Monday, April 11, 2011

Edge of children and parents of the industry (to )

 Edge of children and parents of the industry (to)
baby in the womb for ten months is the development of major organs and tissues of the body, the soul then the baby will fall into a very sleepy state, and the home of the couple to sleep around the main bedroom , and every corner of space and time will form the baby's mother in the magnetic field could also say that pregnancy of the baby room is a nest spiritual world, so often heard old people at home, said the women in pregnancy, the family and the room, not nailing knock in, can not move the bed sawn wood, furniture, etc. can not move, afraid of moving fetal gas, the light stop pregnancies parties abdominal pain, the worst case, give birth to deformed children, or abortion, so the people at home are pregnant, it is best able to provide Bodhisattva, Compassionate and used for drinking water and sprinkle the net to ensure that the children of normal birth intelligent beautiful and filial. In general, to be reborn in the bardo mother before the father is karma attraction, in which the subconscious will be reincarnated as a boy than like her mother most of the types of 'girl' and be attracted to being hired as a boy; and about born as a girl who is very much admire and love his father's appearance, personality, and so on, so many young people in starting a girlfriend or boyfriend, will be elected in some ways like the father or mother were. After the sperm and the egg is only responsible for pregnancy of the body, so the figure looks on the parents and the face, but the seeds of parents and children three Tathagatagarbha retribution is where the temper of genetic individuality, and prenatal care are particularly important if your mother was pregnant with you time, often touching on the table twice, then gave birth to you, you will become the future generation of 'God of Gamblers' Oh! Buddhist self-cultivation, bowing their parents, respectful, and mostly the children born of karma also, so often found in society, gifted children or gifted boy whose parents are mostly teachers, engineers and more smart people. However, if the mother usually clumsy, but since you are pregnant, suddenly becomes intelligent, read never forget, things become more clever alert to the market to buy food when the burden will not be stolen by two, the arithmetic of a class bar, when my mother was not enlightened, but the child in the baby be a reincarnation Wenquxing future reading unparalleled examination, no one can stop, fame and fortune in front of you so parents should be more nurturing and training. Often heard it said: 'I gave birth to a debt collection is really a ghost, this kid (referring to their own children) every weather I am, asking for a handout, and ruined houses, and had known that, when born loquat strangle you, you Buxiao Zi ! 'If your wife or your child remember that pregnant mother's personality to become irritable temper, hate all the people around them, and quick to anger, then your child is likely to debt collection or karma. Therefore, in prenatal care during pregnancy, a week is best to recite their wish by the Jizo, or the Universal Door every day and read the holy name of Avalokiteshvara, and so do most of this can be resolved between parents hate the future fruit. But some children are to repay the debt, so debt of the children of filial piety is particularly extraordinary, it is a wife who found her husband so how filial piety, and my heart really was not the taste, you have to understand filial piety is a virtue, not to mention possible past life husband owes much of its father mother, the elderly present special filial piety. Some children are sold by their parents from an early age and became the adopted son of another daughter, or sold into Chang Liao, alas! More than those committing evil world, causal loop no unhappy, and present one or two less people, next life also were twelve, not to mention social moral decay present, the industry made the crime more painful in the post-waiting! We will also often find that you as parents feel like good friends, it is able to talk to the parents from your child teach you the way education is not cursed, nor quick to family law (stick whips) wait, so Some girls like mother like a sister, but as good friends with his father as a boy. If you find that your heart from childhood to the great Buddha, independent thinking, and personality is nothing like your parents, brothers and sisters most of the pursuit of worldly fame and gain and loss, etc., and you study at school era, unlike most students in their studies only utilitarian competition within the confines of doctrine and care about you deeply feel your own thoughts and hearts of a world difficult for outsiders to understand you. Maybe you have many adventures in life, the Buddha always bless and protect you read around you, you are very concerned about this society and country, and kind heart have hidden side of the heart, so the music economy Hirsch, I think you long for the heart all earthly and the world is impractical on the values ​​of short-sighted short term profits with disapproval, so you will from reading most of the pursuit of religious life (but not negative), not only to human suffering, but also exercise their own spirituality, to prepare for growth opportunity is ripe, put yourself before the set of HUNG YUEN human incarnation, like the Yin Kuang, Chin-old monk and wide Xuyun old monk living beings are all Shengyuanzailai degrees. You may not altogether a religious leader, is also possible that scientists, philanthropists, country people, to people and the nation will have a significant interest. Westerly east, modern love, passion, love and desire cross-flow, coupled with poor knowledge of many pre-marital sex, or abortion for various reasons, traditional and moral conscience, for the killing of abortion caused very little life experience bad. Be made basically killing abortion industry, if this is you if the child is removed to debt collection, you are a more serious crime. And this child will become the infant spirit all day long plate, according to the mother, will wait for the next reincarnation again when you are pregnant, so there is fallen than one or two of the girl child, future children born to treason under the strong, the parents heart, an inexplicable anger and hatred. And you made the unfortunate death of this industry, should sincerely repent before the Buddha, the future never to be repeated.
this period the so-called White's first marriage, always be in love to stay together, are already gone. Husband and wife arguing at every turn to 'divorce' and semi-threatening tone opposite, so every five couples in Taipei, there are a pair of facing divorce or have been divorced, single parent families in and create more poor children's education and youth, and many social problems. Eighty percent of offenders are from a small lunch and problems of family discord, and parental separation is directly caused by the formation of their children bad habits and social problems of the latent factors. We are also often the time in the dead of night, to hear the neighbors upstairs opposite the apartment or the couple quarrel, threw the glass dishes of sound, the sound began to rise and then crying, but also moved out of the 'suicide', 'hanging', 'the whole die at home, eating poisoned forget ',' mother drowned herself'...... with children and other social and family tragedies. Friends or classmates on our colleagues often also find that there is enough to do it Mr honest, good hearted, sincere and honest man, but married a bad wife, Xiong Baba every day, which during the day, Mr. very hard work or business and make money, but also meticulous serve Taizuo home wife. Many colleagues and friends often secretly record straight for you, you with the 'slave wife' like through life. In your world seems to  it! Look at other people the family, the husband of the more impressive it! Why is intelligent and understanding girl Viola flowers do not always home, why ......? Think about it! That a girl born under the sun down on the man burns like hatred, Numuxiangxiang, nothing good face, a face like teppanyaki, as an angry hot steam locomotive, that the sound spread throughout the river eight hundred Cambodian Roar inside and outside ...... but the wonderful thing is absolutely no girl is willing to fly into a rage at every turn, just like an angry machine, which is also very poor, their lives often filled with Chen Xin, before dying industry, when the environment is also the three lower realms of being recruited. Many laymen or devotees present incarnation of man, but feeling bad pratyaya bonds, often being caught in both good and bad men. Heavy emotional person, but also often distressed situation, heart weight gain and loss and the pain of not seeking, after all, we are not pushing their own when the reflection that matter? Men and women of the world if I lost too emotional attachment reason? Why do I love him (her), but the surrounding students, relatives and friends, my brothers and sisters are all the same warning! Past life because of feelings of being blinded by lust of the bonds of karma, love life is to stand the test, many women or young girls, because Yurenbushu and divorce and physical or mental harm. This entanglement before and after marriage the love I hate industry, but also disrupt the calm of our daily life. Some people feeling particularly vulnerable, fearing separation or a romance, a romance, then this heart to be stopped if like, food Tea Food tasteless, difficult to secure sleep, morning to ask my colleagues to see you at work, as if his eyes dull, you seem to live in a very small world of gray, just like children with autism, your heart is by the huge hit, the injury did not light it! That when you're falling out of love! Ye Hao break, perhaps a 'big bad pratyaya' miles, to eliminate the poison of lust, you can sincerely repair Compassionate Quan Yin Method, the amount of opening to the heart, often read Guanyin, Universal Door, Compassion. The family of non-more couples who do not and, more often read to Guanyin , Buddha will bless the children at home and home Jishun Ping An. If you have more hit the Past Yuanqin creditors, sick people at home, often quarreling, or life ring true, etc., most of them bad karma past life inspires. You should seek repentance before the Buddha and Bodhisattva resolve Sushi please complain less, so every event in life after combat or suffering, it will bring you new life. Buddhism is a bright side of life, if a positive letter of your religious beliefs, social and family or personal very good.

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