Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Game design in the consumer game test

 First, the author describes:
John P. Davis, Ph.D.: Microsoft Game Studios, user research engineer. Texas A & M University, BA in Psychology, University of Washington experiment Ph.D. in sociology and personality psychology.
Keith Steury, MA: Microsoft Game Studios has served as an expert in user research, Cognitive Psychology from the University of Washington, whose research interest is functional magnetic resonance imaging of language processing.
Randy Pagulayan, PhD: Microsoft Game rooms, user research experts. psychology from the University of Maryland, Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology University of Cincinnati.
II study Background:
1, this article was published in the October 2005 issue of the Three of the users of Microsoft Game Studios are experts in the field. In this paper, several different methods of investigation, and the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages are compared. After one of their proposed use in practice an effective new method: playtest survey.
2, the purpose of research is dedicated to the game survey methods, including focus groups, retrospective survey, Beta testing, application testing, Playtest investigation, which the latter two are of comparable depth analysis.
3, playtest survey to illustrate the application and its effect to a platform of fighting games XBOX Brute Force, for example, analyzed in depth.
Third, the article analyzes the structure:
1, the article begins with the game design and development of office software comparison that the difference between the many similarities, such as communication interfaces, input and control equipment. help guides. for the use of office software, consumer survey methods can be applied to games. But there are also different between the two, such as games to be challenging a sense, this is not office software and trying to avoid.
2, then, the author introduces several methods of investigation for consumers, and analyzes the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. They are: < br> Focus groups:
a typical focus group consists of 6m12 of consumers, they selected from a particular population (such as athletic game).
in the initial stages of a project, focus groups help the formation of certain concepts or, in some circumstances, contribute to better access to a comprehensive understanding of a problem.
for some reason, if you want to provide some specific data to control to help game designers to improve the game, the poor performance of the focus group.
focus groups will also be pressure groups within the group, thus affecting the quality of information. one or two members will dominate the discussion, while other members do not speak comments on the inadequate collection.
retrospective survey:
This survey method has been frequently used to collect information from consumers. game developers will do the survey, find out the player For certain game types, such as racing games, what love, what do not like.
drawback is that good design survey questions and to obtain high quality data, is a tricky thing. Moreover, the sample size must be large enough to be able to representatives of interested groups, data analysis and comparison makes sense.
respondents experienced as different, as reported on their feelings for the same game experience, it is often unclear, so it is difficult to summarize the data collected from out a conclusion.
readme of the game the player experience, will be subject to bias or other disturbances.
Beta Testing:
Beta testing for all types of software in development, and often a developer indispensable source of data. Beta test results to identify major gaps in the game is very important, but in helping to find and identify interesting aspects of gameplay or the game was not so satisfactory.
Beta testers usually is a senior player. Therefore, they do not belong to the the developer is unable to determine the tester for the game in the home or office, you can not control their environment.
these uncertainties undermine the value of Beta testers feedback, make it impossible to determine in the end a there is a universal, or because the test environment and experience staff a special case caused.
application testing Application testing
new players to ensure that (as well as advanced players) can quickly and effectively from the game's menu system (game command) to start the game. In the game, players control must be intuitive, easy to master, the test can also be applied to ensure the realization of this role.
application of carefully designed tests, some important issues for the game, often produce some very detail oriented, and controlled feedback., and therefore make the game better in a very valuable tool. They can also be used creatively to ensure the players according to the design those who expect the game the way and collect some why this is or why the information is not the case.
drawback of application testing: This method is not suitable for providing inductive data. For example, if one or two test participants (total 8) in the test difficult to complete a task, we can conclude that the task too challenging to remind the design team changed it's easier to do?
application of the value of testing is that it focus on user behavior, rather than the user's subjective evaluation. If the test is the number of participants more than enough, to allow making a general level of induction, then the test of time and money consumed by the cost of very big. In our experience, large-scale testing is rare.
Playtest method
the game in order to obtain consumer perception and understanding of different aspects of the detailed information, we will investigate several different ways to a comprehensive approach, we called the playtest method. Playtest goal is scientific and systematic ways and means to obtain consumer feedback on a specific game experience. Its ultimate goal is to feedback from consumers, how they perceive some of the key point of the game information available to the designer. Although these methods of composition Playtest lost their own uniqueness, but we think that they can test out the integrated use of the game consumer samples from our selection of game players out of the database, we invite them to our lab for the tests. When a player arrives, they are tested by a trained moderator guides the formalities. First of all they have to complete a questionnaire to ensure that they understand the necessary conditions to participate in the test. and then they were escorted from the playtest lab, sitting in a standard equipment with the standard gaming platform before. even though they in the same laboratory, players can not see to what others are doing, all players are put on the headphones to ensure that they minimize disruption.
focus on the early experience: a In the specific operation, we will be defined as the first hour into the game.
larger sample size: the application of the small sample size compared to testing, playtest method the amount of data collected more samples. We usually The sample size is 23-25 ​​participants, this sample size is based on our statistical tests used to derive the dynamic analysis.
Standardization: In a typical playtest, the tester immediately after the end of the game to answer questions. Many of these problems are to build on the previous test standardized. For example, in the game than one hour of experience, players will be asked to play rating, including the rhythm of the game, the screen effects, sound, action and so on. Finally, the testers might be asked about their unique element of the game for testing the feeling of how these problems are tested by the chair designed by expert users .
target sample: we mentioned above, sampling from the player population, for conducting a high quality investigation and analysis of the data obtained can be summarized is of vital importance. for the playtest method is concerned, the same is true .
When playtest for a specific game, we first design a tester of the collect data from the consumer to find the game's problems. For this purpose, the test to compare games and other games is very important. Playtest is not a game specifically for the testing of The focus of the test the first hour into the game.
a controlled environment: Playtest a major feature of the control experiment. from the beginning of exposure until the leave the lab, all the testers are the same way it treated The. experimenter instructions to the test by the same, so that they play the same game, independent game (and there are no AC), during the game to answer the same questions. testing of all testers are using the same equipment, presided over the test The staff are trained to ensure consistent treatment of their testers.
low-cost and fast turn: playtest a key feature is its relatively low cost. a sample size sufficient playtest, The data analysis results can be under supervision in the few completed within a few hours. In contrast, application of the test time for too long, and they cost more.
Playtest relatively straightforward characteristics (computer-assisted, automated through surveys collection of data) makes the design team can access data faster and analysis.
find problems and make recommendations: In the playtest, we can test the game and other games have been tested to compare the test results. < br> Improved comments submitted on the premise that other games in this way the success of one aspect of the game and made improvements, or we observed that when players play other games there have been similar problems.
If a designer According to the results of playtest the game to make substantial changes, we can ensure that these changes to upgrade the quality of the game is effective.
3, Case study: The survey method used in Microsoft's playtest a fighting game: Brute Force in (See specific text)
four main conclusions description:
1. application playtest the main objective is to provide players for the game designers in the game experience for some of the high-quality information. We believe that the game exists in finding the risks and understand the players feel more in-depth, the application of this method is very valuable.
2.playtest an application is to focus on the game or the first hour of early experience, we believe that the time for the game design approach has great value. As time progress, the various parts of the game repeated testing to assess the game's various systems to change the game experience for the consumer whether the have a positive impact.
4.Playtest flaw is, and after designed to test the applicability than it lost some of the feedback that contains rich content. In playtest, the test is unable to communicate with the laboratory personnel, not like in the application of the test that provides in-depth gaming experience information.
5. In addition, we are also a number of other experimental methods, such as game logs, in addition to the laboratory, through the growth of players in the game, players get to play the game more in-depth experience points.

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