Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guest, to be Xuehai

 Many cases, we need forgiveness , we must forgive others , blind to get it, grab only make you into isolation.
accommodate the rivers before the sea because of its great success , due to extensive and much praised. If you do not deeply understand the meaning of tolerance , ignoring the value of tolerance , narrow-minded , Grievance must be reported , words mean , jealous nature ,得理不饶人, not who got the upper hand , they like the dark Night , being blocked from time to time wrestling, into the infinite Trouble.
work in life , between people at a long time, there will inevitably be things such as unpleasant , but if there is no tolerance, will be the lack of harmony between people and warm. Temporary leadership oversight of tolerance can make the heart of the upper and lower coherence ; tolerance under the unintentional offense, make the trip under the perceived norms; tolerance whispered behind my colleagues , to make unity of understanding among colleagues ; temporary fault tolerant relatives , can Happy flowers open long unbeaten ; tolerant friends unintentional misunderstandings, evergreen tree of friendship can not fall ... ... but tolerance is not weakness , tolerance not simply give way to accommodate , in real life , not to give up their own standards of life On the mistakes of others blindly yield to , will lead to greater error , this tolerance is not responsible for others and their performance the most . Have mercy and do not care about temporary gains and losses, the tolerance as a man of the art. Being bathed in tolerance , you will find life will also be a result of tolerance and wonderful !

Reprinted friends to see it ` useful to you

 Haizhu Square, Guangzhou 20-year-old Li Ning store salesperson died ten days ago, the woman had felt unwell, go to the hospital for medical treatment, the doctor read the X-ray film after she was shocked, because the female internal organs and all the bacteria under the skin worms, the liver was only a small amount of erosion, the doctor told her directly to prepare for his funeral, and by the investigation of the woman trapped pathogens Mala Tang and rice noodles to eat all year round, the doctor said that far exceeded the two food bacteria, and condiments after processing are also vulnerable to bacterial growth, and independent health stores, please eat these two foods people eat less or eat later, please forward it to each of you are concerned about
case 1:
a women's hand bag stolen, which have a cell phone, bank cards, wallet and so on. 20 minutes later, she opened the husband's phone, telling his stolen things. Her husband exclaimed: The thief used a stolen cell phone by sending text messages to
Do not expose your phone contacts and contacts between, Jiyong All by name, the fewer words the more secure.
Case 2:
have three friends traveling by car car carrying the man accidentally fell hundred and fifty meters deep in the valley, caught 四日 three nights before rescued. In the meantime, they have many times wanted to phone out for help. Helpless one was hurt, and one is dead, a reception and. They also moved several times to find a better location to send and receive signals, but without success. If ordinary people to know that the three 112 lines, times of emergency but also to know how bad it only charge the phone information to allocate 112 line, believe they can be quickly rescued.
112 common line throughout the country, if not after the phone is open to receive the signal, even a very weak power, any brand of mobile phones can be dialed from any location. After the allocation of 112, will enter the voice immediately as follows: Here is the mobile phone 112 emergency rescue line, if you want to report, please dial 0, we will transfer your call to the police station; If you need assistance, please call 9 We will transfer your call the fire department. Chinese had finished, will be to repeat in English. At this point as long as the dial 0 or 9, some people will answer. To the circumstances in which three people, or lost, or encounter other difficulties climbing, you should dial 9 to get timely relief.
Case 3:
have students like to eat fast food cup noodles, and later, the students go to the hospital because of illness, doctors found that his stomach wall attached to a layer of wax! Originally, cup noodles contains an edible container of wax! Next time you eat cup noodles is not the time Feel Beibi think skateboarding, and that it wants to. The food cup noodles for a long time, will cause our liver can not break down this food wax. Finally, the students had to seek surgery to remove the layer of wax, died.
instant noodles, try out the plane and another bowl for the hot food, do not use bowl, cup noodle containers attached to direct red water consumption. Even if it is business, but also bring a big mug of instant noodles available. To your body, do not be lazy ah!

Case 4:
a very terrible thing: One day, a 21-year-old boy to go to a barbecue wearing contact lenses wild party! As he began to charcoal fire after a few minutes, he suddenly cried, and then very painful jumping around, rolling on the ground ... ... the audience who are terrified, no one knows exactly what happened? We rushed him to the hospital, a medical examination regret to say, his eyes blind!
participate in outdoor barbecue or any possible exposure to the fire source, please do not wear contact lenses! Because contact lenses are made of plastic, hot melt temperature contact lenses in our eyes!

(1) China Construction Bank quoted a gay: Today through a front door, the door has an ATM. One old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me, he said he can not read, get a bank card to me to help him in the front door of the ATM withdrawals. I said I can not help you get, called security to help you. The results, he replied no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him get money. Friends to remember the camera --- yeah, but there are ATM machines. Robbery, or if he said I stole his ATM card, or even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, definitely makes you one hundred fair hearing! I will alert! Is because my colleagues have taken, are still lawsuits. Obviously this is a scam looking for a substitute! Immediately got out ~ ~ ~ scam is really endless, believe it will enter the trap, I am really very hard to detect! More careful to remind my friends out!
(2) Shaoyaoju a landlord, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see another family has the power to go see their own meter box, opened the door to be touching the knife - a knife burglary .. .. to remind you if a sudden power failure at home, do not rush to open the door view, a cat's eye to observe for a while outside the movement, not cat's eye also Gezhao Men listening for some time, there was no unusual ring and then open the door.

(4) attention to it! When the ATM withdrawals must be doubly careful! ! ! ! !
last night in the sea of ​​gold the bank ATM withdrawals when the old woman came back and asked if I could get money, and said what cash machines have a key may be bad, I do not know what time the next one The little girl, always wanted to squeeze me, I did not care, naughty children do, but that she should hand over the money towards the discharge port, ready to take my money, I feel wrong, and immediately pushed her to the one side, waiting for the money taken out. After that I thought for a moment, they both gave me a set of set up: the old women are in charge and I Xialiao to attract my attention, the little girl while I was not looking, stole my money! If I did not prepare for it, maybe the money was taken away, so I set out to enter: (A: I immediately catch the little girl, to recover my money, but who would believe a girl can I grab an adult's money? more alarming is that the old woman standing behind me will get light all the money in my card because my ATM card still inside; Second: I do not immediately chase the little girl , so get the card, catching, then the little girl disappears, the money has gone ah: (they are really 5) My parents are retired. Yesterday morning, to a strange middle-aged man, said he did not open motorcycle oil, and gas stations too far, motorcycles and heavy can not move, so would like to ask my parents want a Coke bottle buy gasoline, began, not to say that it is out of 2,3 million to buy an empty bottle better. My mother took the empty bottles to him, not to mention his pocket money really, but a few Zhang hundred dollar bills, but also let my parents find the money. My mother Dunsheng alert, saying forget, but it is an empty bottle. He must you break a 100 dollar buy, but still goes on hundred dollar bills. Fortunately, my mother has not yet Longzhong, nor is it the kind of people who love petty advantages. female friends must be carefully read, pay attention to self-security, ah, now the social evil.... friend sent me a story, is transferred to you take a look, go out out, be careful, be careful do...

(6) Recently I was told that his friend heard a crying baby on the door, but was already late and she thought it was strange, so she called JC. JC told her: run over. JC told her: We have sent people to, in any case can not open the door. Police think it is a serial killer, the use of infant cry recorder, inducing women to think that the baby was abandoned on the outside, they go out to look. Although not yet verified it, but the police have received many calls by women saying that they at home alone at night, I heard baby cries outside the door, Please pass this on other people, not because of the crying baby open the door.
be taken seriously in this text! there are so far off the mark! caution is the better!!!
If you are a good friend forwarded it to sell as many more friends to see, so that more Friends benefit, so that full text of more friends from away .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Exam or do not get rid of ah!

 Come out how to do Why did you read so many books too!My dream no one can quench it , and I think I think I will stick to my examination is not the test that have more than two decades , in fact, do not mind a little nervous, is still a little afraid of failure, people are You want to fight that , really no matter how hard it has , I think I like this, life after graduation to become a very real question facing the front of each one of us , the era of the home for money Has become the past , Come on! After a few hands waiting for you Oh! ! ! ! ! ! Chow my baby these days is still relatively docile , eat Ay ! Meat is also a long round.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The lives of men and women to know how to tips

 Regardless of where to wear shoes to your feet, you place the foot in the shoes wear a little white wine coated to ensure that no grinding;

2. With the stains on the bag or dirty, you can wipe with a cotton dipped Fengyoujing;

3. in the face after washing, dip some fine salt with your fingers lightly on both sides of the friction in the nose, and then rinsing with clean water, blackhead will be cleaned, the pores have become smaller;

4. go out there at any time in the bag with a small battery, if your skirt with a static positive if the battery above the rub in a few skirts static electricity can be removed under a;

5. If a small area of ​​skin damage or burns, burns, cast a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain and also prevent infection;

6. jeans wear long time it will fade. New pair of jeans can be bought into the brine after 12 hours immersion, then washed with water, at a later time will not wash faded;

7. Curd can be used to beauty. After getting up every morning with a piece of tofu, on the palm to the friction face a few minutes for a month, it will become white and tender facial skin moisture.

8. zipper maintenance: zipper can not pull too fast, too fast; not collapse too tightly; kept dry to prevent and acid and alkali contact with something; zipper astringent, can be painted candles, gently pull a few, you can;

9 white vest to wear for a long time there will be spots, it is desirable both fresh ginger 2 pounds plus 1 pound put the pot of boiling water, cooler temperatures into the tub after soaking white Top ten minutes, then again rub several times, dark spots can be eliminated;

10 tie on a clever addition to wrinkles. Wrinkled a tie, do not iron flat iron can become not only beautiful, as long as the volume in the beer bottle on the tie, then the next day, the original of the wrinkle is eliminated;

11 when you are very mouth Keer home nor cold water, you can put the cup with hot water into the cold water, then sprinkle a handful of salt in cold water, so water can accelerate the cooling;

12 hit the road thunderstorm, do not in the rock, cliff and cave to escape, the passage of current from these places will have arc rain were wounded. If the caves deep, can be hiding inside;

13 helps to keep fit and shape to eat mutton, lamb is the ideal source of carnitine, and amino acids similar substances that help cells fat; 14, rough skin may be the ratio of 5:1 vinegar and glycerin to reconcile the face painting, the daily insisted, the skin will become soft. In the wash water plus one tablespoon of vinegar wash, there are cosmetic effect;

15 tips for drying clothes: clothes in the sun exposure is best not to be in the cool air to the semi-dry, and then put more dried in the sun too weak to protect the color and wear life of clothing;

16 tips for drying clothes, drying clothes can not be screwed too dry, drying should bring water and clothes by hand lapel, collar, sleeves leveled, etc., so drying clothes will remain dry flat, can not afford to fold;

17 anti-fade Second Law of clothing: dark-colored cotton fabric washing add appropriate amount of vinegar to prevent the discoloration, and shiny as new ; new colored fabric for the first time to buy water, the salt soaked cloth for ten minutes to prevent discoloration;

18 bleeding wound on the body, rubbed in the wound immediately some sugar, because sugar can reduce the wound local water, inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, can help wound healing convergence;

19 make-up, the first slightly damp makeup sponge into the refrigerator, cold sponge after a few minutes to take a good foundation for the wiping skin, especially your skin will feel fresh, make-up also seems to be particularly refreshing;

20 lash line tips: To draw a good pair of detailed liner can be fixed elbow on the table first, then flat a small mirror, so eyes down and look to the mirror, you can rest assured eyeliner out;

21 experts suggest that the winter eat red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, onions, red hawthorn and other foods, can prevent a cold; Drink a cup of yogurt, a bowl of chicken soup also has the role of prevention of influenza;

22 towels Science sterilization method: boiling the water first with a towel for about 10 minutes, then wash with soap, and then fully washed with water, Finally, fold the towel into the microwave, heat for 5 minutes;

23 9 种 make you smile bloom food: celery, cheese, green tea, onions, mushrooms, mustard, sugar-free chewing gum, mint, water ; often eat these foods can eliminate bad breath, prevent tooth decay;

24 Dandruff can be improved through diet. Eat more alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables, honey, etc.; eat vitamin B2, B6 foods such as animal liver, kidney, heart, milk, egg yolks, wheat germ, etc.;

25 pillows should be flexibility, but not too strong a good head constantly being applied to the spring action, easy to produce muscle fatigue and injury. Such as the spring pillow, air pillow, etc., can not be regarded as beneficial to the health of the pillow;

26 Winter Watch Hot water bottle inside the water temperature not too hot, heat should not directly close to the skin surface. Diabetes, or peripheral sensory nerve retarded and infants do not have hot water bottle is best for heating;

27 computer harm reduction strategies: 1 hour continuous work should rest about ten minutes. Indoor lighting to fit, cool dry and ventilated. Note that the correct operating posture. Keep the skin clean;

28 old white sweater will gradually wear black, the sweaters refrigerator freezer after cleaning 1 hour, then dry out, can be as white as new;

29 Diamond Maintenance: Do not ornaments stacked together, trust each other so as to avoid friction and scratched inlay; do heavy, intense activity, the first diamond off; every six months for a jewelry store to send professional cleaning;
< br> 30 quilts drying method: chemical fiber fabrics as being, the quilt blankets should not be in sunlight, high temperature baking to prevent the bad chemical fibers, drying may cover a layer of fabric in the quilt, to prevent the sun's drying to;

31 not because of hair loss do not wear sweaters rabbit it can put it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator 3-4 days in the refrigerator, it can prevent hair loss a;

32 magical scarf. In the beauty salon to do hair, woke up to shape. Do not worry, capped with a pillow before going to bed in the smooth texture of silk, they will not mess up the hair, beautiful hair is maintained;

33 hot days, should guard against the cold. Hot, sweating people consume large amounts of energy, the body defenses are weakened, susceptible to colds, attention should drink boiled water, a few times, for each three hundred to five hundred milliliters is appropriate;

34 hot days , many people have foot odor, the following two methods may wish to try: put a little tea when wearing shoes shoes; bowl put warm water, add a little tea, put your feet to soak for ten minutes, you can except the smell! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

8.19 Thursday morning trend and Trader Strategies

 On Wednesday, the market take a very awkward shape, Shanghai stock market turnover reached 130 billion, this stock turnover, finally go into this, can only show a problem, too long and short stalemate, and they clearly show that short selling pressure is not small But the most critical long to succeed. Technically, the trend on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday finished lower technically, it can break strong, directional selection is a critical point. But Wednesday's market is very subtle, that is also red tape, the index finally broke through 2686 points, but will not continue after the index broke up suddenly, the results go into this silly offer on Wednesday, this pattern means that the long and short have to postpone. Wednesday Tuesday, the pattern of the pattern and almost no essential difference, but rather the 2686 session breaking point and small-Yin Xiaoyang these small differences.
Wednesday's K line, from a technical form is up on the two stars, the meaning the market under the current market structure and the three soldiers on Tuesday, before the resistance is consistent, that is, the broader market is still likely to continue to break up, but could not rule out the finished lower. Therefore, for the broader market Thursday, still need to maintain sufficient vigilance to guard against stock finished lower.
technical, two-day consecutive day MACD MACD, this is a good signal, but also support the market continue to be able to run an important pillar of stability; 5 lines and 10 lines on Wednesday Jin Cha, which is an important support, but meet resistance because the uplink Wednesday, then Thursday the formation of a breakthrough if we can not successfully range of the stock volatility will increase, that is, below the estimated daily volatility to hit 5 or even 10 lines.
operation on Thursday if the tape first test a low of 5 or 10 days daily MACD line appears in the original position on the Opening, and then if you break up the breakthrough can not be re-formed high throw, if the break to continue to hold. if direct to break up to see whether heavy volume on Wednesday over the high points over the stock may continue to hold, otherwise the event of a departure from the top of the more obvious or apparent trend of the market sell-off, pay attention to lower position or closed. midline operation, continue to float, do not have to wave running around.
friends and @, someone will respond promptly.):
accounting brother, hello!
I was 07 to enter the stock market can be said to witness the 2007's bull market, bear market 08 and the 2009 unilateral gains. but unfortunately it did three years the result was a loss. in fact, not terrible losses, the stock market has always been the game. Since it is a game we should have a good attitude, and obey the rules of the game. < br> Later, summed up their losses under one of the reasons is that technology is not refined. Last year, after a friend recommended to always pay attention to your blog, really learned a lot. but also through the purchase accounting for Dangdang brother's three Gold game. their own or those that do not. I do not know brother to the blog account by some further enlighten graphic, very grateful. I am very interested in China's macroeconomic time, hope to be able in your blog, discuss with you a similar problem, Thank you
First of all, I am puzzled, to the statements of these things very clearly, ah, why do you not understand? then I would book here probably means repeat.
What is a departure from? direction, the rate is inconsistent with the departure. such as the index rose is no longer high prices or stock indices are no longer called DIFF high; the contrary, no new low price new low index or stock index continues to fall down no longer called the MACD. departure from the top and bottom can not determine the absolute nature of the ups and downs the stock, but the departure from After the trend may produce not far from the amendment, and we should remind investors. For example, after the election of the top away from the stock trend is still strong if you can not sell, but at least can not eat out of stock; the contrary, after the departure end, if the stock trend is still weak and can not buy, but at least it should not be sold, at least until the rebound and then sold.
Now we come back at pictures, look at what is divergence. The figure is August 9 to 15 years K-minute chart, the figure clearly shows the departure from the top and bottom, and away from the situation confirmed. other indicators Similarly, see the (d) m seen through the Candlestick.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Game design in the consumer game test

 First, the author describes:
John P. Davis, Ph.D.: Microsoft Game Studios, user research engineer. Texas A & M University, BA in Psychology, University of Washington experiment Ph.D. in sociology and personality psychology.
Keith Steury, MA: Microsoft Game Studios has served as an expert in user research, Cognitive Psychology from the University of Washington, whose research interest is functional magnetic resonance imaging of language processing.
Randy Pagulayan, PhD: Microsoft Game rooms, user research experts. psychology from the University of Maryland, Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology University of Cincinnati.
II study Background:
1, this article was published in the October 2005 issue of the Three of the users of Microsoft Game Studios are experts in the field. In this paper, several different methods of investigation, and the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages are compared. After one of their proposed use in practice an effective new method: playtest survey.
2, the purpose of research is dedicated to the game survey methods, including focus groups, retrospective survey, Beta testing, application testing, Playtest investigation, which the latter two are of comparable depth analysis.
3, playtest survey to illustrate the application and its effect to a platform of fighting games XBOX Brute Force, for example, analyzed in depth.
Third, the article analyzes the structure:
1, the article begins with the game design and development of office software comparison that the difference between the many similarities, such as communication interfaces, input and control equipment. help guides. for the use of office software, consumer survey methods can be applied to games. But there are also different between the two, such as games to be challenging a sense, this is not office software and trying to avoid.
2, then, the author introduces several methods of investigation for consumers, and analyzes the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. They are: < br> Focus groups:
a typical focus group consists of 6m12 of consumers, they selected from a particular population (such as athletic game).
in the initial stages of a project, focus groups help the formation of certain concepts or, in some circumstances, contribute to better access to a comprehensive understanding of a problem.
for some reason, if you want to provide some specific data to control to help game designers to improve the game, the poor performance of the focus group.
focus groups will also be pressure groups within the group, thus affecting the quality of information. one or two members will dominate the discussion, while other members do not speak comments on the inadequate collection.
retrospective survey:
This survey method has been frequently used to collect information from consumers. game developers will do the survey, find out the player For certain game types, such as racing games, what love, what do not like.
drawback is that good design survey questions and to obtain high quality data, is a tricky thing. Moreover, the sample size must be large enough to be able to representatives of interested groups, data analysis and comparison makes sense.
respondents experienced as different, as reported on their feelings for the same game experience, it is often unclear, so it is difficult to summarize the data collected from out a conclusion.
readme of the game the player experience, will be subject to bias or other disturbances.
Beta Testing:
Beta testing for all types of software in development, and often a developer indispensable source of data. Beta test results to identify major gaps in the game is very important, but in helping to find and identify interesting aspects of gameplay or the game was not so satisfactory.
Beta testers usually is a senior player. Therefore, they do not belong to the the developer is unable to determine the tester for the game in the home or office, you can not control their environment.
these uncertainties undermine the value of Beta testers feedback, make it impossible to determine in the end a there is a universal, or because the test environment and experience staff a special case caused.
application testing Application testing
new players to ensure that (as well as advanced players) can quickly and effectively from the game's menu system (game command) to start the game. In the game, players control must be intuitive, easy to master, the test can also be applied to ensure the realization of this role.
application of carefully designed tests, some important issues for the game, often produce some very detail oriented, and controlled feedback., and therefore make the game better in a very valuable tool. They can also be used creatively to ensure the players according to the design those who expect the game the way and collect some why this is or why the information is not the case.
drawback of application testing: This method is not suitable for providing inductive data. For example, if one or two test participants (total 8) in the test difficult to complete a task, we can conclude that the task too challenging to remind the design team changed it's easier to do?
application of the value of testing is that it focus on user behavior, rather than the user's subjective evaluation. If the test is the number of participants more than enough, to allow making a general level of induction, then the test of time and money consumed by the cost of very big. In our experience, large-scale testing is rare.
Playtest method
the game in order to obtain consumer perception and understanding of different aspects of the detailed information, we will investigate several different ways to a comprehensive approach, we called the playtest method. Playtest goal is scientific and systematic ways and means to obtain consumer feedback on a specific game experience. Its ultimate goal is to feedback from consumers, how they perceive some of the key point of the game information available to the designer. Although these methods of composition Playtest lost their own uniqueness, but we think that they can test out the integrated use of the game consumer samples from our selection of game players out of the database, we invite them to our lab for the tests. When a player arrives, they are tested by a trained moderator guides the formalities. First of all they have to complete a questionnaire to ensure that they understand the necessary conditions to participate in the test. and then they were escorted from the playtest lab, sitting in a standard equipment with the standard gaming platform before. even though they in the same laboratory, players can not see to what others are doing, all players are put on the headphones to ensure that they minimize disruption.
focus on the early experience: a In the specific operation, we will be defined as the first hour into the game.
larger sample size: the application of the small sample size compared to testing, playtest method the amount of data collected more samples. We usually The sample size is 23-25 ​​participants, this sample size is based on our statistical tests used to derive the dynamic analysis.
Standardization: In a typical playtest, the tester immediately after the end of the game to answer questions. Many of these problems are to build on the previous test standardized. For example, in the game than one hour of experience, players will be asked to play rating, including the rhythm of the game, the screen effects, sound, action and so on. Finally, the testers might be asked about their unique element of the game for testing the feeling of how these problems are tested by the chair designed by expert users .
target sample: we mentioned above, sampling from the player population, for conducting a high quality investigation and analysis of the data obtained can be summarized is of vital importance. for the playtest method is concerned, the same is true .
When playtest for a specific game, we first design a tester of the collect data from the consumer to find the game's problems. For this purpose, the test to compare games and other games is very important. Playtest is not a game specifically for the testing of The focus of the test the first hour into the game.
a controlled environment: Playtest a major feature of the control experiment. from the beginning of exposure until the leave the lab, all the testers are the same way it treated The. experimenter instructions to the test by the same, so that they play the same game, independent game (and there are no AC), during the game to answer the same questions. testing of all testers are using the same equipment, presided over the test The staff are trained to ensure consistent treatment of their testers.
low-cost and fast turn: playtest a key feature is its relatively low cost. a sample size sufficient playtest, The data analysis results can be under supervision in the few completed within a few hours. In contrast, application of the test time for too long, and they cost more.
Playtest relatively straightforward characteristics (computer-assisted, automated through surveys collection of data) makes the design team can access data faster and analysis.
find problems and make recommendations: In the playtest, we can test the game and other games have been tested to compare the test results. < br> Improved comments submitted on the premise that other games in this way the success of one aspect of the game and made improvements, or we observed that when players play other games there have been similar problems.
If a designer According to the results of playtest the game to make substantial changes, we can ensure that these changes to upgrade the quality of the game is effective.
3, Case study: The survey method used in Microsoft's playtest a fighting game: Brute Force in (See specific text)
four main conclusions description:
1. application playtest the main objective is to provide players for the game designers in the game experience for some of the high-quality information. We believe that the game exists in finding the risks and understand the players feel more in-depth, the application of this method is very valuable.
2.playtest an application is to focus on the game or the first hour of early experience, we believe that the time for the game design approach has great value. As time progress, the various parts of the game repeated testing to assess the game's various systems to change the game experience for the consumer whether the have a positive impact.
4.Playtest flaw is, and after designed to test the applicability than it lost some of the feedback that contains rich content. In playtest, the test is unable to communicate with the laboratory personnel, not like in the application of the test that provides in-depth gaming experience information.
5. In addition, we are also a number of other experimental methods, such as game logs, in addition to the laboratory, through the growth of players in the game, players get to play the game more in-depth experience points.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tiaokonggaokai late picking method in the application of broader market trends

 Collapse of the most tight bow, catapult out of the intensity of the strongest.
And looking in the direction of the road shock, the market trend as long as the good, deep down the back of each is the rapid rebound, the intensity is very strong, as shooting eagles, bow.
Friday's market is technically the best description is old trader, the choice of leading shares, Haihong Holding and Tianshan Textile, when creating the image of a tactics known as Second, falling in the first day of Yang Xian is upward, the emphasis is on the first day, in a continuous upward after a small sun does not have special meaning.
strong stock selection method that can also be used to determine the broader market trend, the 10.9-day tactics Tiaokonggaokai fully consistent with the basic principles of dragon, having a strong short-term trend is worth the wait.
Also on the high-end liquor consumption during the National Day is also of concern, grassroots research shows that the two During the festival, the whole high-end wine consumption does not exceed the expectations, a number of regional white wine prices declined an average price of 540-545 dollars Wuliangye, Maotai average price of 650-660 dollars, there are 20 yuan the previous period about the decline in early 1573 with basically the same. Manufacturers are better reflected in the dealer, the dealer is better than a reflection of the terminal consumption. two periods due to the uncertain economic situation and the negative effects of drinking and driving, better than the current supply and demand Maotai Wuliangye, Wuliangye better than 1573, the situation is better than mid-range wine consumption superior products, mid-range consumer than the same period rose by 15% -20%, high-end and year-ago quarter, driving under the influence of drink, food consumption fell channels fast, mid-range wine affects more people than fine wines, beer, which suffered the greatest impact. For the fourth quarter, we still maintain the pre-judgment that fourth quarter sales to be better than last year, the negative impact of drink driving will gradually weaken. < br> in gold, ferrous metals outbreak, while the broader market rose Harmony, an organization which emerged this morning a small promise discordant voices, based on historical experience, the event may trigger a new regulation, because we know that the cast Morgan Tang Jian, Zhang Ye facility funds, Zhi-Gang Ye Hai Tong Securities other three famous Primary Three researchers were downtown market . is the most professional online community of stock themes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To share a little experience with computers (if I am better than you are out of date, please Paizhuan!)

 A very depressed this morning, forgot to turn 360safe. In the resort, ah, what the browser program are not open, Kaspersky anti-virus, continuous reboot 4 times. Finally, a key ghost so angry I simply restore the system. Results is again used to install a new program the other day, and some shortcuts on the desktop are restored, and depressed. then AVG-antispyware kill a drug, but there are still four viruses. Fortunately, I was killed. Gaode I wasted a morning.
2 ah really embarrassed. Learning the computer, went so far as the move, but also their own ghost, but also the best of several antivirus software download antivirus. but wasted several hours of valuable time. One can imagine that other less people will use the computer how to do. The virus is really terrible! do not know how many people around the world kill the time! and kill what is the difference?
3 finally share some of their own experience, Try not prevent:
(1) best to desktop background is all black, can reduce the computer's radiation. desktop shortcut, all with the Quick Launch bar, a desktop black, clean, just a quick launch bar with tap, double-click to save trouble than. The best is to set the taskbar to automatically hide.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

July 2 about the authority of traditional Chinese medicine expert guest Point Application Winter Disease

 Interview subjects: Your Point Application for you to do?
Mm Experts on Winter Disease acupoint application of the standard treatment
invited guests: Traditional Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Liu Baoyan
Guang'anmen Traditional Chinese Academy of Sciences Hospital Respiratory Director Professor Li Guoqin
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated Professor Su Huiping, director Respiratory Interview
Time: July 2, 2008 15:00-16:30
in the summer afternoon about the first V the arrival of the Chinese Acupuncture Association Sohu joint health, we have invited three guest interviews between the authority of traditional Chinese medicine experts to talk with netizens Point Application Winter Disease topic!
Sohu health: you friends, good afternoon! Welcome Sohu interview visit the health room. is time again to the dog days of summer, winter and summer disease also entered the golden rule, acupoint application as Winter Disease of the most important as a means of more and more favored by the majority of patients friends.
Well, today, together with China Sohu Health Acupuncture Society is honored to the three Chinese medicine experts the authority to give Internet users turn to summer disease governance acupoint application of the topic. They are:
Traditional Chinese Academy of Sciences Liu Baoyan Professor. Professor Liu is also the executive member of the World Federation of Acupuncture Societies, Chinese Acupuncture Society, Vice President and Secretary General, Vice President of Beijing Institute of Acupuncture, Integrative Medicine, presided over the SARS clinical research, received the National Science and Technology Progress Award, acupuncture group also launched a set of specifications, sub-health state of the basic TCM syndrome research, and standards for clinical evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine a number of issues.
Guang An Men Hospital, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor Li Guoqin Respiratory director. Professor Lee is also the world executive director of traditional medicine, lung diseases, respiratory China Association of Integrative Medicine, vice chairman of professional, Visiting Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Integrative Medicine has long been engaged in research and teaching, has a solid theoretical foundation in Western medicine, common diseases of internal medicine , frequently-occurring disease, especially difficult cases of Respiratory Medicine has accumulated rich clinical experience.
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated Respiratory Director Professor Su Huiping. Professor Su is a national key disciplines of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Respiratory academic back-academic leaders. uninterruptible Chinese medicine in clinical medicine, teaching and research work of 24 years, clinical respiratory medicine for the Chinese subjects. academic development for the prevention and treatment of respiratory medicine.
the same time, also attended today's interview Beijing, many of the media from their fellow.
What Winter Disease of Chinese medicine theory?
Sohu health: the beginning of our interview with President Liu Baoyan first of a brief therapy of A theory of therapy, by definition, the so-called winter disease in the winter easy to attack or easy to add to the disease that can often be in the summer, when disease remission treatment to reduce the number of attacks in the winter or spring to ease the level of attack , so called winter and summer disease governance.
As early as in people to live in nature and bound to the weather, geographical concerns, but also, and socially relevant.
from nature this perspective, why do winter and summer disease governance, because the spring and summer due to weather conditions easy to drink cold water, blowing air conditioning, in particular, tends to get hurt consumption of the body's yang, and yang this time If we disregard the case, often due to weak winter the body's yang, yang to my so-called understanding is that resistance, disease prevention, disease reduces the capacity. We began to think twice when the summer it increased up to the body's yang, yang decline in the winter when the nursing care because you have a yang, can resist the evil to the human body to reduce the incidence.
this way, in traditional Chinese medicine which can be manifested in many ways, the most commonly used, we would like to introduce to you today, called acupoint application therapy, is posted at the point Some drugs, nursing care by these drugs to the body's yang. There Paste the south, the summer according to the body's physical condition, boil some drugs, some plaster, these drugs can eat yang nursing care. There Some people use moxibustion, moxibustion points in Dog Days, you can also nursing care yang. In short, the approach is multifaceted, but many methods are derived from a theory is just that winter and summer disease governance, and fundamental said that this and the Chinese Heaven, that man and nature should be uniform, should be based on changes between the natural harmony with nature to regulate the body against the disease's ability is a great idea.
winter summer disease governance aimed at the diseases?
Sohu health: an introduction by Premier Liu, we should Winter Disease theory has some understanding, then there is your Li Guoqin director, to tell you about the Winter Disease aimed at the diseases? it which will highlight some of the effects of disease? What are the specific forms and methods?
Professor Li Guoqin
Li Guoqin: Winter Disease name suggests, is nothing more than winter morbidity, a number of weak yang patients treated through the summer to the winter of remission, and reduce the onset of the disease. in the respiratory system, including variability rhinitis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc., this type of disease are available through the winter summer disease treatment methods of governance.
Sohu Health: Can you talk about the specific acupoint application this way, it is what are the advantages? operation process is about what?
Li Guoqin: 2,000 Acupoint Application years of history, as early as in the Zhang Lu in a medical home, Chinese patching therapy, that is, on the basis of the ancients studied the drug, the processing after patching the above points in the body, so that by stimulating the body's acupuncture meridians, adjust the yin and yang, enhance the body's immune system to achieve against the The purpose of medical treatment.
Point Application What advantage? First, the use of herbal drugs, do not pollute the environment. Second, disease prevention, treatment, prevention and treatment combination. Third, the disease outside the government. Fourth, the relatively low price. Fifth, good effect. The sixth advantage of less side effects.
Sohu Health: Could you brief us the specific operational procedures, such as how to generally posted?
Li Guoqin: Each hospital has its own operating procedures, as we Grandmaster, the general dog days start from scratch volts, the first V, the second V, dog day, our hospital on the operators undergo rigorous training, first with the patient advocacy, the first publicity which are indications, which are not indications, and aimed for. acupoint application of our hospital has been 50 years, so the source of medicine are all quality control standards, so that from the agents through clinical, to staff training, to patching, improve the efficacy of the patient.
acupoint sticking points efficacy and drug selection on
Sohu health: Minister Li to give us just acupoint application on the operating process and a number of advantages, described below, please click Su Zhuren because many people concerned about the effect of acupoint application of this treatment, you think acupoint application of this treatment and what factors have it? example operate the selected points, the use of drugs, is not the effect of his influence is Big it?
Professor Su Huiping
Su Huiping: Winter Disease acupoint application is a traditional feature of Chinese medicine therapy, are outside the therapy, mainly to traditional Chinese medicine made of paste processed after the select points to sticking should be said that mainly affect the efficacy of drugs and points of choice.
points our drug selection and choice, this is a basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, not just to the election, just about the President and Director, mainly to treat patients for the winter, winter is the lack of patient body yang, easy to make the disease easier to fall ill or encounter cold cold qi is insufficient or inadequate sun, we passed a number of drugs adjuvant therapy, of course, choose the summer of the human body yang strong when the treatment.
have launched so many hospitals, especially in Beijing or northern region, each hospital may choose not exactly the same drugs, but the method is consistent, is based on the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, as now not a very clear and effective medicines to market, basically the majority of hospitals in each hospital or their own agents, but the drug is essentially temperature selected by the meridians of the.
selection of points, too, because the disease is not the same for large Most of the respiratory system diseases or more selected points are not the same in all hospitals, but we basically based on the traditional method, but also according to the corresponding diseases, such as the respiratory system, may be more choice or lung Shu , kidney acupoints, spleen acupoints and other points. now largely in the more formal of the hospitals are the rule, because now more and more carried out, if there are no basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine according to the guiding principles we do, may affect his efficacy.
some, some patients are willing to take home to their own stickers, from so many years of experience in our hospital, we do not advocate the patient get back to the basic paste, because the drug is there, but their choice of points may not be very accurate, or should go to the hospital by a doctor, want to justify it, selection of points, drug selection, this will ensure the best effect.
Sohu health: this and there is no relationship between duration of disease, and some friends, he was many years, and some friends put a lot of years, acupoint application, the course of his disease had no effect on efficacy?
Su Huiping: or influential as any kind of treatment, in fact, good or bad , and the severity of his illness and the length of course there is definitely a relationship, because his condition is relatively lighter or if the course is relatively short, and then the early and timely treatment, should be able to achieve better results.
how to evaluate and observations made by the effect of acupoint application?
Sohu health: questions about the efficacy of the following Premier Liu please explain how the evaluation and observation of the effect of acupoint application made it? For example, there people who posted the summer, winter would not like his kind of looking forward to gasp?
Liu Baoyan: How to understand the effect of acupoint application, I think there are so few questions, first, we must first clear What is the effect, we feel there are several effective means, first, from the patient's point of view, he thinks you this way is called the benefits of his treatment. In addition, from the perspective of doctors, he adopted such measures He wanted to give patients the benefits of the changes brought about in the end or what.
Point Application for so many years through the application of observation, the efficacy of this approach is a major effect of treating disease, what does that mean? We are not saying to the treatment of asthma itself, the treatment of rhinitis itself, but posted after the summer to prevent onset of winter, when not to. because the disease attacks the respiratory tract infection often to keep up a relationship, and we used this method after can make the body's resistance to increased opportunities and upper respiratory tract infection to reduce the number of, or reduce the degree of infection. So we said he was mainly referring to the efficacy of such an effect, is posted after the summer so that His winter reduced the number of upper respiratory tract infection, so the onset of disease may be reduced.
this effect is difficult, from the clinical epidemiology and clinical point of view, the gold standard should be randomized controlled trials, but to have the conditions to use this method? what conditions? interventions for the disease is not fixed, the disease factor is not particularly clear, crowd, observed indicators, measurement, and so are the same, there is a series of requirements. So from now on, the rule of winter and summer disease treatment, mainly a feeling of, from the patient's self-feeling is that it is effective, why? because more and more patients , of course, there are also some herd mentality, and some patients who may have the effect to come to see, but most patients still have positive effects, or that is not posted to the second year of no use, so patients are now more The more there is to that effect. but the real proof of him going to this effect, but it is still difficult.
the approach we are now a trilogy, is now in the country led by the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the organization of the country's 13 hospitals to participate in and be a therapeutic evaluation. research is divided into three steps, the first step, through the reports over the past few decades, the literature, reviewed the research, look at the most important effect of acupoint application of factors, from Now look at the literature there are two main factors, one is drugs, one is sticking a point. In addition to these two factors, but also stimulate the amount of time the size and paste, these four factors through the literature fixed.
second, we want to do a large sample of observational studies. we do not interfere with the patient, how he had continued to use drugs, but his inclusion criteria and indicators to be fixed he observed, his future Evaluation of the efficacy of fixed targets, but the specific methods of operation, such as Grandmaster has its own set of methods of operation, Dongzhimen Hospital has its own set of methods, fixed, and we put them into different groups in the queue, In the comparison between the queue and the queue is to observe between the different treatments to see you use this drug is not the same, there are some differences, there is no difference in efficacy. Through this research the future we hope to major factors can regulate them, can form the so-called technical operation code, the technical operation is supported by large amounts of data in the form.
third step, with this information then, we hope eventually to do randomized controlled trials, the final validation and evaluation of the efficacy of acupoint application in the end how, of course, I think this may take time, hoping to 3 to 5 years to take up such a convincing everyone accepted the outcome more convincing.
points Sticking with what precautions?
Sohu health: there are users asked about the Winter Disease acupoint application when there any precautions it? was asked, very small children, such as 2-year-old , is not such a age limit? Please tell us Minister Li.
Li Guoqin: patching as a drug, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, there is a note more or less, including a number of adverse reactions. s First, the middle of acupoint application, we stand not to eat raw, such as cold drinks, some spicy food. Second, the drug is to stimulate the skin, by stimulating the body's acupuncture points, to regulate yin and yang, so the skin feels warm when patching, hot, some mild irritation, but this is a normal phenomenon, which is the phenomenon of drug works, so the unnecessary worry. but some very few patients, causing severe pain, itchy, this time drugs can be removed. Third, in the past as the ancients sticking with winter and summer disease governance, that the more foam the better efficacy, but now people have changed this view, it is to ask the doctor, neither foam, effects are better efficacy than the ancients, indeed is the case, because with the development of science you have to keep on Winter Disease-depth study of the drug.
patient if you encounter a foam, a, do not use soap water or to wash with cold water, foam and more should go to the hospital to go inside, each year we have some people dedicated to deal with some of the patients foam, so by addressing the future, these patients are healing quickly. But for some patients, His skin easily infected patients, we advocate these patients with caution, especially lesbians, because of her appearance, with caution, pay attention to also pay attention to these matters.
Sohu health: age has no limit?
Li Guoqin : Because we have 50 years of hospital history of sticking through the lessons learned from year to year, we believe that children should not be less than 3 years old stickers, why? more tender skin of these children, he was sticking with the adult drug easily stimulate the skin, easy to foam, foam skin infection after the easy, less than 3 years old so we do not advocate children paste.
Liu Baoyan: patching problems in children, we understand the situation, in fact, many hospitals also have special pediatric to do, the treatment of asthma in children is still a lot, and with good results. from the age of speaking, with Minister Li is almost 3 years old, but some of them may be a little more before that, like the East hospital is like 2 years old can be attached to , but they are a bit different drugs and in adults, such as ginger, Mustard Seed reduced, reducing the amount of skin irritation. usually age 2 to 3 years old can be posted, but posted a short time, not adults so long. Another, with the dosage and drug type, there are quite different. From the point of view, and adults are basically similar, but also to back the main acupoints.
acupoint application will not be immediate, cure
Sohu health: acupoint application may be more now, some people may not understand what common errors, please tell us about Su Zhuren.
Su Huiping: We also carried out for sticking many years, I feel that there are indeed some patients Winter Disease acupoint application of the method has some not very, very clear where I think there are so few:
first, first we said, Winter Disease winter disease treatment, mitigation The main purpose of sticking the patient is to reduce the onset of disease, delay the disease's development, which is the main purpose. For example, patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or need to give him a long-term therapy, long-term drug control the disease, there patients think of me tomorrow, today, sticking out like a disease, this method is not desirable, because the patching treatment is secondary treatment. not the purpose of treatment once through the paste, the coughing stopped, this breath stopped in order to increase your resistance, to reduce attacks, this will be the basis of the amount of natural medicine is gradually reduced, so do not say that I avoid sticking out, for example, I ate what the long-term drug or drug stopped puffing , and so easy to attack hand, it is patients should pay attention to the problem.
another one, there are some patients, that patching method is relatively simple, and many people were now posted, did not figure out the premise, blind to to follow suit, went blind posted, this approach is wrong. Minister Li also said earlier, there are indications sticking point, even including many of our patients with chronic cough, but he may belong to tuberculosis or bronchiectasis , is not suitable paste, in particular, there are some physical deficiency are not posted, if posted under the guidance of a doctor, should not blindly follow the trend, may not achieve the effect you want.
there that there are also individual people think, whether doctors or patients to understand aspects of publicity, should not the method of patching over-exaggerated, or to emphasize that this is secondary treatment, the root cause for not sticking after addition, is still not reach the , the main disease prevention and treatment of disease play a role. Some patients may think, for example, I posted once, posted three times this year, after the dog day had finished, so do not feel anything this time too, not good to lose confidence, in fact, this is a recurring disease, is to have a course of treatment, usually for a small period of three years, the total treatment hope you have a correct understanding of ways.
countries have been sticking points Standard
Sohu health: hospitals are now carried out all over the acupoint application of the method, as there were some our association to regulate the popularity of go like this How? still friends mentioned that he would like to know, many hospitals are posted, Which posted good results?
Liu Baoyan: Yesterday we learned acupuncture in China organized a press conference, issued a national standard practices of acupuncture and the first part of the first part of the basis of a total of 11 operations norms, standards among the 11 there is a sticking point standard, this standard is to standardize the main sticking point during the operation, how to pick the point, how to disinfect, how to paste, posted after the how. While these things are brief, but also the first acupoint application on our country's standards, of course, this is a leading national standards, and promote the use of nature, not a mandatory standard.
Winter Disease is a Point Application kinds of complex interventions, and 4 close relationship factors, the composition of medicines, acupuncture point selection, the timing of patching, the amount of the size of the stimulus, there is a certain relationship. the particular drug of choice, rather deep knowledge in this area. One is Smell what to choose, depending on the situation is not there are changes in the transfer of this drug, when, now with ginger, ginger juice and not the same as the concentration, may stimulate a certain amount of difference there, so here is the difference edge great. This method looks simple, but the learning is quite large inside, so we hope that when this method was applied to the regular Chinese units.
among hospitals in the country to carry out this work Many of this year, learn to come out in the country of 13 organizations selected in this application of more and more, spend more time, more experienced hospitals for research, the 13 hospitals, in addition to China, Chinese Academy of Sciences has just introduced Guang An Men Hospital, Dongzhimen Hospital, East Hospital, Xiyuan Hospital, as well as Guangdong Provincial Hospital, they are organized by the acupuncture, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Medical University, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Hubei Province Chinese Medicine Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated Hospital, Jiangsu Province Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guiyang Medical College Hospital, there are acupuncture hospital in Fuyang, Anhui, etc., these hospitals they have extensive experience in this regard, the operation is also fairly standard.
Guang An Men Hospital and the East straight Mun Hospital Point Application specific time
Sohu health: Next, please tell us about the two officers, respectively, each year, Winter Disease Hospital acupoint application of the time and method of appointment.
Li Guoqin: In recent years people on increasing the awareness of preventing and curing diseases, our hospital posted a 2 million last year. We are basically in the dog days per year the first half began to make an appointment, so that the dog days of the day, lest the officers of the crowded, more complex procedures . why this year we start from July 1 appointment paste. from drugs is because we have posted so many years, the origin of the drug, distribution, processing, quality control and so on.
Su Huiping: Our hospital is , are primarily for the convenience of patients, as they become more experienced over the years, more and more patients, we have registered in recent years began to make an appointment this year, beginning from June 23 until July 18, because we July 19 began the first day of patching, so we are all 19, make an appointment before the registration time each day to work the normal registration time, basically 8:00 to 16:30, noon without a break, to be registered.'ve made an appointment Patients can be registered to July 19 came to the sticking place directly after the paste. I want to emphasize is that sticking to our hospital for three days, the first day of a V July 19, the first two V day is July 29, dog day the first day of August 8, but we pulled a long cycle, usually beginning as early as 7 am until 7 pm, if you register before 7 am definitely able to paste.
patients with acupoint application which materials should be?
Liubao Yan: the appointment time, or when the patient came to him, I would like to remind you about the hope that the patient comes to a little something. first day, it is difficult to diagnose you, you attack the disease because the disease is, there may be many years, so you should see the doctor inside of your original data with the hospital, doctors diagnosed the disease as a basis.
Second, these patients often tend to come now in remission, may not take medicine or medicine are scarce, but should you eat over a period of time, what drugs inside, a little comb, if you can write the best, available to the doctor, the doctor can know how you like the condition in the end, I went to rule from which point of view, this is very important.
there is one, from the doctor, the use of this goal is to have effect after treatment, while This effect is the onset of the case, your original episodes of the situation, the next step is often a starting point for the efficacy of a base. memories of this thing, though, often is a bit difficult, came after I asked you how many attacks over the past year times more difficult to recall, so when we want patients to sort out and think about his disease over the past year, especially this winter, which made several times, each time how to attack the situation, write down two sentences available to the doctor, so that very good.
so I suggest you make an appointment Ye Hao, when the doctor, saving time and let the doctor know your condition well, as the method you choose, the drug of choice, choose will provide reference points.
Su Huiping: I just said that our appointment register, from June 23 to July 18, including Saturday, Sunday is not linked, that is our normal office hours Monday to Friday. because he usually registered because it is the doctor, will hold the blueprint. But patching day, may be more busy, and may be forgetting to bring the blueprint. remind you, because this is the reimbursement of treatment, if the day of registration of patients to hold the blueprint for the day If you did not bring the blueprint may be reimbursed to a problem, so this also reminds patients to pay attention.
addition to respiratory disease, which also applies to Point Application disease
Reporter: Winter Disease can only respect for the breath disease, the other does not exist such as the stomach is to do this patching method?
Li Guoqin: Winter Disease patching method is mainly for current respiratory diseases, stomach pains you said, can go to the acupuncture in the use of moxibustion, especially for some cold stomach diseases. Of course, some of our patients with abdominal paste with good results.
Liubao Yan: the clinical use of this method is mainly used in recurrent respiratory diseases compared much, but I have seen in recent years with which the information is no longer confined to this place, such as used in frostbite, summer all right, made the winter, hands itching, posted after the effect is not bad. < br> But you just said the stomach, some people are Weihan in nature, is cold in the stomach to ache in cold, recurrent, as such situations, sometimes there is a sticker, there are some results.
children Can be patching weak body?
Reporter: I just posted this to the resistance is not to say Well, if the children usually weak body, we have several colleagues came to ask me, is not that our children can Veg, improve resistance to disease when confronted with flu, can prevent disease if the stick?
Liu Baoyan: more like the pediatric use, a pediatric asthma, you just said respiratory tract infection, this is a disease pediatric diagnostic criteria have a special, in fact, weak constitution, people he'll be a cold cold, the pediatric use is now very large, recurrent respiratory tract infection is the disease, the main good results.
Su Huiping: Our hospital is Post pediatric children, but they do every year is special stickers for children, their drugs and our drug is not exactly the same time not the same as patching, such as adult and 2-4 hours, they may reduce the time such as 1 to 2 hours.
Li Guoqin: annual children in our hospital in a lot of commingling with adults, these children than in adults, but posted good results, because of his illness is relatively simple, relatively long duration of adults, there are many other diseases the children very simple disease, after patching the good.
Liu Baoyan: Pediatric we use more and more, one asthma, one bronchitis, one respiratory tract infection, these are more used .
acupoint application of the therapy has not abused?
Reporter: do we now know that a large hospital for Chinese medicine in addition to patching, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, General Hospital, and even some community hospitals are doing, we have experts also said they may use drugs are not the same, we introduced the operation of acupoint application of this standard, in addition to this we also what other measures can be effective, one is sticking to promote traditional Chinese medicine industry development, but also to standardize?
Liu Baoyan: This question is an issue of concern to us, how to do this then, you have to to regulate it, to come to promote industrial development, the key is to rely on science and technology , so why come out this year, China Acupuncture Association, the organization let the country so a large number of applications of this relatively large number of several hospitals, and common to do a study to what is it? is to to regulate this thing, so we study this goal, we set it to the title is it? Winter Disease acupoint application of technical practices. We hope that 15,000 cases of clinical observation, by cohort studies to look at the effect of this operation What is the most important factor. Through this research, we hope the technical operation to clear out the concrete out, such as you in the end is the extent to which the drug, which a few points, is not such a big difference to standardize them, in the Based on this specification for further efficacy evaluation of scientific data show that after our next step will be for the development of the industry standard for the application to the more laid a good foundation. so we project this year, not only is organized has begun to do, and we have declared a national scientific and technological support Eleventh Five-Year Plan, External inside a research topic, we report on this topic this year, and now this issue is still reporting process, we hope to supported by the State, this thing can do so well.
another one, this year we learned acupuncture in China, has just said, we have in the past year, has a relatively extensive research acupoint application of national standards, standardizing the process of some of the main sticking point links, but not what was involved? drugs, because drugs are not as different diseases, but we like the Winter Disease of acupoint application, the treatment of the its drug-like illness may be similar, so that we will further re-do it.
so far this year, China reported that Chinese medicine has been published in the newspaper five or six consecutive period, and experts, as we have Li Director, Su Zhuren, are introduced in that newspaper on Winter Disease of the basic operating principles, ideas, methods, these things I think will play a catalytic role for the specification.
Reporter: You know, now winter treatment of this disease patching therapy summer there abuse?
Liubao Yan: When used in this treatment from the most to see the doctor to compare the kinds of limitations, the so-called abuse is not suitable for use in the disease inside, this Now it seems the situation is not particularly large, because this not only cure the disease, because when the government is in remission, if the abuse would be unlikely to rule associated with these disease conditions. and in the application of the time, in the Qing Dynasty Medical Tong Zhang inside when there is a party, the main side effects of the medicine, the ratio has, therefore, most useful, we understand the situation, the principles are down in large use. So from now on view Abuse is not particularly obvious, but we want to prevent this thing. fix, to economic interests, what people are willing to stick it to you as long as the paste, in which case we should be prevented. So why do we need to do this series publicity around these experts to tell you, but also to regulate this thing we do not mess things to do this, do we no effect of the chaos, it might affect the application of the.
After Point Application how to deal with blisters?
Reporter: Like, when deposited, and some people itch, it will bubble, because of the allergy medicine or what? If you have these symptoms, some people and no time to go to the hospital, at home there ...