60%, choose the Elliptical Marquee Tool middle selection, press Ctrl + Alt + D Feather, a value of 70, and then double-click the Delete key to delete, resort to the text, complete the final effect.

Photo name: bring up photos beautiful red and yellow,
1, open the original material, Ctrl + J to copy the background layer a layer, press Ctrl + Shift + U to color, Enforcement: Filter> Fuzzy> Gaussian Blur, number 4, for the color filter layer blending modes, layer opacity to 27%.
2, create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E stamp layers, layer blending mode to color. 3, create a gradient map adjustment layer, purple - orange, Alt + Ctrl + G with clipping mask.
4, create the brightness / contrast adjustment layer, -5, -21
5, create a Smart Sharpen adjustment layer, set to the default value, number 46, radius 0.8, Gaussian blur,
6 , create a Levels adjustment layer, 8,1.00,255
7, the color adjustment layer to create an optional, Red: +17, -8, +16,0, yellow: -54,0, +10, + 18, white: -5,0,0,0,

Photo Name: publicity ice blue tones to create beautiful,
1, making plans ahead of the diagram: Image - Adjustments - Auto Levels, Auto Contrast, Auto Color adjustment,
2, open the original image, copy the background layer,
3 , New Hue and Saturation adjustment layer, red: -80, yellow: -80 blue: +32
4, color balance: -20, +20, +50
5, curve adjustment, value: 38, 36
6, hue saturation, blue: -45
7, optional colors, blue: -10, +20, +24,0, blue: +20,0, +10,0, neutral colors: (black) +5, black: (black) +5
8, load the blue channel selection, do curve adjustment, value: 74,119
9, brightness, contrast: 0, +10
10, back all the layers, (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E), to soften the picture a simple processing such as dermabrasion,
11, to start copying the background copy layer top, mixed mode Soft Light, opacity 25%
12, re-stamp all the layers, marked with light effects, filter - render - lighting effects, opacity 50%, other values ​​to default. Add a mask to rub back overexposed,
13, brush on your favorite brush, add text, complete

Photo Name: elaborate a woman made of water,
1, open the original material, the first hook with the pen tool to figure out, press Ctrl + Enter the path into selection, press Ctrl + J to copy characters to the new layer.
2, press Ctrl + M on the cutout figures to adjust the curve, values: 47,60
3, create a new layer, fill color: # 0A6A60
4, the figures on the skin to the head of this half to pull out, copy to new layer.
5, the foreground color is set to bright green (the color of the water needs to be set according to the required mapping), the background set to white, select the menu: Image> adjustments> gradient map. Adjust the images are monochrome chiaroscuro.
6, Filter> Artistic Effects> plastic packaging, data adjusted according to individual needs to be done, the main effect of the extraction of a high-light some of the water, so the mapping is made of water one can imagine the face of high light adjust the density and degree of evacuation, according to the characteristics of the water, people can receive the information the eye is the only high-light the darkest part of the other part is transparent.
7, select the layer 3 copy, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ~ tune out the high-light selection, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift mouse click on the layer 3 copy, so the people outside the constituency to lose, and then the new map Layer 4 fill white.
8, Ctrl + click on the layer 4 turn into a selection, press Ctrl + Shift + I invert the selection, press Delete to delete, clean, delete a few more points.
9, the layer 4 into constituencies, select the copy of layer 3, point mask button (which can be adjusted to hide the dark layer). Then brush the figure on the extra high light wipe, 3 copies of the same layer have established mask, wipe off the excess high light.
10, layer 3 is set to Drops material to find online.
11, it is best to find the water black background material, if it is white or other colors of the water background material, can reduce or reverse the saturation of the background to black, set the color filter layer properties will Black masked, leaving only the white transparency of the water, when the collage to see the direction of the water to find a suitable location collage up, to take advantage of the mask to the interface between water, people place the root handle.
12, the background color of the final deal.

Photo Name: making horror movies,
broken glass brush: Broken Glass brush
blood brushes: Blood stain brush.
1, press CTRL + U to adjust the Hue / saturation, color tick, value: 220,26, -9
2, change the color of eyes, with the lasso tool to select the eyes. Then adjust the hue / saturation, color tick, value: 117,47,7
3, with a dark tone 13px -15 px brush draw around the eyes, set in black, mode to Multiply, opacity 25 %, flow rate 25%, draw around the eyes, the same method to modify the lips.
4, create a new layer, fill color # 31425e,
5, broken glass brush painting.
6, add a layer style, projection, Multiply, opacity 75%, angle 120 °,
7, CTRL + E Merge layers, with the lasso tool to select the broken area, change the opacity to 80 % Duplicate the layer, adjust the mode to Multiply,
8, Filter - Render - Lighting Effects, points of light, intensity 53, focus 69,
9, the last brush and then draw some blood blood < br>

Photo Name: Photoshop Creative Synthesis poster printer,
1, open the background and the printer material, pull out the printer, copy came in the appropriate position gracefully.
2, open the leopard material, adjust the delay came in the appropriate size and angle, with the pen tool to pull out of the leopard to the new layer.
3, tick the printer paper with the pen tool the outline path into selection and press Ctrl + Shift + I invert the selection, press Delete to delete,
4, the paper layer to the stroke, and then go Gamon Edition In addition to the excess part,
5, in a new layer above the layer of paper, paint brush with black leopard right front foot of the shadow of the shadow of the printer and paper, due to lower transparency,
6, more need to add the final advertisements and text to complete the final results.

Photo name: bring up nostalgic landscape photos,
1, open the original copy layer
2, curve adjustment, numerical RGB: 109,99
3, hue saturation, value: 0, -39,0
4, color balance , values: 0,0, -34
5, optional colors, neutral colors: 0,0, -20,0
6, a new layer, fill d7b26c, layer mode overlay, opacity 56 %,
7, the clouds pull material into the diagram, into the original top, soft light layer mode, the outside part of the sky in addition to wiping out, back layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E)
8, optional color, black: 0,0, -14, -5
9, a new layer, fill 0d1d50, excluding layer mode, copy a layer, filling 52%
10, curve adjusted value of RGB: 128,155
11, color balance, value: +24, +7, -64, filling 70%
12, gradation, value: 29,1.00,227, filling 58% < br> 13, optional colors, neutral colors: +16, +12, -11, +5
14, back layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E), color balance, value: +24, +7, -64, filling 38%
15, back layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E), opacity 46%, filling 48%,
16, Ctrl + E Merge Visible, Sharpen photos about

Name: the real picture transfer plaster statues,
1, copy the background layer, use Pen tool to pull out the first part of the eye, Ctrl + Enter, the path to transform into a constituency, with a straw, draw around the white of the eye color, eyes will be filled,
2, a new layer, using the pen tool in the copy of the layer outline to depict the human out of the path and turn electoral boundaries, by Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V to paste the new layer
3, select the generic Stamp tool, the edge of the forehead hair slightly modified, after the completion of a copy of the layer, and turned into a Smart Object layer.
4, Filter - Stylize - Emboss, angle 135 °, height 3, number 142, Filter - Noise - the middle value, the radius of 2. Change the layer blending mode to overlay】 【.
5, add a black and white adjustment layer, and load the first line of the path described by Ctrl + Shift + I reverse and fill the black, so that part of the screen, only to become a black and white portrait images.
6, select the Clone Stamp tool, the rim of the eye and ear a little modification.
7, with the pen tool, hair and eyebrows were selected together, then cut to the color layer on layer. Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, to replicate a close eye and other layers.
8, cut to the channel panel, copy the red channel, Filter - Blur - surface blur, radius 2, threshold 33%, hold down the Ctrl key is completed, the red color version thumbnail point against it.
9, back to the Layers panel, set the foreground white, new layer, Alt + Del keys, the white filled the entire selection.
10, cut to just the copy of the hair, eyebrows and layers, the first effect of the relief, then into black and white. Data refer to the value before the eyes, eyebrows and hair contrast with the great change, with the main bit out of tune, add a layer mask, to cover up an unexpected place.
11, to load the path described by the previous line, press Ctrl + Shift + I, reverse selection, draw around the color, the use of suction tools, slight modification of the original hair.
12, As some of the details of the parts, using brush and imitation stamp tool, the modified back and forth and you're done friends!

Photo Name: young people deal with the delicate skin out, p>
1. Duplicate the background layer. Filter - Blur - Gaussian blur radius to 10.
2. set the layer blending mode to Double-click the layer name to open the right mixture of options. In the Advanced Mixed, cancel advanced R and G channels,
3. Use of the color balance of the image curve, according to the picture to decide
4. Create a new layer, select the repair Brush (J), select layer sample. Freckles or blemishes on the large, imitation removed.
5.ctrl + shift + alt + E, stamp all layers, tick the skin part, you can choose their own way, I prefer the pen tool, but you can also use the Polygonal Lasso tool, to Note that to deal with the skin, so to remove the eyes, eyebrows, lips, nostrils. Anti-selection (ctrl + shift + i) delete the addition to the skin, excess parts.
6. Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur with a radius of 20. Set layer opacity to 75%
7.CTRL + J, duplicate the layer 3 filter - Other - High Pass radius of 4, mixed mode to

Photo Name: tune out the brilliant color photos,
1. Open the original image, Ctrl + U, Hue and Saturation, Hue -79, Saturation -22, Lightness +17,
2.Ctrl + M, tone curve, the red channel, slightly raised up some,
3. Create a new layer, set the foreground color: # F9DA06, background color set to black, Filter> Render> Clouds, Ctrl + Alt + F to enhance look, layer blending mode to painting, brush size 6, Sharpness 0, brush type is simple, add a layer mask, the character part of the ground segment and the following wipe out black brush
5. Create a new layer fill color: # ADF871, layer Mixed Mode to
6. Create a new layer, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E back layer, Ctrl + Shift + U to color, layer blending mode to
7. Create a new layer, Ctrl + Alt + ~ tune out the high-light selection, fill color: # FBF4C4, layer blending mode to . Create a new layer, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E back layer proper look at the details of the modification, the final sharpening photos look

name: the old tune of a simple way,
1. Open the original image, hue saturation: saturation -55
2. to be the red channel curve comparison, numerical and extent based on pictures, doing the color contrast of green channel, blue channel reverse contrast,
3. hue saturation: saturation -35
4. Duplicate Layer, Filter - Other - High Pass, I use the value is 250, mixed mode to Multiply,
5. to be a gradient map adjustment layer, black - white,
6. Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur, radius of 4, can increase the image of mystery, given rise to people,
7. the picture saturation of uncoordinated blue -100, brightness -100,

Photo Name: black and white retro color,
1. Open image, duplicate the layer, using the lasso tool (more polished and clean) the hook out of the skin, (channels can also be), copy the hook out of the skin,
2. Image - Adjustments - Optional colors, neutral colors: -49, -5, +100,0
3. triggered the previous section, copy, image - adjustment - optional colors, neutral colors: +35, -37, +64, + 22
4. hook pants, copy, image - adjustment - optional colors, neutral colors: -29, -48, -31,0. Ctrl + L pants in levels of light, color scale: 0 0.81,175
5, tick hair, reproduce, need not be very clean, edges a little background color, can make hair even more integration, tick the background,
6. color, image - adjustment - optional colors neutral colors: -30, -47, +100,0.
7. Select the background layer, (no hair, no skin, no pants that layer), according to Q to enter quick mask, select the gradient tool, black to transparent gradient from top left to bottom right corner pull, that scope has been elected a black out, you can press Q to exit Quick Mask, Levels: 0,0.32,255
8. using the same method to the left light stressed out, press Ctrl + A, Ctrl + Shift + C, Ctrl + V, all the layers are copied to a layer, into the top, superimposed, the color more vivid,
9. details of the part (white of the eye , eyes, lips, slippers, nail) color, in the final lighting effects add to the plan, felt the car drove up,

Photo Name: classic movie poster production,
1. Open the original image, duplicate the layer,
2. new blank layer, fill it with black, copy the following into the background,
3. adjust the copy of the coating, select the Lasso tool to figure large bust ring out, Feather 30, Ctrl + Shift + I Invert Selection, Delete remove,
4. Create a new layer. Blending mode to So in the heavily black and white photographs, the color of the decoration is very beautiful.
5.Ctrl + L tone good order, the image compression down a bit, 116,1,255
6. Create a new layer, add text, add a paragraph of text each preferably create a new layer, so that comparison of the layout flexible,

Photo Name:
1. Open the original image, copy the biggest contrast of the blue channel,
2. and then use Levels to further increase the contrast, the purpose is to just let the stone have layers
3. to adjust the nice blue Copy to copy the layer inside the channel and to add the color you want, I used the deep orange
4. to copy the red channel to the base map layers, using masks to remove the sky and stone, leaving only the grass and to add color with the Gradient Map
5. Open the material lightning ball, copy the contrast of the red channel to have the largest file
6. Select the layer blend mode to Overlay and adjust the location and size, making it a light source, remove some unnecessary things (to decide), then use the radial blur filter to handle it radiation, allowed the formation of the beam emitted
7. to copy the base map of the red channel inside the channel, enhancing the contrast, so that The high light some of the grass revealed more clearly, and then select the layer of high optical part of the paste inside, with white fill, layer mode to Overlay, and then use the mask to remove the white part of the sky, leaving only part of the grass, the grass appears to be glare of light
8. Select the mask layer 1 and then invert the selection, selection by the sky, adding curves and hue / saturation adjustment layer to adjust according to personal preference and the purity of the color you like
9. Finally, some posters add elements to the real thing looks fake posters, in the use of color, I try to choose the gold to the color of decorative and stones, so that colors vary between echo

Photo Name: quote the classics, the master of ideas and creativity,
1. Open the original image, create a curve adjustment layer, click the V paste, get the layer 2, the mixed-mode to Multiply,
3. Open Sky material, Ctrl + A Select All, Ctrl + C copy, Ctrl + V paste, Ctrl + T to free transform the appropriate size and position drawing , Mixed Mode to Overlay, use a rubber or brush on the mountains and lake blue clouds wipe
4.Ctrl + J copy the sky layer, Ctrl + T right , Mixed Mode to Overlay, wipe the mountain and overlapping part of the sky,
5. in the replication layer of the sky layer to enhance the texture of clouds in the sky,
6. stamp visible layers (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E), Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur. Radius of 15, mixed mode to Soft Light,
7, add a Hue Saturation adjustment layer, saturation -35, so that the screen is more gentle,
8. Add a channel mixer adjustment layer, the red channel +100,60 , -8, green channel 30. +100, if the intensity high, the beginning of the curve can be used to adjust the brightness level down, you can change the channel mixer adjustment layer of mixed-mode br>

Photo Name: sea beach,
1. Open the original, the new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N), and then stamp visible layers (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E),
2. into the channel, copy the relatively strong compared the green channel, and then increase the contrast, white white, black, black, or with a brush (overlay mode) Ctrl + Green channel copy, extract constituency
3. the sky material delay in, create masks, wiping the figure
4. establish layer, soft light mode, to make the sky look better,
5. to do the water reflection, Ctrl + T vertical flip, create masks, with a brush to draw your desired , Multiply mode effect better, because plans vary,
6. color, adjust according to personal habits, good use of the optional color,
7.Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E, stamp shown in Figure layer, layer mode Multiply, and then mask the darker corners of pressure, mainly for the water pressure of the dark, make the picture more balanced,
8. Filter - Noise - Add Noise, number 3, Gaussian distribution, color, make the characters and the same grainy sky,
9, the last fill the sky material

Photo Name: PS effects in turn hand-painted photographs,
1. open the original documents, according to their own sense of color adjustment through the adjustment of the film, and then resurfacing, dermabrasion value not too much, (Neat image plug-in)
2. a new layer, color FEE7D6, (based on the color to set the film characters ), the layer mode to Overlay and 25%, 20% with a brush in the face and neck skin and light coating,
3. features of the detailed work, cutting out the mouth, the emergence Copy (Ctrl + J), with Apply tools to apply the lip, so that the skin becomes soft and smooth lips (not too much strength)
4. Create a new layer to the lips and face paint, the color is FDC1D6, layer mode to Color, lips and face with a brush in the side of the painting,
5. with the Dodge tool, the range is the high light exposure of 25% to draw the high-light some of the lip, with the Burn tool, the range is the middle 20% of exposure, strengthen the lips contrast,
6. a new layer, color 8E1A25, 3 pixel brush to paint the inside lane, and then draw 2 pixels outside the lip lines (high-light mask Dodge built some lines more)
7. on the nose to circle the emergence, reproduction, use painting tools to be gentle around the nose refined, and then use the Dodge tool range is a high light exposure of 20%, strengthening the high-light the next part of the nose, and then Color 422B2D, a 2 pixel brush to draw the outline of the nose (if the short lines to make up for using better tools for the next)
8. eclosion circle replication of the eye brows, eye brows with the smudge tool around the soft skin thinning, and then use the Dodge tool range is a high light exposure of 15%, strengthening the high-light parts under the eyes, with better tools the middle range and deepen the lines around the eyes,
9. coated tools used to apply some fine eyes, look softer, with some better tools to enhance black eyes, with the Dodge tool range is a high light exposure 20% of the degree to strengthen the high-light part of the eyes, making eyes look brighter,
10. color 080,101, 3-pixel brush, draw the lashes part (line Dodge tools to deepen the color depth can be used to make up) can also be used eyelash line paths and other ways triggered,
11. with smudge tool to apply the prettier eyebrow, his brow slightly darker color of the rough spots that smear back along the fade down, and then 2 pixels with a brush to draw eyebrows in the front eyebrow lines, the eyebrows more structured,
12. smudge tool to choose the hair brush, (according to hair texture to set brush shape), applied the process to be applied along the texture of the hair, not too much force to apply the uniform,
13. hair brush applied partly to the normal interface, the (hair must be applied carefully)
14. Draw the hair texture to a new layer, layer mode to overlay, select the pencil pixels to 1 (the value determined according to the size of character images), color, hair texture for the DFDFDF draw down smooth lines
15. horsetail some select brush tool, brush lightly with a fork some of the paint along the texture, color, pattern layer above,
16. Create a new layer, the normal mode, select the brush tool, pixel 1, opacity 60%, 80% of flow, color is white, draw dynamic forehead hair,
17. clothes and necklaces with the smudge tool applied some of the softer, and then select the Dodge tool with a range of high light , exposure 20%, clothes and necklaces to enhance some of the high-light
18. Synthesis, sharpen the picture as a whole, sharpening is 8, with the Dodge tool to highlight some of the little processing, the overall color correction, the ( can be modified to add some background light, highlighting the theme)

Photo Name: post-makeup Raiders,
1. Open the file, copy a layer copy of the
2. Select the duplicate layer by free transform to change the shortcut keys ctrl + t to make the characters more slender face shape
3. by Merge Layers (ctrl + e), the use of cutting tools so that the screen contains the new composition, cut off the extra part,
4. Image - Adjustments - Color: Red - 70, -20, -20, -50. yellow - 40, -20, -30, -80. white -0,0,0, -50. intermediate colors -0, -5, -5, -5
5. by curve (ctrl + m) adjust overall color, RGB full channel - output 214, input 174 and blue channel - output 131, input 124,
6. Image - Adjust - Color Balance (ctrl + b), the shadow -10,0, +15. Highlight - 10,0, +2.
7. With a seal tool to evenly cover the skin around the mouth,
8. With a pen to circle dark bags under the eyes and face, the emergence of 60, the curve to lighten the constituency Dodge bags under the eyes and reduce the expression of facial muscles do not relax,
9. continued emergence of 60 constituencies, the curve lightening, the face, full point, output 146, input 113.
10. the high part of the circle of light out, feathering 60
11. curve of lightening, the face, full point, output 138, input 118.
12. eyebrows, the eyebrows and top of the circle with the skin, the lasso tool, the emergence 5, copy the layer, the Duplicate the layer move down, in order to achieve eyebrow shaping effect, stamp eyebrow shaping, this must be very careful
13. began to adjust the eyes, the Commission put out the eye part of the circle, copy layer
14. pen to circle the do eye shadow region, copy a layer, the curve of pressure dark color to adjust,
15. then uniform color eye shadow, color balance (middle tone): +50,0,0. (Shadow): +20,0,0,
16. The details of color adjustment, the upper eyelid 1 / 3 part of the Hue and Saturation: 0, -40,0
17. Circle the details of the root of the upper eyelid eyelashes Department before the corner of lower eyelid 1 / 3, press DELETE key to delete the selection, the exposed high light-bit,
18. delete some more eye shadow, feather 40
19. circle the details to the upper inner corner eyelid 1 / 2, press DELETE key to delete the selection, the exposed high light-bit
20. the eyes ring out, copy the layer, emergence 1, part of desaturation whites, mottled back, Hue Saturation: 0 -50,0
21. whites details of the adjustment, curves adjustment to increase the light,
22. eyes after the curve adjustment layer of bright copy, pen brush back the first part of the left eye, showing some shadows, p>
23. remove the pupil part
24. with eyes the color curve adjustment, so that the same
25. plus look high light
26. circle the lips, emergence 2, Curves lips high light, adjust the lips Color
27. adjust the nose Liang Gaoguang, adjust shadow highlights
28. with the optional color palette as a whole, the middle color -0,0, -2,2.
29. Yanping Heng fine-tuning the use of color, (high light): 0,2, -2.
30. liquefaction along the hair pull, combined with lens flare, light 182,35 mm focus,
31. Finally, insert a flash in the appropriate brush complete

Photo Name: ink into the photo effect,
1. Duplicate the layer and adjust - to color,
2. curve adjustment, increase the brightness contrast, input 114, output 186
3. Duplicate Layer, Filter - Brush Strokes - the ink profile , stroke length of 5, 10, look intensity, light intensity of 10, falling into a soft light layer mode, adjust the opacity,
4. Filter - Gaussian Blur, Radius 2.0 pixels,
5. Filter - Brush Strokes - spray, spray radius of a color, smoothness, 3,
6. Add a light brown solid layer, Figure Cen enchanters as color, adjust opacity, not transparency, some as small as possible,
7. point out a solid color layer and the layer in front of the eye to hide it, the new layer with the brush in the lanterns, trees, tiles, etc. with the appropriate color layer,
8. to restore hidden layers, change layer mode to overlay, by the effect to tune the details,
9. on the screen to fine-tune the overall effect until satisfactory results, no specific steps to vary

Photos Name: oil painting effects,
1 out first filmed images. the sky with mask mask
2 parts.
3 Add the sky section, and placed in the bottom of the screen can be adjusted.
4 new layer to the third layer, mainly to adjust the screen color.
5 changes on demand is not transparent, change the layer properties to Soft Light.
6 In order to find oil in the texture effect, the color layer of material above and then added a layer of
7 modified layer properties to Soft Light, opacity changes on demand. This opacity is 86%
8 add mask, according to the contents of the screen need for appropriate trade-off.
9 in order to strengthen a sense of texture, then create a new layer, fill gray.
10 In the Add Noise filter and check the color for the Gaussian distribution, the number of custom.
11 layer to Soft Light.
12 mask according to the screen need to be properly adjusted.
13 noise, Add Noise - number 400, Gaussian distribution,

Photo Name: commercials color and design,
1. Duplicate the layer, the new channel mixed adjustment layer, gray channels, red +64%, Green 2%, 10% blue, monochrome
2. New solid mixed layer, select 575 046 colors, mixed-mode color,
3. new curves adjustment layer, ① - Input 68, output 32, ② - input 114, output 68, ③ - input 208, output 197,
4. New One solid layer, select 443B25 color, blend mode to color, press Alt-click mask,
5.Ctrl + D to restore the default background color, Ctrl + Delete to fill the black mask the background color,
6. changing the screen, in the transition to high light and the dark part of the tone, in order to enrich the color, with a brush inserted in the mask
that need some color, 300 pixels, opacity 10%, flow 100%
7. arrangement and design of the font
8. To make characters and have a color screen echo, to the point of lip gloss on the lips of people, create a new layer, select the Linear Dodge Blend Mode, added 90753D color, select the appropriate brush on lip gloss, loose point pen, pixel 39,
9. amplification, the lip gloss reflective paint parts, observe and continuous adjustment, drawing a look after the overall good lip gloss, this time a picture has been echoed, color become rich, not overwhelming, just bring out a product,
10. If the product directly with the body in the model, and people tune in to lust after, or, in the mask color to the product directly to the plug out of the product can.

Photo Name: Wizard of supernatural effects,
1. Open the image, duplicate the layer,
2. dermabrasion simple, choice - color range, with a straw point their skin color, the color tolerance of about 103, Ctrl + J be a new layer, Ctrl Click to select, add the mask, with a brush (the foreground color to black), remove the hair around with some,
3. Filter - Blur - Gaussian blur of 1.7 pixels, reducing the opacity of the layer, reaching natural dermabrasion effect,
4. Select - color range, hair color draw with a straw, with straw + increase in the middle of the selection, the new curves adjustment layer to increase the contrast, according to the picture properly adjusted,
5. Mouse point of curve 1 left the mask, there constituencies, the new Levels adjustment layer Levels: 16,1.11,214
6. New hue saturation adjustment layer, red: -54, Yellow: -100 < br> 7. create a new group, to incorporate all of the above adjustment layer to facilitate the finishing trim,
8. New Group, for the hair color decoration, a new layer, with a brush (white), hardness 0, Figure layer of soft mode properties,
9. Create a new layer with the pen tool hook lines (Pearl path), arbitrary lines, neat point, straighten hair without chaos in the orderly,
10. with brush tool , F5 shortcut key to bring up the Brush Settings dialog box, pixel 13, the hardness of 100%, 105% pitch, dynamic shape, smooth, angle 0, roundness 100%,
11. switch to the path panel, select the description point of the right triangle side of the path, determine,
12. Double-click the path layer pearl, set the layer mode, Projection: structure - Multiply, black, 28% opacity, angle 120 °, from 0, extension 0, size 5 pixels, the quality - variegated 0 . Bevel and Emboss: structure - embossed effect, smoothing method, the depth of 120%, direction, the shadow - the angle 120 °, Multiply mode, white, 33% opacity, shadow mode Multiply, sky blue, opacity 36 %.
13. with rubber tooling shape, add a mask, opacity 32%, applied beads, making beads and hair below the actual situation with,
14. Create a new layer, the arrangement of different sizes with a snow brush screen, adjust the snow layer styles, projection: structure - Multiply, black, angle 120 °, use the global light, distance 7, the expansion of 5%, size 1. The projection: Multiply, black, 12% opacity, angle 120 °, from the 7, blocking 10%. Outer Glow: structure - color filter, opacity 73%, lake blue pixels - the soft way, the size of 5 pixels, the quality - range of 50%. Bevel and Emboss: structure - Outer slope style, methods, smooth, 281% depth, direction, the shadow - the angle 120 °, using global illumination, height 30 °, high light pattern color filter, 75% opacity, shadow mode Multiply, black, opacity 75%
15. New soft coating, copy the background layer, selection foreground color (blue lake), R = 133, G = 244, B = 244
16. Create a new layer, brush hair range, br> 17. New color layers, foreground - # 6fc8c8, R = 111, G = 200, B = 200,
18. new color layer, brush hair and beads on top of snow, available eraser, set low opacity, transition. Range of local hair coloring, multi-layers can be more natural.
19. loaded brush Star decoration interface,
20. to the skin, soft blue brush the whole layer, add cold tone and unity of the screen. Skin color has nothing to do new group, the new skin and soft layers, line brush hardness to 0, the foreground color to the lake blue. To the faces, light and dark being of high distinction, used in blue and pink. Multi-layers of the transition to the natural draw.

Photo Name: PS to the landscape watercolor effects,
1. take a photo with a white edge image landscape plan, as do the white side of the edge spillovers
2. hue saturation: saturation +80, adjusting out the effect of Impressionism,
3. Editor - Define Pattern.
4. built white fill layer, 50% opacity, to build a transparent layer
5. pattern stamp tool, brush the main diameter of 200, the pen comes with wet media brushes 45 election, mode normal, opacity 100% , check in front of impressionist effect,
6. in a transparent layer pattern stamp painting, vision plays King strokes large and small details of the multi-hand strokes, adjusting the opacity of the top layer of the brush strokes view,
7. Copy Background layer to color filters - splash, 71% opacity, layer mode to Overlay
8. Filter - Texture - textured, opacity 100%,
9. filter - distort - the light diffusion 37%

Photo Name: A magical picture effect,
1. sketched with a pen on the back of a wing shape,
2. in the current working directory into the path 1, double-click the work path.
3. the path into a selection (Alt + Enter), copy the layer, emergence 3 pixels,
4. filled with white, select the appropriate intensity of use of painting tools, apply the appropriate edge.
5. Duplicate the layer, filled with different color that can be differentiated Layer 1, Layer Properties regulating transparency Oh,
6. in accordance with the method of production of a second in front of the wings, adjust the transparency of the right can black and white gradient adjustment layer and mask adjustment,
7. new layer and draw a circular selection using the brush circle in the constituency, then adjust the transparency,
8. Copy paste into the new background layer The Alpha-channel, among other places outside the top left corner of the black filling, use the Filter - Blur - Radial Blur: number 90, blur method: zoom,
9. Select Alpha channel (the channel holding down Ctrl), in Figure floor area new layer, fill light yellow,
10. with a pen generated beam path, the path into a selection, yellow and white gradient fill color,
11. adjust transparency, rub with the eraser at the bottom of the light is light becomes the natural,
12. People who sketched with a pen light in the path, the path into constituencies strokes with a painting in the edges, adjust transparency, combined with the eraser and smudge tool will achieve better results and spend more Several halo effect will be better

Photo Name: make a crumpled old photos,
1. to find a fold of the background, drag the photos will need to make the background layer, resize and crop, border and background to make it match,
2. Adjustment - Hue and Saturation, full size: saturated -35 degrees, brightness +10,
3. adjustment layers into a soft mode, the effect of the old photos out,
4. hue saturation, full size: 0, -80,0
5. Duplicate Layer, Hue and Saturation - color: 340,24,0
6. create a new layer on top, fill it with black,
7. Filter - Noise - Add Noise, increase in the old sense of the number of 25%, Gaussian distribution,
8. Mixed Mode to Multiply,
9. Image - Adjust - RP,
10. to remove the border of the mottled, Select the rectangle selection tool with the medial side of the border, DEL key to delete the profile part of the variegated,
11. clashes with the eraser tool around the motley characters

Photo Name: Fun color - color thinks is right,
1. Duplicate the layer, into the channel, copy the red channel, a copy of the red channel curve adjustment, input 100, output 3,
2. with a brush or selection tool to fill the white figures and flowers,
3.Ctrl + click on the red copy to make it into a constituency, remove red copy of the return to the Layers panel,
4.Ctrl + C copy, Ctrl + V paste, figures and flowers matting completed,
5. Methods A: New Fill Layer, R = 255, G = 128, B = 173, the layer to color mode,
6. Method Two: saturation of coloring, the new hue saturation adjustment layer, colored to play in front of hook, Hue = 345, Saturation = 60, lightness = 0, the new curves adjustment layer, 237,255; 188,130
7. Method three: New color balance layer, the middle tone - Levels: +100 , -54, -20 / +100, -35, +43
Shadow - Levels: +11, -7, +3. New optional color adjustment layer, red: 0, +21, -23, -5. Magenta: -100, -45, +32, -1
8. gradient mapping application, new Gradient Map 1, the layer to color

Photo Name: Ps-painting effect,
1. Create a new layer, using the history brush, loose long brush 20,
2. the whole first sweep again, lightly coated,
3. the brush to draw with 7 edges and details, and then 1 pen to draw facial features and clothing items,
4. style painted face detail into tight mouth
5. with the blur tool to draw the face details
6. copy the two, filter - Artistic Effects - Painting painting, brush size 5, Sharpness 15, Brush Type - Simple
7. Filter - Texture - texture, texture - canvas, zoom 84%, highlighting 5, light upper right

Photo Name: crack - Football Baby Guide,
1. Open the original image, duplicate the layer, filled with pure black, overlay mode.
2. New Hue and Saturation layers: Saturation -85.
3. New Brightness and Contrast layer: contrast +10,
4. New optional color, red: 0, +30,0 , +100. Yellow: 0, -15, -100,0. Intermediate color: 0,0,0, +5.
5. Stamped Filter - Render - Lighting Effects: points of light, intensity 21, Focus 24, shiny 0, the material 69, 0, exposure, environment 8,
6. chop, add text decoration

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