Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reprinted friends to see it ` useful to you

 Haizhu Square, Guangzhou 20-year-old Li Ning store salesperson died ten days ago, the woman had felt unwell, go to the hospital for medical treatment, the doctor read the X-ray film after she was shocked, because the female internal organs and all the bacteria under the skin worms, the liver was only a small amount of erosion, the doctor told her directly to prepare for his funeral, and by the investigation of the woman trapped pathogens Mala Tang and rice noodles to eat all year round, the doctor said that far exceeded the two food bacteria, and condiments after processing are also vulnerable to bacterial growth, and independent health stores, please eat these two foods people eat less or eat later, please forward it to each of you are concerned about
case 1:
a women's hand bag stolen, which have a cell phone, bank cards, wallet and so on. 20 minutes later, she opened the husband's phone, telling his stolen things. Her husband exclaimed: The thief used a stolen cell phone by sending text messages to
Do not expose your phone contacts and contacts between, Jiyong All by name, the fewer words the more secure.
Case 2:
have three friends traveling by car car carrying the man accidentally fell hundred and fifty meters deep in the valley, caught 四日 three nights before rescued. In the meantime, they have many times wanted to phone out for help. Helpless one was hurt, and one is dead, a reception and. They also moved several times to find a better location to send and receive signals, but without success. If ordinary people to know that the three 112 lines, times of emergency but also to know how bad it only charge the phone information to allocate 112 line, believe they can be quickly rescued.
112 common line throughout the country, if not after the phone is open to receive the signal, even a very weak power, any brand of mobile phones can be dialed from any location. After the allocation of 112, will enter the voice immediately as follows: Here is the mobile phone 112 emergency rescue line, if you want to report, please dial 0, we will transfer your call to the police station; If you need assistance, please call 9 We will transfer your call the fire department. Chinese had finished, will be to repeat in English. At this point as long as the dial 0 or 9, some people will answer. To the circumstances in which three people, or lost, or encounter other difficulties climbing, you should dial 9 to get timely relief.
Case 3:
have students like to eat fast food cup noodles, and later, the students go to the hospital because of illness, doctors found that his stomach wall attached to a layer of wax! Originally, cup noodles contains an edible container of wax! Next time you eat cup noodles is not the time Feel Beibi think skateboarding, and that it wants to. The food cup noodles for a long time, will cause our liver can not break down this food wax. Finally, the students had to seek surgery to remove the layer of wax, died.
instant noodles, try out the plane and another bowl for the hot food, do not use bowl, cup noodle containers attached to direct red water consumption. Even if it is business, but also bring a big mug of instant noodles available. To your body, do not be lazy ah!

Case 4:
a very terrible thing: One day, a 21-year-old boy to go to a barbecue wearing contact lenses wild party! As he began to charcoal fire after a few minutes, he suddenly cried, and then very painful jumping around, rolling on the ground ... ... the audience who are terrified, no one knows exactly what happened? We rushed him to the hospital, a medical examination regret to say, his eyes blind!
participate in outdoor barbecue or any possible exposure to the fire source, please do not wear contact lenses! Because contact lenses are made of plastic, hot melt temperature contact lenses in our eyes!

(1) China Construction Bank quoted a gay: Today through a front door, the door has an ATM. One old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me, he said he can not read, get a bank card to me to help him in the front door of the ATM withdrawals. I said I can not help you get, called security to help you. The results, he replied no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him get money. Friends to remember the camera --- yeah, but there are ATM machines. Robbery, or if he said I stole his ATM card, or even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, definitely makes you one hundred fair hearing! I will alert! Is because my colleagues have taken, are still lawsuits. Obviously this is a scam looking for a substitute! Immediately got out ~ ~ ~ scam is really endless, believe it will enter the trap, I am really very hard to detect! More careful to remind my friends out!
(2) Shaoyaoju a landlord, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see another family has the power to go see their own meter box, opened the door to be touching the knife - a knife burglary .. .. to remind you if a sudden power failure at home, do not rush to open the door view, a cat's eye to observe for a while outside the movement, not cat's eye also Gezhao Men listening for some time, there was no unusual ring and then open the door.

(4) attention to it! When the ATM withdrawals must be doubly careful! ! ! ! !
last night in the sea of ​​gold the bank ATM withdrawals when the old woman came back and asked if I could get money, and said what cash machines have a key may be bad, I do not know what time the next one The little girl, always wanted to squeeze me, I did not care, naughty children do, but that she should hand over the money towards the discharge port, ready to take my money, I feel wrong, and immediately pushed her to the one side, waiting for the money taken out. After that I thought for a moment, they both gave me a set of set up: the old women are in charge and I Xialiao to attract my attention, the little girl while I was not looking, stole my money! If I did not prepare for it, maybe the money was taken away, so I set out to enter: (A: I immediately catch the little girl, to recover my money, but who would believe a girl can I grab an adult's money? more alarming is that the old woman standing behind me will get light all the money in my card because my ATM card still inside; Second: I do not immediately chase the little girl , so get the card, catching, then the little girl disappears, the money has gone ah: (they are really 5) My parents are retired. Yesterday morning, to a strange middle-aged man, said he did not open motorcycle oil, and gas stations too far, motorcycles and heavy can not move, so would like to ask my parents want a Coke bottle buy gasoline, began, not to say that it is out of 2,3 million to buy an empty bottle better. My mother took the empty bottles to him, not to mention his pocket money really, but a few Zhang hundred dollar bills, but also let my parents find the money. My mother Dunsheng alert, saying forget, but it is an empty bottle. He must you break a 100 dollar buy, but still goes on hundred dollar bills. Fortunately, my mother has not yet Longzhong, nor is it the kind of people who love petty advantages. female friends must be carefully read, pay attention to self-security, ah, now the social evil.... friend sent me a story, is transferred to you take a look, go out out, be careful, be careful do...

(6) Recently I was told that his friend heard a crying baby on the door, but was already late and she thought it was strange, so she called JC. JC told her: run over. JC told her: We have sent people to, in any case can not open the door. Police think it is a serial killer, the use of infant cry recorder, inducing women to think that the baby was abandoned on the outside, they go out to look. Although not yet verified it, but the police have received many calls by women saying that they at home alone at night, I heard baby cries outside the door, Please pass this on other people, not because of the crying baby open the door.
be taken seriously in this text! there are so far off the mark! caution is the better!!!
If you are a good friend forwarded it to sell as many more friends to see, so that more Friends benefit, so that full text of more friends from away .

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